World Sankirtan Newsletter (original) (raw)

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                       World Sankirtan Newsletter
              Yearly History for Simferopol (Ukraine, CIS)
                      (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total (Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books

1990( 1) 357.30 152 21 0 270 23 0 0 466
1991(11) 10039.30 4333 805 1347 1613 9 0 0 8107
1992( 4) 2495.65 963 277 531 712 0 0 0 2483
1993(12) 2700.70 933 319 1104 862 0 0 0 3218
1994( 7) 599.20 164 185 167 185 0 0 0 701
1995( 5) 3268.30 1120 619 645 929 442 0 0 3755
1996(11) 5640.40 1179 536 6913 1745 651 0 0 11024
1997(12) 9684.20 2266 363 12259 2533 1186 0 0 18607
1998(12) 8736.45 3247 363 3874 2625 1588 0 0 11697
1999(12) 6234.10 2293 752 482 4654 429 0 0 8610
2000(12) 7175.05 2113 2296 265 3362 433 0 0 8469
2001( 9) 9820.15 3576 2077 420 2545 470 0 0 9088
2002(12) 8972.20 3189 2267 517 847 140 0 0 6960
2003(12) 6649.35 1080 3824 887 2268 150 0 0 8209
2004(11) 7392.60 2651 1878 118 1022 167 0 0 5836
2005(11) 4928.05 1922 705 253 1942 6 0 0 4828
2006(10) 2308.50 731 297 647 2249 3 0 0 3927
2007(12) 4416.85 1339 859 1132 2959 408 0 0 6697
2008(10) 3030.90 1278 160 376 1292 0 0 0 3106
2009( 9) 5636.50 2101 116 1193 2888 0 0 0 6298
2010(12) 5500.25 1976 24 1568 2961 0 0 0 6529
2011( 9) 5363.50 1973 145 2013 1064 0 0 0 5195
2012( 9) 9343.75 3660 125 1928 3739 0 0 0 9452
2013( 9) 5286.00 1947 349 886 2400 0 0 0 5582
2014(11) 4313.00 1258 930 978 1512 0 0 0 4678
2015( 7) 5376.50 1757 940 773 2144 0 0 0 5614
2016( 5) 5610.75 2240 430 927 949 0 0 0 4546
2017(10) 4836.75 1592 455 1578 1635 0 0 0 5260
2018(11) 6705.75 2278 376 1911 3273 0 0 0 7838
2019( 5) 2110.25 754 67 541 1059 0 0 0 2421
2020( 7) 4496.75 1209 356 2420 2051 0 0 0 6036
2021( 4) 2446.00 609 163 1216 1828 0 0 0 3816

Total 171475.00 57883 23079 49869 62117 6105 0 0 199053

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                      Yearly History for Simferopol (Ukraine, CIS)
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

    1-yr BTG Subs

Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book (Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points

1990( 1) 0 0 23 270 0 0 0 21 0 0 152 0 357.30 1991(11) 0 0 9 1613 0 1347 0 292 513 0 4333 0 10039.30 1992( 4) 0 0 0 712 0 531 0 0 277 0 963 0 2495.65 1993(12) 0 0 0 862 0 1104 0 0 319 0 933 0 2700.70 1994( 7) 0 0 0 185 0 167 0 0 185 0 164 0 599.20 1995( 5) 0 0 442 929 0 645 0 0 619 0 1120 0 3268.30 1996(11) 0 0 651 1745 0 6913 0 0 536 0 1179 0 5640.40 1997(12) 0 0 1186 2533 0 12259 0 0 363 0 2266 0 9684.20 1998(12) 0 0 1588 2625 0 3874 0 58 305 0 3247 0 8736.45 1999(12) 0 0 429 4654 0 481 1 28 724 0 2293 0 6234.10 2000(12) 0 0 433 3362 0 212 53 17 2279 0 2113 0 7175.05 2001( 9) 0 0 470 2545 0 349 71 26 2051 0 3576 0 9820.15 2002(12) 0 0 140 847 0 489 28 12 2255 0 3189 0 8972.20 2003(12) 0 0 150 2268 0 874 13 11 3813 0 1080 0 6649.35 2004(11) 0 0 167 1022 0 91 27 19 1859 0 2651 0 7392.60 2005(11) 0 0 6 1942 0 244 9 10 695 0 1922 0 4928.05 2006(10) 0 0 3 2249 0 646 1 30 267 0 731 0 2308.50 2007(12) 0 0 408 2959 0 1072 60 50 809 0 1339 0 4416.85 2008(10) 0 0 0 1292 0 376 0 21 139 0 1278 0 3030.90 2009( 9) 0 0 0 2888 0 1193 0 74 42 0 2101 0 5636.50 2010(12) 0 0 0 2961 0 1568 0 19 5 0 1976 0 5500.25 2011( 9) 0 0 0 1064 0 2013 0 32 113 0 1973 0 5363.50 2012( 9) 0 0 0 3739 0 1814 114 6 119 0 3660 0 9343.75 2013( 9) 0 0 0 2400 0 794 92 10 339 0 1947 0 5286.00 2014(11) 0 0 0 1512 0 910 68 0 930 0 1258 0 4313.00 2015( 7) 0 0 0 2144 0 513 260 0 940 0 1757 0 5376.50 2016( 5) 0 0 0 949 0 772 155 120 310 323 1917 0 5610.75 2017(10) 0 0 0 1635 0 1409 169 6 449 175 1417 0 4836.75 2018(11) 0 0 0 3273 0 1754 157 0 376 0 2278 0 6705.75 2019( 5) 0 0 0 1059 0 541 0 0 67 0 754 0 2110.25 2020( 7) 0 0 0 2051 0 2420 0 0 356 0 1209 0 4496.75 2021( 4) 0 0 0 1828 0 1216 0 0 163 0 609 0 2446.00

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| | Simferopol (Ukraine, CIS) Monthly History Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags . | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                     Monthly History for Simferopol (Ukraine, CIS)
                                    By Book Category
                              (Last updated on 08/21/2021)

      1-yr BTG Subs

Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Total Book Month(s) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Books Points

2020 Jan 0 0 0 191 0 183 0 0 13 0 59 0 446 270.25 2020 Feb 0 0 0 46 0 126 0 0 0 0 89 0 261 252.50 2020 May 0 0 0 118 0 145 0 0 12 0 81 0 356 276.00 2020 Jun 0 0 0 13 0 80 0 0 32 0 62 0 187 199.25 2020 Sep 0 0 0 13 0 227 0 0 80 0 373 0 693 942.75 2020 Nov 0 0 0 4 0 18 0 0 2 0 44 0 68 100.00 2020 Dec 0 0 0 1666 0 1641 0 0 217 0 501 0 4025 2456.00 2021 Mar 0 0 0 133 0 99 0 0 26 0 90 0 348 288.75 2021 Apr 0 0 0 149 0 206 0 0 24 0 22 0 401 208.25 2021 May 0 0 0 526 0 279 0 0 46 0 43 0 894 403.00 2021 Jun 0 0 0 1020 0 632 0 0 67 0 454 0 2173 1546.00

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                               Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
          Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

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