1602ficathon - Profile (original) (raw)


Note: the deadline for stories to be posted has been changed to Friday, September 22nd, 2006

What's a ficathon?:

Ficathons are the Secret Santa exchanges of fandom. You sign up with the required information, including three story requests. Participants will be matched -- you'll receive somebody else's three requests, and will write a story based around one of them. Then, once the deadline comes, you post the fic to the community, and you'll get to read the story someone wrote for you!

And what's 1602?

1602 was a Marvel Comics miniseries, written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Andy Kubert, that ran from August 2003 to April 2004. In it, the Marvelverse had started approximately four centuries too soon - in other words, you had people like Reed Richards, Peter Parker, and Charles Xavier running around in Elizabethan England. (And dinosaurs, but we won't get into that.) It is now available collected in one trade paperback, and it's a quick read, but there's a lot of room to play.

More info can be found here.

Sign Up!

- Stories should be at least 1000 words.
- Keep your assignment a secret!
- Please don't post before the deadline. If you'll be out of town or otherwise unable to access a computer, e-mail your story to merctionicht [at] yahoo.com and I will post it for you.

Free Agent Challenge:

If you want to write a fic to coincide with the timing of the ficathon but don't want to have to worry about signing up or fulfilling requests, that's fine. The more 1602 fic the better! Feel free to post it to the comm on September 22nd with the others.

June 28th, 2006 - Sign-ups begin.
July 5th, 2006 - Sign-ups end.
July 10th, 2006 - Requests mailed out (at the latest).
September 22nd, 2006 - Assignments due.

I'm ion_bond, and I'm running the ficathon. Anything I forgot? Feel free to email me with any questions.

(Many thanks to phoenixchilde for establishing the community and allowing me to pirate her rules!)