22pearsonvamp - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 January 2004 (#1999132)

Somerville, Massachusetts, United States

A LiveJournal community for the players of the Vampire: the Masquerade chronicle that began in January 2004 at "Somewhere Over The Bike Path," a private residence in Somerville, Massachusetts. The game now takes place at "Continuum," with most of the same players.

blood dolls, brujah, cold blood, crooked cops, empty rooms, gangrel, homeless men, late-night deliveries, malkavian, mysterious books in german, nightclubs, nosferatu, nosferatu sex cults, not being murderous scum, one-sided conversations, pigeons, scorpion bowls, street people, ten-sided dice, toreador, tremere, unfortunate feeding accidents, vampire, vampire: the masquerade, ventrue
