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[User Picture]

moosl, every time we touch, I find it harder to tell where you begin and I stop. I love you so much, my kadesh!

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On January 31st, 2006 09:54 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

Oh, Megan. Yes, you, Megan Bennett! I LOVE YOU. You are insane in the best way, yet you never fail to take me seriously when I need it. Thank you.

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On January 31st, 2006 11:06 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


<lj user="mhw> I'm just one of the many honoured to know you. Yes, I do tell you that face-to-face when I get the opportunity.

On January 31st, 2006 11:07 am (UTC), (Anonymous) replied:

Re: mhw

I am one of the many honoured to know you and love you.

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On January 31st, 2006 11:21 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


Noo vill vee arr, No-one, no-one
Noo vill vee arr, and anuvva noo vee arr!

Love always.

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(Deleted comment)

[User Picture]

Re: Mundenlogic

My whole world is better and more fantastic because you my love are in it. I love you and want to be with you forever my love x x x x x

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On January 31st, 2006 11:41 am (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

Miss Perdita

miss_perdita is so spunky
Both her breasts are very funky
She hasn't got a hairy chest
And goes to bed without her vest!

Once been seen she's not forgotten
Not least because of her lovely bottom
And if you play your cards right baby
You could have me... AND my lady!

Re: Miss Perdita

Roses are red
telephones are plastic
disco is dead
and you are fantastic!

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On January 31st, 2006 01:13 pm (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


Your beuty, grace, and general everything never ceases to astound me. I wish you a love worthy of you, someone who will be not just a "now" love, but a lifetime one.

[User Picture]

Re: Maelithil

That brought a smile to my face and a quiver in my tummy. In fact, I'm going to have a smile on my face all week, and your lovely words will warm me when I need to be cuddled.

*hugs real real tight*

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[User Picture]


my son, my clone, join me, and we will rule the galaxy. or don't! i will always love you.


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[User Picture]


my sweet wife, Marilyn, oh, the chinese food we've had... and have yet to taste!


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On January 31st, 2006 01:52 pm (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:


You're the coolest punk mama in town!

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On January 31st, 2006 03:31 pm (UTC), (Anonymous) commented:

Megan, you ignore my messages, you cancel plans, you cut dates short, you break promises, and you assure me that nothing's wrong.

... for the most part, I trust you. But there's a part of me that doesn't know what to think of all the coincidences.

I love you, but I don't think you care.

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