0h_so_sexxxi (original) (raw)

PROMOTE!! <3 [29 Sep 2004|07:39pm]
okay people you ALL need to promote us in at LEAST one community and post the link! it cant be one of our friends communitys (ex:__oohlala,sexyccpeople, cc_picz, or whatever other communities our friends/people we know have made and no culver city communities) but yeah just post somewhere BUT:...DO NOT JUST POST OUR LINK! you must post OUR PROMOTE PICTURE if you dont know how to post a picture then you shouldnt be in a community. go here(http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=6)to learn how.the code for the picture is- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v60/sn00pyr0ckz/join.gif just put that between the two " so promote us AT LEAST once in a community and then post the link to where you promoted in reply(comment) to this post.thanks love ya<3MOD-JAMIEps/ EVERYONE MUST DO IT!!!
2 are you sexxxi?
[09 Sep 2004|08:02pm]
hey,High school has started for most of us, or Middle school. so there wont be as much updating but it still should be ALIVE people!!PROMOTE PROMOTE PROMOTE!!!!! =D
2 are you sexxxi?
[07 Sep 2004|08:03pm]
dont u think we shoud post in the comunity.... well i do... right now im styaing home from school again... i think i should start home skool now... lol ya im gonnastart working on my clothes designs and mag. layouts for the clothing me and candice are making... gahhh i need to find the 6th model.... =/
are you sexxxi?
MOD [29 Aug 2004|12:28pm]
okay so the 5 ppl automatically accepted are-h0w_rude gotdosedbyyou p1nk_clouds ilovechelsie mental_euphoriayou 5, and janay need to vote on_hey_stewardess and vonb1tch_ ASAP.thanks!<333
1 are you sexxxi?
am i sexxxi? [28 Aug 2004|04:52pm]
**( appCollapse )**hey yeah its Jamie(MOD) since tanner is so stupid and im so nice, i had to post this for him, so yeah youll have to deal with the first pic as a body shot cuz we dont have one sorry =] thanks <3
2 are you sexxxi?
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