Nicolas P . Baptiste | University of Savoy (original) (raw)

Conference Presentations by Nicolas P . Baptiste

Research paper thumbnail of Un autre regard sur l'objet : "La question de l’authenticité, relations entre chercheur et objet d’histoire"

Nicolas Baptiste, 2015

A short french note about how authenticity maters between the searcher and his focus of studies, ... more A short french note about how authenticity maters between the searcher and his focus of studies, the objects itself. It is actually not easy to establish the true and very genuine origin of an artefact, moreover when it is coming from modern or late collections and have been bought on the market without its pedigree or provenance. The author, with his own experience, participated during his PhD to this very interesting meeting and study seminar at the Savoy University of Chambéry.

Research paper thumbnail of Constriction -Construction, a short history of specialised wearing apparel for athletic activities from the fourteenth century to nineteenth century

Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 2017

During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when e... more During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when examining past athletic activity, we must take into account the period approach to the body: liberty of movement is at the same time controlled by morality, gestures and clothing. The French term "tenue" initially referred to behaviour, but since the end of the eighteenth century concerns the manner of dressing, and later by extension, the "dignity of conduct". In the past times concerned with "sporting" activities such as the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), physical appearance is affected by rules of etiquette imposed by morality and civility. From the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, each period offers a different overview of the dress standards in relation to the different approaches to corporal identity, and the constriction first necessary for military activities becomes indivisible from the moral and physical construction. As a practitioner of the 21st century, the question raises about our relationship, not only with our bodies but also with past cultures. As demonstrated by some concrete examples, if it is desired to fully approach the ancient practices, it is therefore necessary to also adopt the garment, in the same way as the accessories.

Research paper thumbnail of Le duc-pape Amédée VIII et sa cour. Colloque international d'histoire médiévale de Chillon (22-24 sept. 2016)

(22 au 24 septembre 2016) organisé au château de Chillon Places limitées, réservation obligatoire... more (22 au 24 septembre 2016) organisé au château de Chillon Places limitées, réservation obligatoire par mail :

Papers by Nicolas P . Baptiste

Research paper thumbnail of De l’histoire au mythe. Regard critique sur les armes du butin bourguignon

Publication du Centre européen d'études bourguignonnes, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Un autre regard sur l'objet

A la lumiere croisee de la litterature, de l'histoire, de la philosophie et de la sociologie,... more A la lumiere croisee de la litterature, de l'histoire, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, les communicants des journees d'etudes doctorales du laboratoire LLS de l’universite de Savoie de 2012 se sont empares de l’objet, de son pouvoir polysemique, de ses multiples facettes, pour y apporter un regard nouveau. Ils abordent tour a tour, les objets historiques porteurs de l’Histoire et des histoires, les objets revelateurs d’identites, ou encore la perception meme que nous avons de l’objet. Traversant les siecles, les romans grecs anciens, la Rome antique, le Moyen Âge ou encore le XIXe et le XXe ; traversant les auteurs d’ici (Diderot, Brecht, A. Ernaux, Maurice Blanchot, Beckett, Francois Bon) et d’ailleurs (Brecht, Werner Herzog, Roberto Saviano, Del Giudice, Mari Silvina Ocampo, Bergson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Berkeley) les communications furent riches et stimulantes. Le present ouvrage permet d’illustrer les questionnements pertinents qui ont eclos lors de ces journees...

Research paper thumbnail of La vie postmédiévale des artéfacts médiévaux

Dans la perspective epistemologique des etudes sur la culture materielle, le present numero de Pe... more Dans la perspective epistemologique des etudes sur la culture materielle, le present numero de Perspectives medievales est consacre aux artefacts medievaux, et a leur determination par des actions, des textes ou des dispositifs qui s’en sont empares apres le Moyen Âge pour prolonger ou inventer leur existence, et leur donner une « vie ». Manuscrits et imprimes, objets sacres et profanes, vetements et equipements, bâtiments et fresques, machines, instruments et outils : ces cristallisations materielles de l’epoque medievale ont ete etudiees dans une vaste diversite formelle et technique, qu’elles aient ete effectivement fabriquees au Moyen Âge, ou qu’elles soient presentees ou interpretees comme telles. L’approche diachronique a ete privilegiee, pour mettre en evidence les valeurs d’usage de ces artefacts selon les epoques et les acteurs qui s’en sont empares. Le numero s’attache a decrire la variete des operations effectuees sur ces objets, et a en interroger les visees, entre anach...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and optimisation of sensitive, specific and rapid instrumental methods to detect low levels of pathogenic microorganisms directly in planta

