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The Daily Mail Publishes Homophobic Article Regarding Death of Boyzone Singer [Oct. 16th, 2009|12:23 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
The Daily Mail, a daily British tabloid newspaper has published a disgusting homophobic piece about the death of Boyzone singer Stephen Gately.http://queersunited.blogspot.com/2009/10/daily-mail-publishes-homophobic-article.html
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Awww, the poor community hasn't had a post in months. [Oct. 14th, 2009|11:29 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
[Current Location |I don't know. I'm LOST!] [mood confusedconfused] [music Utada - Sanctuary] Hiya. I'm another one of those noobs that you'll ignore simply for being a noob. That's the way the world rolls. I decided to post here because I've noticed that I have recently became attracted to other women. I'm still in high school, so you can guess all the delightfu l things I must be confused about. Since I've joined I wanted to say:Name: Known as Micro or G LOL... Seriously.Age: 16Here for: Defying boredom.Add me if you please or if you would like to help me out in figuring out if I'm a possible bi. *ponder ponder*
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Sundays of Solidarity [Mar. 30th, 2009|01:54 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
Between May 17 and June 28, 2009, groups of LGBT and allied people around the country will attend worship services at a church of their choice - a church that is not welcoming and affirming of openly LGBT members and guests. Each group will wear a lapel button that reads "gay? fine by me." For less formal churches we also have a t-shirt with this message. The lapel button (or t-shirt) serves as a conversation starter - opening dialogue with people in the church about faith, sexual orientation, and gender identity.When that visible act of courage is paired with adequate training, then transforming hearts and minds becomes a bona fide possibility. That's why we've designed a three-part teleconference course and a resource webpage that covers the essentials of Nonviolent communication, Media talking points, and What both the Bible and science really say about homosexuality. Training teleconferences will be held on April 19, April 26, and May 3 at 4pm CST. To register for the trainings go to http://www.soulforce.org/moodle/login/index.php and enter your information.We hope you will consider organizing a Sundays of Solidarity project in your area. It simply involves choosing a church in your area that could benefit from an SOS visit, using your contact list to recruit others to join you, attending the teleconference training sessions, and then organizing your group to take action on one of the Sundays between May 17 and June 28, 2009. To purchase a lapel button or t-shirt, please visit http://finebyme.org/sos.html.http://www.queersunited.blogspot.com
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Nice to meet you all [Mar. 26th, 2009|11:50 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
Hi everyone,I am here trying to figure some things out about myself. I am and have been for the last 2 years questioning my sexuality. I think i am bi but i just done know. I am 19 and a college student. I am head over heels for my best friend and have a huge crush on this person at work, but at the same time I have a opposite sex partner for over a year. I NEED HELP!!!! ANYONE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
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eager beaver [Sep. 11th, 2006|08:01 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
still eagerly awaiting my Tara action figure to add to my collection:Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
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(no subject) [Sep. 10th, 2006|12:18 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
[mood** |weirdweird] [music** Feeder - Pushing The Senses]wow, look how popular the community is now! :owe need more members...
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my big accomplishment [Sep. 9th, 2006|09:18 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
[mood** |hyperhyper] [music** monkey~ george michael]In an effort to blow off some stress->Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSo.... what have you done lately?
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(no subject) [Aug. 27th, 2006|04:48 am]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
Hello everyone.I'm 20 and a college student majoring in Secondary English Education.It's 4am where I am right now, and since I can't sleep, I've decided to find a place to discuss my bi-curiosity.I think I may just be attracted to both men and women. I'm currently kind of seeing this guy, and when we hook up, it's great - I really enjoy it. However, I've recently found myself wanting to experience being with a woman just to see what it's like.I know that I want to be married and in a heterosexual relationship and have children when I'm older. But just once, I'd like to try to be with a girl. You know?Feel free to friend me.Thanks for reading.
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ahem again [Aug. 4th, 2006|01:13 pm]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
[music |native american pow wow music]TARA IS COOL!!!!!i'm keeping the money :D
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ahem [Aug. 3rd, 2006|10:35 am]Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian or just Curious!
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