World Sankirtan Newsletter (original) (raw)

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                       World Sankirtan Newsletter
               Yearly History for Donetsk (Ukraine, CIS)
                      (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total (Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books

1990( 2) 3688.10 1719 319 0 604 0 0 0 2642
1991(12) 59542.85 24700 7126 7013 6312 0 0 0 45151
1992(12) 87939.70 35055 11308 11678 16246 0 0 0 74287
1993(12) 60478.10 24159 7319 9303 10567 0 0 0 51348
1994(12) 67908.00 16577 31431 2758 15718 0 0 0 66484
1995(10) 113500.30 45206 20032 6062 5718 769 0 0 77787
1996(11) 136759.80 57583 16519 11819 5633 932 0 0 92486
1997(12) 42051.25 16284 4811 12024 2623 704 0 0 36446
1998(12) 25382.35 11608 1443 1078 1399 1477 0 0 17005
1999(12) 10851.50 4528 753 317 5749 787 0 0 12134
2000(12) 6924.95 1870 1773 255 7724 1480 0 0 13102
2001(12) 16668.35 4696 5807 1517 4310 2691 0 0 19021
2002(12) 14552.75 3686 5512 1193 6706 2301 0 0 19398
2003(12) 12219.05 3275 5177 628 771 1809 0 0 11660
2004(11) 14396.45 6380 1409 347 402 429 0 0 8967
2005(11) 7729.60 3245 449 456 3764 652 0 0 8566
2006(10) 4043.65 1457 389 487 3676 234 0 0 6243
2007(12) 4372.50 1390 395 1369 2448 272 0 0 5874
2008( 9) 4160.70 1488 170 1420 3220 437 0 0 6735
2009( 8) 5201.00 1627 96 1706 3992 0 0 0 7421
2010(12) 7035.50 2283 59 1447 6748 0 0 0 10537
2011( 8) 4200.50 952 23 3076 2918 60 0 0 7029
2012( 9) 11331.75 2893 83 4412 13027 0 0 0 20415
2013( 7) 5705.75 1451 594 1687 5465 0 0 0 9197
2014( 2) 1230.25 325 150 92 1537 0 0 0 2104
2015( 2) 1894.50 389 374 484 2002 0 0 0 3249
2016( 1) 1530.75 338 480 178 1143 0 0 0 2139
2017( 4) 1533.50 294 418 102 1906 0 0 0 2720
2018( 1) 958.75 194 496 47 205 0 0 0 942
2019( 1) 1892.25 193 546 1396 1049 0 0 0 3184

Total 735684.45 275845 125461 84351 143582 15034 0 0 644273

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                       Yearly History for Donetsk (Ukraine, CIS)
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 07/10/2021)

    1-yr BTG Subs

Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book (Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points

1990( 2) 0 0 0 604 0 0 0 319 0 0 1719 0 3688.10 1991(12) 0 0 0 6312 0 7013 0 769 6357 0 24700 0 59542.85 1992(12) 0 0 0 16246 0 11678 0 5 11303 0 35055 0 87939.70 1993(12) 0 0 0 10567 0 9303 0 0 7319 0 24159 0 60478.10 1994(12) 0 0 0 15718 0 2758 0 0 31431 0 16577 0 67908.00 1995(10) 0 0 769 5718 0 6062 0 0 20032 0 45206 0 113500.30 1996(11) 0 0 932 5633 0 11819 0 0 16519 0 57583 0 136759.80 1997(12) 0 0 704 2623 0 12024 0 0 4811 0 16284 0 42051.25 1998(12) 0 0 1477 1399 0 1078 0 23 1420 0 11608 0 25382.35 1999(12) 0 0 787 5749 0 287 30 43 710 0 4528 0 10851.50 2000(12) 0 0 1480 7724 0 186 69 23 1750 0 1870 0 6924.95 2001(12) 0 0 2691 4310 0 1410 107 40 5767 0 4696 0 16668.35 2002(12) 0 0 2301 6706 0 1050 143 84 5428 0 3686 0 14552.75 2003(12) 0 0 1809 771 0 610 18 63 5114 0 3275 0 12219.05 2004(11) 0 0 429 402 0 335 12 4 1405 0 6380 0 14396.45 2005(11) 0 0 652 3764 0 423 33 24 425 0 3245 0 7729.60 2006(10) 0 0 234 3676 0 466 21 26 363 0 1457 0 4043.65 2007(12) 0 0 272 1483 965 1366 3 30 365 0 1390 0 4372.50 2008( 9) 0 0 437 3220 0 1415 5 22 148 0 1488 0 4160.70 2009( 8) 0 0 0 3992 0 1706 0 65 31 0 1627 0 5201.00 2010(12) 0 0 0 6748 0 1447 0 42 17 0 2283 0 7035.50 2011( 8) 0 0 60 2918 0 3076 0 8 15 0 952 0 4200.50 2012( 9) 0 0 0 13027 0 4346 66 43 40 0 2893 0 11331.75 2013( 7) 0 0 0 5465 0 1644 43 3 591 0 1451 0 5705.75 2014( 2) 0 0 0 1537 0 85 7 0 150 0 325 0 1230.25 2015( 2) 0 0 0 2002 0 458 26 0 374 0 389 0 1894.50 2016( 1) 0 0 0 1143 0 166 12 0 480 0 338 0 1530.75 2017( 4) 0 0 0 1906 0 98 4 0 418 0 294 0 1533.50 2018( 1) 0 0 0 205 0 47 0 0 496 0 194 0 958.75 2019( 1) 0 0 0 1049 0 1396 0 0 546 0 193 0 1892.25

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          Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

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