Research paper thumbnail of Constriction – Construction, a short history of specialised wearing apparel for athletic activities from the fourteenth century to nineteenth century

Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 2017

During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when e... more During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when examining past athletic activity, we must take into account the period approach to the body: liberty of movement is at the same time controlled by morality, gestures and clothing. The French term “tenue” initially referred to behaviour, but since the end of the eighteenth century concerns the manner of dressing, and later by extension, the “dignity of conduct”. In the past times concerned with “sporting” activities such as the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), physical appearance is affected by rules of etiquette imposed by morality and civility. From the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, each period offers a different overview of the dress standards in relation to the different approaches to corporal identity, and the constriction first necessary for military activities becomes indivisible from the moral and physical construction. As a practitioner of the 21st century, the qu...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Combattant au Temps de Jeanne

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 4, 2012

Footman, soldier, billman, halberdier, gunner, sergeant, men-at-arms, squire, valet, pionnier, cr... more Footman, soldier, billman, halberdier, gunner, sergeant, men-at-arms, squire, valet, pionnier, crossbowman, pikeman, handgunner, archer,... Men at war have a lot of names and role to play in the martial and military activities in the Middle Ages at the time of Joan of Arc. These terms are often coming from an evolution, from Antiquity and depict a thousand of jobs and crafts specialised in warfare, sometimes not so well known after these centuries.

Research paper thumbnail of Les armures de Jeanne d'Arc (2)

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 3, 2012

After her historical armour suits, only possible to study by documents and some pictorial evidenc... more After her historical armour suits, only possible to study by documents and some pictorial evidence from her time, as well as preserved archaeological comparison items, another subject is her armour after her own lifetime. The main depicted armour of Joan of Arc are obviously late interpretations, mainly coming from late Medieval typologies or even Renaissance models. But it's a true object of research as well, telling a lot about collectionism and museums history, also participating to a certain elaboration of her legendary appearance, even today.

Research paper thumbnail of Les armures de Jeanne d'Arc (1)

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 2, 2012

After her sword(s), Joan of Arc have had some armour suits made for herself, sometimes offered as... more After her sword(s), Joan of Arc have had some armour suits made for herself, sometimes offered as gifts, sometimes taken from ennemies. Without any preserved example, not even from her time, her white harness has always been researched about its appeareance, structure, reality and history by many authors. What do we really know about it finally regards to archives and collections ? This is a very short overlook of the deep subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Les épées de Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc et la guerre de Cent Ans, 2012

Joan of Arch effigies and depictions followed times and imaginaries of their productions periods.... more Joan of Arch effigies and depictions followed times and imaginaries of their productions periods. During the 19th century, she was often depicted as a young shepherdess, but the traditionnal oldest picture is truly showing her wearing arms and armour, if not with her standard, and the sword is among them one of the most symbolic attribute of her quest. Some preserved swors, two particularly in France has been kept with such attributions and connected to the legend, sometimes with few lights or evidence, but always meaning something important about what she was believed to have been and what such objects are able to bring us beyond centuries

Research paper thumbnail of « Main de velours dans un gant de fer » ou l’armure manquante : circulation de l’authentique et production du faux dans les cabinets de collection

Perspectives médiévales

Revue d'épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge 41 | 2020 La vie postmédiévale des... more Revue d'épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge 41 | 2020 La vie postmédiévale des artéfacts médiévaux

Research paper thumbnail of Un autre regard sur l'objet : "La question de l’authenticité, relations entre chercheur et objet d’histoire"

Nicolas Baptiste, 2015

A short french note about how authenticity maters between the searcher and his focus of studies, ... more A short french note about how authenticity maters between the searcher and his focus of studies, the objects itself. It is actually not easy to establish the true and very genuine origin of an artefact, moreover when it is coming from modern or late collections and have been bought on the market without its pedigree or provenance. The author, with his own experience, participated during his PhD to this very interesting meeting and study seminar at the Savoy University of Chambéry.

