The Number 5: Properties and Meanings (original) (raw)
5 is a Prime Number.
5 is a Fibonacci Number.
5 is a Catalan Number.
5 is a Centered Square Number.
5 is a Pentagonal Number.
5 is a Square Pyramidal Number.
4 can be Partitioned in 5 ways.
5 can be Partitioned in 7 ways.
5 is a Bell Number.
The 5 Platonic Solids.
Not only is 5 the number of regular polyhedra, but their numbers of faces are all one more than primes. The primes are 3, 5, 7, 11, 19.
The 5 Hexagonal (3-fold) crystal classes.
The Chemical Element Boron has an atomic number of 5.
The five natural senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
The 5 Elements: Fire, air,water and Earth and Spirit.
The 5 Sheaths said to cover our divinity with the various Human aspects.
The five pleats in the front are the five Virtues; gotoku, of Japanese traditional society, with the one in the back representing all five Virtues are actually one major one, that of being a complete human being:
Chuu: loyalty, Ko: justice, Jin: humanity; compassion, Gi: from giri; or honor, Rei: respect.
"To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect Virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness."
The five Virtues are Truth, Contentment, Patience, Faith, and Daya (compassion),
five Virtues-sacrifice, cleanliness, honesty, charity and courage.
Vices recognized by Sikhism:
KAAM | Lust and Passion |
KRODH | Anger |
LOBH | Greed |
MOH | Attachment |
HANKAAR | Egotism and Pride |
Film: The Fifth Element.
The Year 5 AD
Emperor Guangwu of Han China was born in the year 5 AD.
Claudia Julia was born in the year 5 AD.
In the year 5 AD Gaius Asinius Pollio, Roman orator, poet and historian died.
In the year 5 AD Rome acknowledges, King of the Catuvellauni, as King of Britain.
In the year 5 AD Ju-tsu Ying becomes Emperor of Western Han China.
In the year 5 AD Tiberius conquers Germania Inferior.
In the year 5 AD Polyainus Marathonius becomes Archon of Athens.