Michelangelo Guida | Istanbul 29 Mayis University (original) (raw)

Books by Michelangelo Guida

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Politics : Making Sense of Nation, Identities, and Ideologies

Turkish Politics: Making Sense of Nation, Identities, and Ideologies, 2021

The aim of this manual is to provide a coherent and balanced historical perspective of Turkish po... more The aim of this manual is to provide a coherent and balanced historical perspective of Turkish political life, the evolution of political ideas, and key interpretations read together with the main social and cultural transformations. The manual starts with the modernization process of the early nineteenth century, examines the main ideologies emerged since late 1800s, their evolutions through the decades, the key political events that shaped the political system, presents the key intellectuals and politicians at the centre of Turkey's political life, and ends by studying the AK Parti era.
The book has been conceived as a manual for university BA courses of Turkish Politics, Turkish political life, and Political History of Turkey. However, it is also a compact introduction for all those willing to understand contemporary Turkish politics.

Research paper thumbnail of La Turquie et l'Union européenne: défis et perspectives d'adhésion

La candidature officielle de la Turquie est très difficile à concrétiser. Le gouvernement turc se... more La candidature officielle de la Turquie est très difficile à concrétiser. Le gouvernement turc semble déterminé à aller au bout des négociations d’adhésion tout en transformant la Turquie en une puissance « globale ». Il s’oppose à l’intransigeance de certains dirigeants européens adeptes d’un « approfondissement ». Pendant cette valse-hésitation, les citoyens turcs semblent perdre confiance tandis que les citoyens européens, au moins en Europe occidentale, paraissent accepter de moins en moins l’idée d’une Turquie membre de l’UE. Mais ce pays, membre de l’OTAN, du Conseil de l’Europe, de l’Union de l’Europe Occidentale, lié à l’UE par un accord douanier depuis 1995, ne peut évidemment pas se satisfaire d’un statut d’éternel candidat.
Néanmoins, les arguments des opposants révèlent surtout un profond malaise : celui du rapport entre les citoyens et la construction européenne, celui du projet européen lui-même.
La citoyenneté européenne est supplétive, le projet n’est pas partagé, la légitimité démocratique reste faible. La question n’est donc pas de savoir si oui ou non la Turquie et les Turcs sont « européens » mais bien de savoir s’il y a compatibilité entre eux et les citoyens de l’UE, au niveau d’un projet politique et économique commun. Le problème de l’adhésion de la Turquie invite ainsi à s’interroger sur les limites de l’UE, sur la place des religions et en particulier de l’Islam, sur la gestion de la diversité culturelle, sur la place des minorités, sur les cultures démocratiques, etc.
La Turquie ne sera peut-être bientôt plus en attente d’une hypothétique issue des négociations d’adhésion. Le paradoxe sera alors qu’en ayant contribué à l’installation de l’acquis communautaire en Turquie, l’Union européenne aura contribué à mettre en place un acteur mondial de premier plan, économique, politique comme social et culturel… et qui n’aura plus d’intérêt à solliciter une adhésion !

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Seçim Kampanyaları

Türkiye'de Seçim Kampanyaları, 2010

Papers by Michelangelo Guida

Research paper thumbnail of Çay Politics

Informal Politics in the Middle East, Oct 1, 2021

Public life in Turkey is characterized, if not dominated, by interpersonal relations. This chapte... more Public life in Turkey is characterized, if not dominated, by interpersonal relations. This chapter demonstrates how, in addition to formal campaigning, Turkish political parties must resort to a series of informal tools to maintain or gain consent. The AK Parti is a movement that uses informality as a tool to mobilize votes, including the exploitation of "kin-like networks." In a big city like Istanbul, besides conventional political meetings, parties prefer door-to-door political campaigning, visiting families, businesses, and associations of immigrants, finding a 'sohbet' (intimate conversation) and a glass of tea to be much more successful. This chapter presents two examples of kin-like groups and their role in vote mobilization: the local elections in Üsküdar in the political campaign of 2009, and the case of the 'communal vote'—in the province of Şanlıurfa (Urfa).