Research paper thumbnail of Constriction -Construction, a short history of specialised wearing apparel for athletic activities from the fourteenth century to nineteenth century

Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 2017

During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when e... more During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when examining past athletic activity, we must take into account the period approach to the body: liberty of movement is at the same time controlled by morality, gestures and clothing. The French term "tenue" initially referred to behaviour, but since the end of the eighteenth century concerns the manner of dressing, and later by extension, the "dignity of conduct". In the past times concerned with "sporting" activities such as the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), physical appearance is affected by rules of etiquette imposed by morality and civility. From the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, each period offers a different overview of the dress standards in relation to the different approaches to corporal identity, and the constriction first necessary for military activities becomes indivisible from the moral and physical construction. As a practitioner of the 21st century, the question raises about our relationship, not only with our bodies but also with past cultures. As demonstrated by some concrete examples, if it is desired to fully approach the ancient practices, it is therefore necessary to also adopt the garment, in the same way as the accessories.

Research paper thumbnail of Le duc-pape Amédée VIII et sa cour. Colloque international d'histoire médiévale de Chillon (22-24 sept. 2016)

(22 au 24 septembre 2016) organisé au château de Chillon Places limitées, réservation obligatoire... more (22 au 24 septembre 2016) organisé au château de Chillon Places limitées, réservation obligatoire par mail :

Research paper thumbnail of De l’histoire au mythe. Regard critique sur les armes du butin bourguignon

Publication du Centre européen d'études bourguignonnes, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Un autre regard sur l'objet

A la lumiere croisee de la litterature, de l'histoire, de la philosophie et de la sociologie,... more A la lumiere croisee de la litterature, de l'histoire, de la philosophie et de la sociologie, les communicants des journees d'etudes doctorales du laboratoire LLS de l’universite de Savoie de 2012 se sont empares de l’objet, de son pouvoir polysemique, de ses multiples facettes, pour y apporter un regard nouveau. Ils abordent tour a tour, les objets historiques porteurs de l’Histoire et des histoires, les objets revelateurs d’identites, ou encore la perception meme que nous avons de l’objet. Traversant les siecles, les romans grecs anciens, la Rome antique, le Moyen Âge ou encore le XIXe et le XXe ; traversant les auteurs d’ici (Diderot, Brecht, A. Ernaux, Maurice Blanchot, Beckett, Francois Bon) et d’ailleurs (Brecht, Werner Herzog, Roberto Saviano, Del Giudice, Mari Silvina Ocampo, Bergson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Berkeley) les communications furent riches et stimulantes. Le present ouvrage permet d’illustrer les questionnements pertinents qui ont eclos lors de ces journees...

Research paper thumbnail of La vie postmédiévale des artéfacts médiévaux

Dans la perspective epistemologique des etudes sur la culture materielle, le present numero de Pe... more Dans la perspective epistemologique des etudes sur la culture materielle, le present numero de Perspectives medievales est consacre aux artefacts medievaux, et a leur determination par des actions, des textes ou des dispositifs qui s’en sont empares apres le Moyen Âge pour prolonger ou inventer leur existence, et leur donner une « vie ». Manuscrits et imprimes, objets sacres et profanes, vetements et equipements, bâtiments et fresques, machines, instruments et outils : ces cristallisations materielles de l’epoque medievale ont ete etudiees dans une vaste diversite formelle et technique, qu’elles aient ete effectivement fabriquees au Moyen Âge, ou qu’elles soient presentees ou interpretees comme telles. L’approche diachronique a ete privilegiee, pour mettre en evidence les valeurs d’usage de ces artefacts selon les epoques et les acteurs qui s’en sont empares. Le numero s’attache a decrire la variete des operations effectuees sur ces objets, et a en interroger les visees, entre anach...

