With our hands, we express our hearts (original) (raw)

[11 Mar 2005|03:18pm]
[ **mood** | calm ] Hello i am new hereMy name is Kara Leei am / or will be 16i write poetryi love Art and Music.i live in New York and Hate itI am gayi am very sportive and funand i hope to meet alot of cool interesting people here example i guess of my poetry
11 soldiers ; March into the unknown with me
[15 Feb 2005|06:50pm]
OKAY!!! I havn't updated in a loooong time, I've been busy, and grounded... fun.. HUGE update!! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! Her name is Rebecca, she's 14 and she lives like 20 min away. She's soooo amazing, and we have been going out since 1/29, I love her more than anything, and I think this relationship will last a long time.Here are some pix of herI'm gonna take more pix of her later tho, when I get to see her next. Which won't be for 2 or 3 weeks cause I'm grounded, but I left some stuff over at her house last weekend, so she now has a reason to stop by. Yay!! anywho, just thought I would let everyone know.*Just as long as were together...
2 soldiers ; March into the unknown with me
[22 Dec 2004|11:48am]
I got bored lastnight, so I decided to write a poem. Tell me what you think. I think it sounds more like a story than a poem, but that's just me...DaysAfraid of whatThe future might holdI lay awakeOn this forDecember nightPossibly dreadingThe futureI cryThinking aloud“I can’t love her,she’s everything to meI can’t lose her again.”The tearsStream downMy faceAs I say“I love you”to the shadows in myceiling and walls.Hoping,SomehowYou heard me.You aren’t here.Not in my arms.No, not tonight.I long to holdYou in my armsTo kiss youSoft lipsAnd whisper inYour ear“I love you”Oh how ILong for the day,When nothingHas to matter.Age…Gender…Nothing.Just love.Just us.Until that dayI will be hereForeverFor youWith youLoving youUntil theEnd of time.Written about my gf, Danielle.I love you soo much Dani.<3<3
11 soldiers ; March into the unknown with me
erm.. [16 Nov 2004|08:51pm]
[ **mood** | lonely... love me? please...? ] umm... yeah. idk what to say... im new. im weird, i think to much, i hurt inside, im straight as a rainbow (tee hee) ummm i hate the way i look... i hate my family and prolly everything about me... im gonna stop now... yeah... love you all...<3<3
5 soldiers ; March into the unknown with me
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