0000h_ljfriends - Profile (original) (raw)

on 9 July 2005 (#7676590)

★Friendtastic Community - Meet New Folks★

Welcome to Friendtastic!
livejournal offers a fantastic way to meet new people, and have them read the most intimate details of your lives. we're all voyeurs or exhibitionists here, many of us both…
so why not embrace that?!


add, add friends, adding, adding friends, befriend, bored, boredom, cheese, comments, common interests, connecting, dating, fiend, find friends, find pals, finding people, freind, friend, friend adding, friend making, friends, friends list, fun, good, hooking up, lj friends, loneliness, lonely, making friends, making pals, meeting new people, music, networking, new pals, new people, pals, parties, people, relationships, stuff

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