ssleep - Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)
still so strange to log in every few months and see notifications of people adding my recent and older work to their favorites, following me, etc. even tho i've been functionally dead on here for...years. strange to think that if i wanted it there's an audience still here waiting for me.
i don't really post writing on the internet anymore because i've been trying to take myself more seriously as an artist and i'm never sure how publishers feel about accepting work that's been posted on sites like this. so, almost no one has read my work in a long time. i'm not sure how or if this has affected my work either. i'm committed for life either way.
i said a couple years ago that i'd started working on truth and poetry again. this is still true. seems the only times i want to break my silence on this platform is when i'm working on that specific series. i've decided to change the name to "truth vs. poetry"; "truth and poetry" was always a placeholder title, but i was never able to come up with anything i felt better about, and the least i can do now is give it a name that actually says something. the second iteration of the series is coming along very slowly. i have three poems finished, but the third was a vignette i wrote without thinking about the plot trajectory i'd established in the first two, and i'm struggling to fill the gaps. the first set of poems evolved from loosely connected scenes to a more connected narrative very organically, and i'm having difficulty finding the same balance of abstractness and specificity. my relationship to the secondary character (the piece has always been and will continue to be a self-insert) has also changed drastically, which is in part why the times where i'm in the headspace to work on it have been so few and far between. i'm there again now, and doing what i always do; retracing my steps, trying to pick up where i left off.
i've decided to post the new parts of the series here. i don't think i'm going to be doing anything with it "professionally" any time soon, at least not until i feel it has reached a point of completion. besides, the original 13? parts have already been up on this website for years so i see no reason to hoard the rest. i don't think i will reach anything resembling consistency in my use of this website, so i apologize to anyone whose comments i reply to months after they've been made. if any long time mutuals are interested in remaining in contact with me outside of deviantart, DM me and i can give you my urls on other social media sites that i do use consistently. please don't be offended if you DM me and i'm not comfortable or interested in a more personal friendship; i have a lot of anxiety around social media and tend not to form connections with people on social media-adjacent websites with the level of "facelessness" dA has. i'm leaving the door open out of respect for the long term relationship i've had with some of you as artists.
the first new part of truth vs poetry will be up tonight. hoping the next will be soon but i'm not committing to a timeframe. hoping you all are well. thanks for still being here after all these years.