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Untruth, lie and deception as comprehension psychology problem

V. V. Znakov

The likeness and differences in contents of the notions of untruth, lie and deception are analysed. There are two points of interests: sets, attitudes, intentions of a person passing an information concerning another person; the degree of information's correspondence to reality. Untruth is defined as an utterance based on an error or inadequate knowledge of the circumstances. The lie is conscious deformation of known truth. Deception is half-truth provoking a listener to make wrong conclusions out of correct facts.


Creative manifestations in young children's play

L. N. Galiguzova

Investigation of new reserves of child's psyche, more profound�age-specific possibilities� for development are characteristic for contemporary child psychology. Attention is paid to the problem of child's imagination and its creative aspect in particular: conception and formation of creative manifestations in young children's- play. The main parameters of creative play are: play motivation, structure of play activity, characteristics of imagination. Age-specific stages of creative development in l-3-years-old children are marked out. Play activity is analyzed in its connection to child's intercourse with an adult.

Some characteristics of early stages of consciousness ontogenesis

L. G. Lysuk

There are marked changes in 2,5-3,5-years-old children's comprehension of structural elements of their own activity (goal, acts, etc.). This development is connected to the type of goal-setting (before or during an action). The level of comprehension depends upon the level of activity.

Learning collaboration training

G. A. Tsukerman, N. V. Elizarova, M. I. Frumina, E. V. Chudinova

Developing effect of experimental course "Introduction into school life" is estimated. The course takes place during first two weeks of school education and is aimed at the development of new educational means of child's collaboration with a teacher, peers and himself. Individual diagnostics shows that after the course children possess more abilities to emotional and logic decentration, learning initiative, joint actions and rational conflict overcoming. The effect of the course on decentration was found to be stable in half a year.

Teenager-addict and his social surroundings

V. V. GuIdan, O. L. Romanova, �. �. Sidenko

A study of social space of adolescent with drug dependence is presented. It is shown that disturbances are connected to identification with different social groups and characteristics of causal attribution.

The problem of acceptance in psychotherapeutic counselling

M. A. Hazanova

The problem of maintaining psychological conditions facilitating the harmonization of personal development is investigated. It is considered from the point of view of person-(client)-centered approach after C. Rogers. The phenomenon of acceptance without appraisal is analyzed and psychological features of self-acceptance and acceptance of another person, circular character of their interconnection and emergence of acceptance field are described. The main notions are illustrated by a case out of the author's psychotherapeutic practice.

The complex of games for imagination development

E. V. Zaika

25 games directed to the development of different sides of imagination are presented. They are recommended for the training of schoolchildren. Some features of play's implementation are outlined.

Comparative study of male and female cognitive sphere: Biological and social factors and their role

T. V. Vinogradova, V. V. Semenov

Comparative analysis of biological, psychological and social factors and cognitive abilities leading to women's modest achievements in science is presented. The differences in cognitive sphere


of men and women are too insignificant to explain the differences in creative and scientific achievements. Feministic movement doubts if such studies are merited and methodically sound.

The role of attitudes in cognition of the text: Reading fiction

G. G. Granik, A. N. Samsonova

The problem of forming and functioning of attitude developing when reading a text (fiction) is considered. It is experimentally shown that at the beginning of cognitive process the attitude determining further cognition appears. The attitude limits reader's prognosis and makes it purposeful. The purposefullness though may facilitate the cognition and block it as well.

Problem solving, ability, skill

V. B. Korenberg

Some notions connected to problems' solving are discussed. A problem is considered to be a component of psychic state. Any action (motion or not) is a programmed united activity. A skill is manageing component of an ability to act by specific fixed scheme. Psychological, physiological and pedagogical recommendations can be derived from reviewed notions.

Psychology of� interpersonal communication: On the 100th anniversary of V. N. Myasishchev

A. A. Bodalev

Commemorising the 100th anniversary of outstanding Russian psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoneurologist V. N. Myasishchev his contribution to the studies of personality, character and abilities and especially his theory of attitudes for the explanation of phenomenology and formation of these complex psychic constructs are outlined.

Speeches and addresses on Psychological Institute opening

Continued from N 5�6, 1992 and N 1, 1993.

An example of complex study of associative experiment data

G. A. Martinovich

The results of associative experiment in which 160 students took part are presented. There were different kinds of reactions and their characteristics: immediate reactions, mediated, undetermined and unconnected ones, as well as individual reactions. The participants of the experiment demonstrated speech activity motivated by the task. The majority of reactions was of un-communicative (artificial) sort, being identical by their composition to natural ones.

Emotional sphere study by means of odours evaluation

A. J. Monosova, E. D. Homskaya

Odorous stimuli were used for the investigation of emotional sphere in three samples: healthy persons, depressive patients and hypomaniacal ones. A new method of emotional state testing by verbal and non-verbal assessment of odours is presented. The main parameters of odorous stimuli (pleasantness, intensity) were analyzed as well as odour�determinant (verbal or non-verbal) association. Experimental data for healthy persons and those for depressive and hypomaniacal ones were significantly different. Difference in odour intensity assessment by men and women also were statistically relevant. The peculiarities of odours as emotional stimuli are described.

Spatial behavior and social status of a child in the kindergarten

Yu. M. Plusnin, O. A. Bogatyreva, 0. E. Bichenkova

Children's spatial behavior and their social interactions in the kindergarten group are studied. Socio-ethological approach to the socialization and social adaptation of preschoolers is used. The structure of kids' social interactions is displayed first of all in their spatial behavior, which has marked sexual differences. For example, boys hold less individual distance from each other than girls, and kids of different sexes usually avoid each other. Both boys and girls of high rank are less avoided by other kids than low-ranked ones. It is shown that children have strongly expressed preference for definite places: one's own table and one's own seat at it, one's own place for sleep and preferable sites for games. The characteristics of playing space organization in high- and low-ranked children are discussed. Social status depends upon the temperament of a child and child's general activity.

American Psychological Association

E. V. Shchedrina

The main directions of work, structure, forms of membership, editorial activity of American Psychological Association are outlined.