World Sankirtan Newsletter (original) (raw)

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                       World Sankirtan Newsletter
                      Yearly History for Australia
                      (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

       Book      M-Big    Big   Medium    Small             BTG  Full    Total

Year Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books

1979 256450.45 0 229864 196 12759 195962 981 0 444667 1981 104882.75 0 39458 24781 195627 41275 0 0 301141 1982 24278.40 5386 4063 31859 12745 37985 0 0 92038 1983 187930.75 17318 15189 46096 85331 1333595 0 0 1497529 1984 269519.15 155394 74788 104739 58840 117255 0 0 511016 1985 100857.15 2700 58890 117863 138632 62233 0 0 380318 1986 10799.55 0 520 4488 48095 14945 0 0 68048 1989 37206.75 1416 6946 23261 95309 60653 0 0 187585 1990 22115.40 3117 3933 16589 34808 6900 0 0 65347 1991 41181.15 8486 13062 36024 30611 4035 0 0 92218 1992 36682.70 6162 27276 21058 25726 6953 51 0 87481 1993 43261.70 10228 12139 30330 43923 37397 132 0 134809 1994 35402.35 10033 11965 17103 27205 33297 14 0 99687 1995 36459.85 7552 12310 38146 30957 21200 21 0 110291 1996 42804.35 11502 9203 20554 33093 65088 22 11 139572 1997 37335.25 7184 13762 25155 31417 56878 36 10 134612 1998 13958.70 5547 3734 7662 9017 4888 13 20 30926 1999 15803.00 4366 3379 8436 29224 1775 6 214 47216 2000 13864.70 3431 2721 9502 18362 4639 22 23 38787 2001 6225.10 1417 1881 3608 6444 301 5 7 13681 2002 9834.95 1551 3086 9313 7012 978 1 4 21946 2003 6439.00 1224 1696 4584 6672 142 0 6 14318 2004 18934.35 5333 4696 11992 20263 149 12 28 42505 2005 19336.70 4460 5244 10554 27210 307 7 41 47817 2006 25134.10 8315 7140 8879 34538 108 23 25 59118 2007 20904.55 8236 3809 7415 12671 79 0 25 32210 2008 14953.05 6125 2705 3110 6812 13 0 7 18765 2009 29902.65 8180 7275 5844 12691 1379 7 37 35411 2010 34084.65 10999 6594 4642 12659 69 0 10 34963 2011 26165.05 7035 7530 4163 9933 3 0 8 28664 2012 22860.90 7627 3247 4533 8132 604 0 15 24143 2013 72064.00 29818 4874 8650 12656 650 0 34 56648 2014 59098.70 23668 4086 9914 8904 4937 0 43 51509 2015 78209.15 33775 1750 10042 14497 2639 0 60 62703 2016 84267.55 32587 8033 10514 20631 6458 0 79 78223 2017 57901.60 23735 2244 6312 19706 1051 0 53 53048 2018 55494.90 23353 2100 5905 13958 2249 0 24 47565 2019 98468.30 43810 2891 7763 15176 2818 0 92 72458 2020 65728.30 29724 1277 4393 10294 2333 0 273 48021 2021 27930.60 10902 1878 3566 8862 2501 0 90 27709

Total 2164732.25 581696 627238 729538 1251402 2136721 1353 1239 5334713

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                              Yearly History for Australia
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

 1-yr BTG Subs
 English Other   Mags    ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--   Full    Book 

