World Sankirtan Newsletter (original) (raw)

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                       World Sankirtan Newsletter
        Yearly History for Ichanatha d (Ekaterinburg, Russia, C)
                      (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total (Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books

2005( 1) 196.45 81 31 9 2 0 0 0 123 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2006( 3) 569.65 87 27 96 551 2524 0 0 3285 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2007( 4) 563.80 62 71 133 327 2732 0 0 3325 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2008( 1) 190.80 55 26 9 99 368 0 0 557 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2009( 2) 150.30 16 13 95 122 273 0 0 519 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2010( 3) 493.40 140 25 101 52 1249 0 0 1567 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2012( 1) 378.50 150 78 1 0 0 0 0 229 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2013( 3) 863.25 262 68 90 905 0 0 0 1325 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2014(10) 1247.20 498 56 131 496 57 0 0 1238 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2015(10) 1610.00 535 173 214 1040 0 0 0 1962 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2016( 7) 1006.50 357 190 57 296 0 0 0 900 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2017(11) 1802.75 575 80 159 1967 15 0 0 2796 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2018(12) 1044.50 309 68 217 1000 0 0 0 1594 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2019( 7) 571.75 144 40 185 603 5 0 0 977 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2020( 6) 259.50 39 2 150 418 0 0 0 609 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d
2021( 3) 175.25 26 8 39 383 0 0 0 456 Ekaterinburg Ichanatha d

Total 11123.60 3336 956 1686 8261 7223 0 0 21462

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                Yearly History for Ichanatha d (Ekaterinburg, Russia, C)
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

    1-yr BTG Subs

Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book (Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points

2005( 1) 0 0 0 2 0 9 0 0 31 0 81 0 196.45 2006( 3) 0 0 2524 551 0 96 0 0 27 0 87 0 569.65 2007( 4) 0 0 2732 327 0 133 0 0 71 0 62 0 563.80 2008( 1) 0 0 368 99 0 9 0 0 26 0 55 0 190.80 2009( 2) 0 0 273 122 0 95 0 0 13 0 16 0 150.30 2010( 3) 0 0 1249 52 0 101 0 0 25 0 140 0 493.40 2012( 1) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 78 0 150 0 378.50 2013( 3) 0 0 0 905 0 90 0 68 0 0 262 0 863.25 2014(10) 0 0 57 496 0 131 0 0 56 0 498 0 1247.20 2015(10) 0 0 0 1040 0 214 0 0 173 0 535 0 1610.00 2016( 7) 0 0 0 296 0 57 0 87 103 0 357 0 1006.50 2017(11) 0 0 15 1967 0 159 0 0 80 0 575 0 1802.75 2018(12) 0 0 0 1000 0 217 0 0 68 0 309 0 1044.50 2019( 7) 0 0 5 603 0 185 0 0 40 0 144 0 571.75 2020( 6) 0 0 0 418 0 150 0 0 2 0 39 0 259.50 2021( 3) 0 0 0 383 0 39 0 0 8 0 26 0 175.25

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| | Ichanatha d (Ekaterinburg, Russia, C) Monthly History Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
               Monthly History for Ichanatha d (Ekaterinburg, Russia, C)
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

      1-yr BTG Subs

Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Total Book Month(s) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Books Points

2020 Feb 0 0 0 125 0 31 0 0 0 0 6 0 162 58.75 2020 Apr 0 0 0 41 0 20 0 0 0 0 15 0 76 50.25 2020 Jul 0 0 0 52 0 2 0 0 1 0 5 0 60 25.00 2020 Aug 0 0 0 47 0 21 0 0 1 0 4 0 73 31.25 2020 Sep 0 0 0 29 0 8 0 0 0 0 3 0 40 17.25 2020 Dec 0 0 0 124 0 68 0 0 0 0 6 0 198 77.00 2021 Feb 0 0 0 85 0 20 0 0 2 0 14 0 121 61.25 2021 Apr 0 0 0 101 0 18 0 0 6 0 8 0 133 56.25 2021 May 0 0 0 197 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 202 57.75

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                               Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
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