Bøker/Books - warsailors.com (original) (raw)
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Fleet Lists - Flåtelister Books in Norwegian - Norske bøker
I owe very special thanks to
Roger W. Jordan, Jan-Olof Hendig (who, besides sending me information he comes across - is always quick to spot my mistakes, and equally quick to let me know about them!), Narve Sørensen (who is an ex Thor Dahl employee and has sent me countless pictures of Thor Dahl ships), Rainer Kolbicz, Bill Butland (who, sadly, is no longer among us), Erik Ettrup, Erling Skjold, Øistein T. Berge, Karl Henrik Henriksen, Axel van Eesbeeck, Theodor Dorgeist, Ken Dunn, Trygve Eriksen (who, as will be seen - is responsible for a vast amount of the information on the "Homefleet" ships), Bjørn Milde (who has sent me numerous pictures from his postcard collection), Sverre Johansen (more pictures) Fritjof Remøe, Gunnar Bakke (both of whom sailed during the war, and have sent me several magazines and even books), Ted Agar and Tony in England, as well as Roger Griffiths and Don Kindell (who between them are responsible for the majority of the information in my Convoys section) and many, many others, too numerous to mention, who have provided information, corrections and pictures. Don continues to provide invaluable information in the shape of A. Hague's Voyage Records, which can then be compared with the archival Voyage Records posted on this site for each Nortraship ship.
This list would not be complete without mentioning the ever helpful and extremely knowledgable visitors to my Ship Forum. Many a ship enthusiast around the world has benefitted from their knowledge and never failing willingness to share it.
Also, there wouldn't even be a warsailors.com without my son Mitch, who, after I had received some of my father's old letters from a cousin, eventually managed to convince me that I needed to put his story online, and who created the first version of the website for me, consisting mainly of my father's story. The site had been online for only a few days when I started to receive E-mails from people seeking information on Norwegian ships, and before long I started to list them all, which in turn led to my completely re-designing the site.
The ship lists were initially compiled with the help of the books "Nortraships flåte" by J. R. Hegland, "Skip og Menn" by Birger Dannevig and "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939" by Roger W. Jordan. Then, to my surprise Roger Jordan himself started to E-mail me with more information, and this help was extremely valuable, not to mention the numerous photographs he sent me. Quite a bit (but not all) of the post war info on the ships found on this site also came from him. When writing up the text for the ships, I again relied heavily on Hegland's book, then cross-checked with, and used bits and pieces of information from a great variety of other sources; a date from here, a U-boat from there, historical facts from another - so it has been difficult to adhere "strictly to the rule" and state the source for each fact within the text itself. Additionally, as the lists grew and as websearchers became aware of them, more information, pictures and corrections started coming in from visitors to my website; info they have found in books I myself don't own. In some cases the visitor may have had a father or a grandfather on board a particular ship, in other cases he may have worked for the shipping company and has access to the data for that reason, others have access to Admiralty records in England or primary records in Norway (this input is much appreciated, thank you so very much to all!!).
Below is a list of the books I have used when compiling the text for my ship lists:
| Books in English | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Many of these books are out of print, but can often be found through Bookfinder. | | " The Allied Convoy System, its Organization, Defence and Operation" by Arnold Hague (2000). | | " Shadows on the Horizon - The Battle of Convoy HX-233" by Winthrop A. Haskell (1998). | | " Convoy - The Greatest U-Boat Battle of the War" (HX 229 / SC 122) by Martin Middlebrook (edition 2003 - first published 1976). | | " The Critical Convoy Battles of March 1943" (HX 229 / SC 122) by Jürgen Rohwer (1977). | | " The Fiercest Battle" (Convoy ONS 5) by Ronald Seth (American edition 1962). | | " Attack & Sink - The Bttle of the Atlantic Summer 1941" (Convoy SC 42) by Bernard Edwards (1998). | | " Malta Convoys" by Richard Woodman (2000). | | " The Fighting Commodores - Convoy Commanders in the Second World War" by Alan Burn (1999). | | "Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945" also by Arnold Hague (1998). | | "Convoys to Russia 1941-1945" Bob Ruegg and Arnold Hague (1992). | | "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939, The Particulars and Wartime Fates of 6,000 Ships" by Roger W. Jordan (1999). This book, along with personal e-mails from Mr. Jordan, has been of tremendous help in my research. | | "Dictionary