McLean Volcano, Queensland, Australia - John Seach (original) (raw)

McLean Volcano- John Seach


North Queensland, Australia

15.8 S, 144.8 E
Lava-field Province
Extinct volcano

McLean volcano is located southwest of Cooktown in North Queensland. The volcano contains 18 volcanic vents composed of scoria cones and composite cones.

Older dissected volcanoes are located 10 km south of Laleland Downs, and overlie Byerstone Range escarpment.

Further Reading
Stephenson, P.J., Burch‐Johnston, A.T., Stanton, D. and Whitehead, P.W., 1998. Three long lava flows in north Queensland. Journal of Geophysical Research: solid earth, 103(B11), pp.27359-27370.

McLean VolcanoEruptions

Less than one million years ago.