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Values in the Islamist Press after 2013

Middle East Critique, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Special Issue on Informal Challenges to Mediterranean Politics

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Partilerin Oy Toplama Stratejisi ve Seçmen Davranışına Etkisi: 2009 Yerel Seçimleri İstanbul Örneği

Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Afghānī and Namik Kemal's Replies to Ernest Renan: Two Anti-Westernist Works in the Formative Stage of Islamist Thought 1

In the nineteenth-century, intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire were deeply influenced by West ern... more In the nineteenth-century, intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire were deeply influenced by West ern political thought and technology. That said, the West represented not only a military threat, but also a cultural menace for Ottoman intellectuals. Imperialism was indeed advancing in Muslim lands, carrying with it and legitimizing itself by a strong belief in its civilization’s supremacy. Ottoman plans to acquire military technology and reform its administration proved insufficient in countering Western claims of genetic and cultural superiority. This European attitude generated anti-Westernist reactions in the Ottoman Empire as well as in many other non-European societies, such as that in Japan. In the Muslim world, however, anti-Westernist reactions and attempts to rewrite a glorious Muslim history were at the base of Islamist thought. This paper intends to analyze the responses of two notable early Islamist writers of the Ottoman Empire to a cultural

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Islamists’ Enthusiasm for Versace: Islamism between Rejection and Adoption of the West

Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship, 2018

The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship"... more The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship" edited by Béatrice Hendrich (https://uni-koln.academia.edu/httporientphilfakunikoelnde21169html) and published in 2019 by Ergon Verlag, Köln.

Research paper thumbnail of NurettinTopçu: the Reinvention of Islamism in Republican Turkey

In 1934, NurettinTopcu returned to Turkey after becoming the first Turkish student to obtain a do... more In 1934, NurettinTopcu returned to Turkey after becoming the first Turkish student to obtain a doctorate in philosophy at la Sorbonne. Strongly influenced by Turkish conservative ideas, in France, Topcu became passionate of Maurice Blondel and Louis Massignon as wellhhu as the strengthening European extreme right. Back to his homeland, the Turkish intellectual worked as a publisher and teacher until his death in 1975. His articles and books became very popular among a new religious generation that were disappointed by the Republic and the secular elites. Topcu gave a re-interpretation of nationalism, provided new basis to reconstruct Muslim thought in a secular context, and a methodology to operate without clashing with the secular establishment. Indeed, Topcu is particularly important because he invented a new and peculiar lexicon for Turkish Islamism. NurettinTopcuis a key author to understand Islamism in republican Turkey as he is the author that contributed most to the shaping o...

Research paper thumbnail of Ali Bulaç: Political Ideas of a Leading Turkish Islamist

Oriente Moderno, 2005

RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Friendship, kingship and interest: Informal politics in Turkey and the Example of Vote Mobilization in Istanbul and Şanlıurfa

Research paper thumbnail of Said Halim Pacha and the Islamist Thought in the Second Constitutional Era/ II. Mesrutiyet Donemindeki Islamcilik Dusuncesi Ve Buna Bir Ornek Teskil Etmesi Acisindan Said Halim Pasa