of Disasters at Sea during the Age of Steam - including sailing ships and ships of war lost in Action 1824-1962" by Charles Hocking (1990 edition). Note that this book is now available on-line for download in pdf format via this page. (Note: There seems to now be an issue with copy right, so the dictionary may be taken down - see this thread on my Ship Forum). | | "Merchant Ships of the world in color 1910-1929" by Laurence Dunn (1975 edition). | | "Lloyd's War Losses - Volumes 1 & 2" Available at several Internet bookstores, as well as through Ships in Focus | | "The Comprehensive Guide to Shipwrecks of the North East Coast - Volume Two (1918-2000)" by Ron Young (2000). Available through amazon uk - see this page | | "The Comprehensive Guide to Shipwrecks of the East Coast 1918 to 2003" by Ron Young (2004). See link above. | | "Calamity Corner - The wrecks of South East England and the Straits of Dover" by Anthony Lane (2004). Available through amazon uk | | "U. S. Submarine Attacks during World War II" by John D. Alden (1989). | | "Allied Submarine Attacks of World War Two - European Theatre of Operations 1939-1945" by Jürgen Rohwer, J. S. Kay, I. N. Venkov (1997). | | "Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two" by Jürgen Rohwer (1999). | | "German Raiders of WW II - The first complete history of Germany's ocean marauders - the last of a great era of naval warfare." by August Karl Muggenthaler (1977). | | "The story of a German Surface Raider" _(Atlantis)_by Ulrich Mohr as told to A. V. Sellwood (1955). | | "Norway's New Saga of the Sea - The Story of Her Merchant Marine in World War II" . Nora O. Solum (1996). This is the English version of "Tusen Norske Skip" (below). I found it at Bookfinder. Excerpt, translated from the Norwegian version of the book: Rudzin's Diary | | "Jon's Odyssey" Jon Veiberg (2001). John Rudolph Rudzin, Jon Veiberg and my father were all on Ringulv when she was interned in Morocco. | | "List of Norwegian War and Merchant Ships to which Signal Letters have been allotted" Handelsdepartementet 1947 (The Norwegian Dept. of Commerce). This book is in both Norwegian and English, and I found it at Bookfinder. | | "Liberty Ships in Peacetime, and their Contribution to World Shipping History" I. G. Steward (1992). I've seen it at Bookfinder.com. | | "A Careless Word... A Needless Sinking" Captain Arthur R. Moore (1998, 7th edition, published by the Dennis A. Roland Chapter of New Jersey of the American Merchant Marine Veterans). Ordering information can be found here (the U.S. Merchant Marine website). I've also seen it for sale on many other sites, but at a much higher price. | | _"_Ships of the The Esso Fleet in World War II" Standard Oil Company (1946). Again, try Bookfinder.com. | | " Upon their Lawful Occasions" by Vernon G. A. Upton (2004). | | Fleet lists and Company Histories (some are probably not available in bookstores). | | _"Norwegian America Line 1910-1995"_by Bjørn Pedersen and F. W. Hawks (1995). Can be found at Ships in Focus - link below. In English. | | _"Wilh. Wilhelmsen, History and Fleet List 1861-1994"_Bård Kolltveit, in cooperation with Hans Chr. Bangsmoen and Per H. Kjærvik (1994). English text. Note: I've found a book with the same title and believe it might be the same one. Go to Ships in Focus, click on "Other Quality Publications" and scroll down. They also have Norwegian America Line for sale and many others. | | _"The Fleet of Leif Høegh & Co. A/S 1928-1988"_Updated by Tor Olaisen from the 1928-1968 Fleet History (development of the Company reviewed by Mona B. Kristiansen). In English. | | _"Fred. Olsen Lines - Historiske oversikter"_The history of Fred. Olsen Lines, with a list of ships 1848-1994 (in Norwegian). Author(s) not mentioned (in Norwegian). | | "Bergenske - Byen og selskapet" Dag Bakka Jr., (1993). Norwegian text. | | "Nordenfjeldske 1857-1985 – Fartøyene og deres historie" (Nordenfjeldske - the vessels and their history) Finn R. Hansen (1999) - in Norwegian. | | "Bachke & Co. Trondheim - Flåteliste 1891-1996" Finn. R. Hansen - in Norwegian. | | "Ofotens og Vesteraalens Dampskibsselskab ASA - Flåteliste 1914-1996" w/addition 2000. Finn. R. Hansen - in Norwegian. Includes A/S Ofotens DS, Vesteraalens DS, A/S Nord-Ferjer, Saltens DS A/S. | | "Finnmark Fylkesrederi og Ruteselskap, Hammerfest - Flåteliste 1916 - 1996" w/addition 2001. Finn. R. Hansen - in Norwegian. | | "Troms Fylkes Dampskibsselskap - Flåteliste 1866-1996" w/addition 2000. Finn. R. Hansen - in Norwegian. | | "Helgelandske, Sandnessjøen - Flåteliste 1867 - 1996" w/addition 2001. 2nd edition. Finn. R. Hansen - in Norwegian. | | "The Bergesen Fleet 1935-2003" 2003 (editor: Svein Eriksen) | | "På alle hav - Skipene i Anders Jahres rederi" Pensjonistforeningen Anders Jahre/Kosmos, Sandefjord (ISBN 978-82-90528-56-6). In Norwegian. The book can be ordered through Krohn Johansen Forlag AS, P.O. Box 43, N-3251 Larvik, Norway. | | "En skog av skip - Odfjell 1914-1960" Atle Thowsen, published by Odfjell ASA in 2006 - in Norwegian. |