Research paper thumbnail of Development and optimisation of sensitive, specific and rapid instrumental methods to detect low levels of pathogenic microorganisms directly in planta

Research paper thumbnail of Constriction – Construction, a short history of specialised wearing apparel for athletic activities from the fourteenth century to nineteenth century

Acta Periodica Duellatorum, 2017

During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when e... more During the twentieth century, clothing permits a real freedom of bodily movement. However, when examining past athletic activity, we must take into account the period approach to the body: liberty of movement is at the same time controlled by morality, gestures and clothing. The French term “tenue” initially referred to behaviour, but since the end of the eighteenth century concerns the manner of dressing, and later by extension, the “dignity of conduct”. In the past times concerned with “sporting” activities such as the HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts), physical appearance is affected by rules of etiquette imposed by morality and civility. From the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, each period offers a different overview of the dress standards in relation to the different approaches to corporal identity, and the constriction first necessary for military activities becomes indivisible from the moral and physical construction. As a practitioner of the 21st century, the qu...

Research paper thumbnail of Le Combattant au Temps de Jeanne

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 4, 2012

Footman, soldier, billman, halberdier, gunner, sergeant, men-at-arms, squire, valet, pionnier, cr... more Footman, soldier, billman, halberdier, gunner, sergeant, men-at-arms, squire, valet, pionnier, crossbowman, pikeman, handgunner, archer,... Men at war have a lot of names and role to play in the martial and military activities in the Middle Ages at the time of Joan of Arc. These terms are often coming from an evolution, from Antiquity and depict a thousand of jobs and crafts specialised in warfare, sometimes not so well known after these centuries.

Research paper thumbnail of Les armures de Jeanne d'Arc (2)

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 3, 2012

After her historical armour suits, only possible to study by documents and some pictorial evidenc... more After her historical armour suits, only possible to study by documents and some pictorial evidence from her time, as well as preserved archaeological comparison items, another subject is her armour after her own lifetime. The main depicted armour of Joan of Arc are obviously late interpretations, mainly coming from late Medieval typologies or even Renaissance models. But it's a true object of research as well, telling a lot about collectionism and museums history, also participating to a certain elaboration of her legendary appearance, even today.

Research paper thumbnail of Les armures de Jeanne d'Arc (1)

Jeanne d'Arc et la Guerre de Cent Ans 2, 2012

After her sword(s), Joan of Arc have had some armour suits made for herself, sometimes offered as... more After her sword(s), Joan of Arc have had some armour suits made for herself, sometimes offered as gifts, sometimes taken from ennemies. Without any preserved example, not even from her time, her white harness has always been researched about its appeareance, structure, reality and history by many authors. What do we really know about it finally regards to archives and collections ? This is a very short overlook of the deep subject.

Research paper thumbnail of Les épées de Jeanne d'Arc

Jeanne d'Arc et la guerre de Cent Ans, 2012

Joan of Arch effigies and depictions followed times and imaginaries of their productions periods.... more Joan of Arch effigies and depictions followed times and imaginaries of their productions periods. During the 19th century, she was often depicted as a young shepherdess, but the traditionnal oldest picture is truly showing her wearing arms and armour, if not with her standard, and the sword is among them one of the most symbolic attribute of her quest. Some preserved swors, two particularly in France has been kept with such attributions and connected to the legend, sometimes with few lights or evidence, but always meaning something important about what she was believed to have been and what such objects are able to bring us beyond centuries

Research paper thumbnail of « Main de velours dans un gant de fer » ou l’armure manquante : circulation de l’authentique et production du faux dans les cabinets de collection

Perspectives médiévales

Revue d'épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge 41 | 2020 La vie postmédiévale des... more Revue d'épistémologie des langues et littératures du Moyen Âge 41 | 2020 La vie postmédiévale des artéfacts médiévaux