Yucca pallida (original) (raw)

Yucca pallida McKelvey

Pale-leaf Yucca

Yuccas of the SW. U.S. 2: 57.1947.


Yucca rupicola sensu Trelease, Mo. Bot. Gard. Ann. Rep. 13: 1902, as to t. 39, 2 figs., and in part as to range (acc. to McKelvey).

Type: MCKELVEY 2862, collected 27 May 1932, somewhat north of Ranger, Eastland Co., Texas.

Other representative material studied.

Texas: fh 1178.17, Killeen Region, 300m,fh 1179.96, Ft. Hood, 240m,fh 1179.97, Temple, 180m,fh 1179.98, Lake Travis, 200mfh 1180.90, Waco, 165m,fh 1180.91, Nolanville, 240 m


Yucca pallida

Yucca pallida, fh 1179.98, July 1998
Kileen, Texas, with typical long inflorescences