Year Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4------H4 Sets Points

1979 500 481 195962 12759 0 196 0 229864 0 0 0 0 256450.45 1981 0 0 41275 195627 0 24781 0 39458 0 0 0 0 104882.75 1982 0 0 37985 12745 0 31859 0 4063 0 5386 0 0 24278.40 1983 0 0 1333595 85331 0 46096 0 13738 1451 17318 0 0 187930.75 1984 0 0 117255 58840 0 104739 0 35758 39030 155388 6 0 269519.15 1985 0 0 62233 138632 0 117863 0 58006 884 2700 0 0 100857.15 1986 0 0 14945 48095 0 4488 0 0 520 0 0 0 10799.55 1989 0 0 60653 90094 5215 23261 0 4835 2111 482 934 0 37206.75 1990 0 0 6900 31943 2865 14122 2467 1907 2026 805 2312 0 22115.40 1991 0 0 4035 30319 292 30248 5776 10154 2908 3792 4694 0 41181.15 1992 51 0 6953 25596 130 19950 1108 25495 1781 2838 3324 0 36682.70 1993 132 0 37397 43610 313 28655 1675 10261 1878 6586 3642 0 43261.70 1994 7 7 33297 27024 181 16263 840 11208 757 4873 5160 0 35402.35 1995 12 9 21200 30919 38 36855 1291 11462 848 5950 1602 0 36459.85 1996 1 21 65088 31461 1632 20094 460 7954 1249 4905 6597 11 42804.35 1997 29 7 56878 30068 1349 22270 2885 12702 1060 5437 1747 10 37335.25 1998 13 0 4888 8996 21 6340 1322 3171 563 4408 1139 20 13958.70 1999 6 0 1775 29134 90 6919 1517 2980 399 3000 1366 214 15803.00 2000 22 0 4639 18334 28 8812 690 1522 1199 1897 1534 23 13864.70 2001 5 0 301 6440 4 2900 708 218 1663 950 467 7 6225.10 2002 1 0 978 6948 64 7837 1476 798 2288 981 570 4 9834.95 2003 0 0 142 6622 50 3390 1194 231 1465 704 520 6 6439.00 2004 12 0 149 20227 36 10749 1243 770 3926 3864 1469 28 18934.35 2005 7 0 307 26776 434 9481 1073 277 4967 3111 1349 41 19336.70 2006 23 0 108 34195 343 7833 1046 1861 5279 6658 1657 25 25134.10 2007 0 0 79 11088 1583 6122 1293 2193 1616 3855 4381 25 20904.55 2008 0 0 13 6162 650 2601 509 1448 1257 3442 2683 7 14953.05 2009 7 0 1379 12338 353 5009 835 4602 2673 3383 4797 37 29902.65 2010 0 0 69 11931 728 4041 601 3254 3340 3040 7959 10 34084.65 2011 0 0 3 9780 153 3621 542 3882 3648 3595 3440 8 26165.05 2012 0 0 604 8130 2 4136 397 412 2835 3983 3644 15 22860.90 2013 0 0 650 12646 10 8314 336 493 4381 9754 20064 34 72064.00 2014 0 0 4937 8898 6 9332 582 320 3766 4753 18915 43 59098.70 2015 0 0 2639 14496 1 9810 232 293 1457 5561 28214 60 78209.15 2016 0 0 6458 20011 620 10181 333 5941 2092 4570 28017 79 84267.55 2017 0 0 1051 18587 1119 6103 209 1175 1069 7139 16596 53 57901.60 2018 0 0 2249 12152 1806 5392 513 770 1330 10557 12796 24 55494.90 2019 0 0 2818 13838 1338 6297 1466 1783 1108 35511 8299 92 98468.30 2020 0 0 2333 9498 796 3990 403 877 400 22347 7377 273 65728.30 2021 0 0 2501 8548 314 2601 965 1167 711 6517 4385 90 27930.60

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

| | Australia Monthly History Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                             Monthly History for Australia
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

    1-yr BTG Subs
    English Other  Mags   ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--  Full    Total    Book 

Year Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Books Points

2020 Jan 0 0 611 1034 216 589 25 160 84 1627 257 1 4603 4692.60 2020 Feb 0 0 10 746 81 248 4 106 46 1289 327 5 2857 3717.75 2020 Mar 0 0 0 375 122 1 5 31 23 228 201 2 986 1039.25 2020 Apr 0 0 157 181 2 85 0 13 0 164 2 0 604 448.95 2020 May 0 0 203 34 8 115 3 8 7 88 140 6 606 560.80 2020 Jun 0 0 226 347 19 149 6 87 13 492 281 15 1620 1837.60 2020 Jul 0 0 256 300 27 272 7 28 7 1432 696 37 3025 4537.85 2020 Aug 0 0 70 614 30 429 4 49 12 1368 1002 63 3578 5185.50 2020 Sep 0 0 492 1556 14 330 31 87 5 1845 1570 91 5930 7544.20 2020 Oct 0 0 0 448 20 192 9 36 5 3327 529 27 4566 7970.50 2020 Nov 0 0 176 959 125 673 44 93 30 3386 372 7 5858 8286.10 2020 Dec 0 0 132 2904 132 907 265 179 168 7101 2000 19 13788 19907.20 2021 Jan 0 0 117 1423 71 730 223 110 209 1650 596 12 5129 5672.70 2021 Feb 0 0 83 1618 44 602 251 159 105 927 504 12 4293 3976.30 2021 Mar 0 0 1929 3170 46 423 246 486 90 1823 752 10 8965 7057.40 2021 Apr 0 0 178 942 39 402 9 254 87 975 857 21 3743 4473.55 2021 May 0 0 106 545 77 266 5 90 172 743 990 16 2994 4029.60 2021 Jun 0 0 88 850 37 178 231 68 48 399 686 19 2585 2721.05

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                               Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
          Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

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