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The main aim of this edition is to try to break through the wall of misunderstanding that separates two fields, of cultural civilization: the liberal arts, on the one hand and the so-called technical disciplines on the other.
Natural abilities in logical or artistic comprehension begin to predominate at an early age, and people usually stick to them within the strongly regulated framework of the educational system that has been formed in this country.
However, nowadays conceptual deadlocks of the traditional logical methods are getting more evident, and there is an urgent need to form � corps of � new type of specialists, who are able to combine different ways of thinking.
"As far as we know, there are three methods of learning," Russian poet Joseph Brodsky declared in his Nobel lecture. "They are as follows: analytical, intuitive, and the method of revelation that was used by Biblical prophets." At the approach of the �rd millenium, the world of science and technology is changing so fast that the most necessary for � vast range of specialists is to become proficient, at least, in the first two elements of the Brodsky triad. At the same time, computer science and technology are the fastest developing branches of science nowadays. Thus, the task for information science and technology specialists is to synthesize the two fields of cultural civilization, � task which appears to be rather important today.
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� few years ago 1 tried to outline the problem in the lecture "Liberal Arts and Information Science: � Synthesis of Two Cultures", delivered at Professor Rakitov's seminars in th� Soviet Philosophic Society. Later on, 1 delivered � course of lectures on the same issue for budding specialists of different occupations: mathematicians, physicists and programmers. We gradually came to the conclusion that we had to have officially registered our "heretical" activity.
We intend to publishour magazine both in English and in Russian. Professor Cumoa from Tokyo University said that the "great final achievement of the information revolution would be the synthesis of the Western and Eastern mentalities." We hope that the new magazine will become � socially important catalytic agent for the fruitful synthesis of the polar cultures: East and West, Art and Science.