25 Lovers (original) (raw)
Title: Guess what?
Pairing: Aksel Lund Svindal / Carlo Janka
Prompt: angel
Rating: PG
Disclamer: This story is complete fiction...
Word count: 208
A/N: Not beta-ed, all mistakes are mine. Written like three days ago, when there was a carnival in the near future for me =P
Title: Sightseeing
Pairing: Aksel Lund Svindal / Didier Cuche
Prompt: morning
Rating: PG
Disclamer: This story is complete fiction...
Word count: 216
A/N: Not beta-ed, all mistakes are mine.
Current Location: home
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: TV
17 January 2011 @ 11:15 am
Your new prompt is: homeland
Dictionary.com entry for homeland
You can also check out: http://www.visualthesaurus.com/
16 January 2011 @ 10:08 pm
As there have been very few posts during the catch-up round I hereby announce an Amnesty period which will last until the end of April 2011.
If you would like to drop the character you have claimed you may do so at any time during the amnesty period and this will not affect your table. However you must write at least five stories for the next character you claim before you can drop them without penalty during the amnesty period.
You should also note that if you have written a character as a lover for your previous character you cannot now write them as a lover for you new character e.g. If you picked Angel and then wrote Buffy as one of his lovers. You've dropped Angel and want to write Spike, you can't now write Buffy as one of his lovers. You could write Angel... if you haven't already written Spike as one of his lovers.
Please comment with any requests for clarification (because I'm sure I've confused everyone), character dropping notifications etc.
26 September 2010 @ 12:17 pm
Your new prompt is : Stars Dictionary.com entry for star
Visual Thesaurus entry for Star
( Read more...Collapse )
24 September 2010 @ 11:56 am
I'm okmewriting and I'll be helping
zimena out with the moderation of this community.
As the community has been a bit quiet of late I thought it would be a good time for a catch up round. You have until 31st December 2010 to write for any prompts that you have not yet completed.
Past Prompts
I'll post a new prompt on Sunday.
Good Luck.
If you have any questions or suggestions you can comment on this post or send me a message.
Title: Wake Me When It's Over
Fandom: RPF (Linkin Park, partly)
Pairing: Chester Bennington/Che Guevara
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Tear
Warnings: violence, I guess.
Disclaimer: I don't own these people.
Word count: 296
Summary: 1950. The jungles of Sierra Maestra. A guerrilla leader and a journalist.
A/N: I don't know how this happened. Vaguely inspired by Decoration Day by Grinderman. Also, it's more of an experiment than an actual fic. (Yeah, I know this community deserves so much better :/)
( Wake Me When It's Over Collapse )
Let's make another attempt at reviving this community?
The last prompt is already much older than the two weeks that are supposed to pass between prompts. This is of course my fault, since I forgot to post a new one. But... now I have reminders set to do it at the scheduled intervals, so I hope you are also ready to wipe the dust from your prompt tables and make another try at completing some prompts?
If so, your next prompt is Tear. The obvious meaning of this word is perhaps a little bit sad, but dictionary.com lists a number of other definitions as well. And, don't forget that even the tears that fall from someone's eyes don't have to have a sad reason.
Go wild and have fun with this prompt. You have until Sunday, 11 July, 2010.
Just a quick note to leave you a new prompt. This time, your prompt is Bar. The most obvious interpretation of the word is perhaps that place where people go to buy drinks or hang around for who-knows-what sort of activities. There are other possible meanings, though - just ask dictionary.com.
This prompt will remain in play until Sunday, March 28, 2010.
Also - don't forget that the catch-up round is still on, so you are free to write for all the past prompts as well.
Title: Just friends
Prompt: Betrayal
Rating: PGPairing: Aksel Lund Svindal / Julia Mancuso
Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction...
Word count: 113A/N: This wasn't beta-ed, all mistakes are mine. And I can`t to angst without a happy end...so this is just weird. But hopefully not horrible *grins*
Current Location: home
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: radio ena
23 February 2010 @ 11:40 am
This is the 25_lovers table.
Remember that you are supposed to build your table yourself. Whenever you finish writing a prompt, you should add it to the table, until you have 25 completed prompts. However, everyone picks different prompts and write them in a different order, so that's why the table is empty from the start.
Behind the cut, you will find an empty table and the HTML code you will need to post the table to your journal.