Civilacademy Journal of Social Sciences, Jun 22, 2008

Bu yazimda, (21) genel hatlanyla II. Mesruiyet donemindeki Islamcilik dusuncesini ve buna bir orn... more Bu yazimda, (21) genel hatlanyla II. Mesruiyet donemindeki Islamcilik dusuncesini ve buna bir ornek teskil etmesi acisindan Sa id Halim Pasa'nin dusuncesini anlatmaya ve karsilastigim bazi sorunlari sizlere sunmaya calisacagim. Daha cok yazimin somma dogru Pasa'nin siyasi goruslerinin 'Mesrutiyet' kavramiyla cakisma noktalari uzerinde duracagim. Suphesiz Kavalili Mehmed Ali Pasa'nin torunu olan ve normal sartlarda hidivlik silsilesinde bulunan Said Halim Pasa, XX. yuzyilin ilk ceyreginin onemli bir 'modernist' (Esposito 1998, 48-61) Isldmci ornegidir ve 11. Mesrutiyet (1908-1917)'in ilanindan sonraki Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'ndeki Islamcilik cereyaninin ilginc bir temsilcisidir. Hayati (22) Said Halim Pasa'nin dusuncesini daha iyi anlayabilmek icin kisaca da olsa hayatina goz atmakta fayda var. 1864'te Kahire'de dogan Said Halim Pasa, Kavalali Mehmed Ali Pasa'nin torunuydu. Normal sartlarda hidiv olma ihtimali yuksek olan babasi--Vezir Halim Pasa--1866'da Sultan Abdulaziz'in, hidiv Ismail'e destek vermesi He hidivlik silsilesinden cikarilmistir. Buna karsi cikan Vezir Halim Pasa, basarisiz bir darbe deneyip ailesiyle beraber Istanbul'a siginmisti. Istanbul'a yerlestikten sonra ozel dersle Arapca, Farsca, Ingilizce ve Fransizca ogrenen Said Halim Pasa, kardesi Abbas Halim He birlikte Isvicre'de siyasal bilimleri okudu. Mayis 1888'de Istanbul'a donmesiyle birlikte Osmanli burokrasindeki kariyeri de baslamis oldu. ilk basta Sura-yi Devlet'in uyesi olan Pasa, 1900'da Rumeli Beylerbeyi olarak atandi. Bunun uzerinden pek vakit gecmeden Sultan Il. Abdulhamid tarafindan muhalefete destek verebilecegi suphesiyle Istanbul'dan uzaklastirildi. Ama aslinda, Istanbul'da muhalefetle pek de ciddi munasebeti olmayan Pasa, Ingliz somurgesi altinda bulunan Kahire'de ve Avrupa'da Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'ne comert bagislarda bulunmus ve cemiyetin hem Inglizlerle hem Misir yonetimiyle iliskilerinin guclenmesinde aktif rol oynamistir. Ikinci Mesrutiyet ilaniyla yeniden Istanbul'a donen Said Halim Pasa, Meclis-i Ayan uyesi olarak atandi ve 1913 ile 1916'daki secimlerde Ittihad ve Terakki sekreterligine getirildi. 1913'te Mahmut Sevket Pasa hukumetinde hariciye naziri oldu. Mahmut Sevket Pasa olduruldukten sonra getirildigi Sadra zamlik makaminda 1917'e kadar gorev yapti. Bilindigi gibi I. Dunya Savasi yillari, Osmanli Imparatorlugu icin cok zor ve burhanli yillar oldu. Buradan anlasilacagi gibi Said Halim Pasa hukumeti de tabii olarak cok buhranli bir hukumetti. Bir taraftan soylu ve burokratik siniftan gelen Said Halim Pasa o senelerde yukselen Islamcilik ideolojisini temsil ediyordu. Obur taraftan Enver, Talat, Cemal Pasalarla Halil Mentese Ittihat ve Terakki'nin getirdigi merkeziyetci, savas taraftan ve Turkcu olan yeni ve savas yillannda yuk (21) selen bir eliti temsil ediyorlardi. Arap isyaninin ortaya cikisi ve Misir'da Ingilizlere karsi isyan olmamasi, Said Halim Pasa'nin siyasi gkiinu ve Islamcilik ideolojisini yipratmisti ve bu nedenlerin etkisiyle subat 1917'de sadrazamliktan aynlmak zorunda kaldi. Savas bittikten sonra, Mayis 1919'da Said Halim Pasa Ingiliz gucleri tarafindan yargilanip Malta'da hapsedildi. Milli Muca dele sona erince, Ahmet Tevfik Pasa hukiimetinin Malta'da bulunan siyasetciler ve fikir adamlarina tanidigi Istanbul'a geri donmus izni, Said Halim Pasa icin gecerli olmadi. Pasa, Istanbul'a donemedigi gibi Ingiliz isgal altinda bulunan Misir'a donus musaadesi de alamadi. Bu yuzden hem Osmanli topraklarim isgal eden hem de eski Ittihatcilarla baglanti kurmaya calisan Italya'nin baskenti Roma'ya yerlesen Pasa, 6 Aralik 1921'de Piazza Galeno civarinda bir Enneni milliyetci tarafindan olduriildu? (23) Islamcilik Bilindigi gibi ideoloji olarak Islamcilik, Isldm'i insac, dusunce, ahldk, siyaset, idare ve hukuk bakimindan hayata hdkim kilmak, Muslumanlar arasinda birlik ve dayanismayi tesis ederek Isldm ulkelerini Bati karsisinda geri kalmisliktan kurtarmak amacina yonelik bir cozum arayisi olarak XIX. …

Research paper thumbnail of Friendship, kingship and interest: Informal politics in Turkey and the Example of Vote Mobilization in Istanbul and Şanlıurfa

Turkish politics is directed through ‘informal’ tools and informal relations. My paper will attem... more Turkish politics is directed through ‘informal’ tools and informal relations. My paper will attempt to understand more in depth some aspects of informal politics in the Turkish context with two case studies. The first example is built on 2009 electoral campaign in Istanbul’s district of Üsküdar. The results of a field work and a survey in the district clearly show that the parties’ strategies are built on a friendly relation with voters rather than on a formal campaign. Presents, a chat around a glass of black tea, hemşehri networks, and women networks appear to be much more influential than any media strategy. Indeed, voters do not recall even the slogans of the political parties. The second case shows the influence of ