World Sankirtan Newsletter (original) (raw)

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                       World Sankirtan Newsletter
                   Yearly History for Kazakhstan, CIS
                      (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

       Book      M-Big    Big   Medium    Small             BTG  Full    Total

Year Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books

1990 1822.20 739 431 0 858 0 0 0 2028 1991 25506.40 9807 3663 4780 5116 0 0 0 23366 1992 88632.75 33140 15427 14796 11682 0 0 0 75045 1993 109009.20 42938 15710 13585 17751 58 0 0 90042 1994 18003.65 7441 1829 2984 1647 12 0 0 13913 1995 36473.85 13897 5825 5978 4993 136 0 0 30829 1996 36974.05 9880 11781 13855 3884 12 0 0 39412 1997 38870.95 9573 11043 20911 6102 4478 0 0 52107 1998 16658.80 5910 2400 5051 3209 1896 0 0 18466 1999 36995.70 13296 7746 6279 3011 84 0 0 30416 2002 4593.50 832 372 2243 10587 1844 0 0 15878 2003 7017.70 1426 923 497 12869 11384 0 0 27099 2004 3130.50 485 464 338 7485 4920 0 0 13692 2005 13615.45 2050 3678 10233 12056 7643 0 0 35660 2006 12581.10 1667 2015 1297 32011 20339 0 0 57329 2007 12690.25 1595 1617 3937 40552 4867 0 0 52568 2008 23313.45 6216 3416 3065 39648 1700 0 0 54045 2009 7575.70 2237 1958 1170 2102 332 0 0 7799 2010 29072.50 7400 4088 7759 25122 245 0 0 44614 2011 35680.00 10326 9373 4808 12274 1825 0 0 38606 2012 20617.50 4398 5053 7462 12150 0 0 0 29063 2013 15788.00 2452 3718 6441 15782 0 0 0 28393 2014 18971.75 5737 1752 2662 13819 75 381 0 26331 2015 22534.25 8550 1133 2301 12603 0 0 0 24587 2016 9994.50 1239 2654 3287 12876 0 0 0 20056 2018 15475.40 5911 870 1898 7314 59 0 0 16052 2019 21856.00 7945 1129 2680 13988 0 0 0 25742 2020 24121.25 9472 987 3438 9885 0 0 0 23782

Total 707576.35 226559 121055 153735 351376 61909 381 0 916920

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                           Yearly History for Kazakhstan, CIS
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

 1-yr BTG Subs
 English Other   Mags    ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--   Full    Book 

Year Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4------H4 Sets Points

1990 0 0 0 858 0 0 0 431 0 0 739 0 1822.20 1991 0 0 0 5116 0 4780 0 422 3241 0 9807 0 25506.40 1992 0 0 0 11601 81 14796 0 67 15360 0 33140 0 88632.75 1993 0 0 58 17751 0 13585 0 0 15710 0 42938 0 109009.20 1994 0 0 12 1647 0 2984 0 0 1829 0 7441 0 18003.65 1995 0 0 136 4993 0 5978 0 0 5825 0 13897 0 36473.85 1996 0 0 12 3884 0 13855 0 0 11781 0 9880 0 36974.05 1997 0 0 4478 6102 0 20911 0 0 11043 0 9573 0 38870.95 1998 0 0 1896 3209 0 5051 0 0 2400 0 5910 0 16658.80 1999 0 0 84 3011 0 6279 0 0 7746 0 13296 0 36995.70 2002 0 0 1844 10587 0 2243 0 0 372 0 832 0 4593.50 2003 0 0 11384 12869 0 497 0 0 923 0 1426 0 7017.70 2004 0 0 4920 7466 19 336 2 88 376 0 485 0 3130.50 2005 0 0 7643 12056 0 10195 38 220 3458 222 1828 0 13615.45 2006 0 0 20339 32011 0 1283 14 94 1921 16 1651 0 12581.10 2007 0 0 4867 40552 0 3910 27 150 1467 0 1595 0 12690.25 2008 0 0 1700 39648 0 2375 690 1 3415 0 6216 0 23313.45 2009 0 0 332 2102 0 1122 48 0 1958 0 2237 0 7575.70 2010 0 0 245 25122 0 7759 0 0 4088 0 7400 0 29072.50 2011 0 0 1825 12274 0 4808 0 0 9373 0 10326 0 35680.00 2012 0 0 0 12150 0 7462 0 0 5053 0 4398 0 20617.50 2013 0 0 0 15782 0 6441 0 3718 0 0 2452 0 15788.00 2014 0 381 75 13819 0 2662 0 943 809 599 5138 0 18971.75 2015 0 0 0 12603 0 2301 0 1063 70 38 8512 0 22534.25 2016 0 0 0 12876 0 3287 0 2654 0 0 1239 0 9994.50 2018 0 0 59 7314 0 1898 0 0 870 0 5911 0 15475.40 2019 0 0 0 13988 0 2205 475 783 346 0 7945 0 21856.00 2020 0 0 0 9885 0 3421 17 620 367 0 9472 0 24121.25

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| | Kazakhstan, CIS Monthly History Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                          Monthly History for Kazakhstan, CIS
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

    1-yr BTG Subs
    English Other  Mags   ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--  Full    Total    Book 

Year Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Books Points

2020 Jan 0 0 0 146 0 4 0 0 2 0 152 0 304 344.50 2020 Feb 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 1 0 67 0 168 185.00 2020 Dec 0 0 0 9739 0 3317 17 620 364 0 9253 0 23310 23591.75

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                               Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
          Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

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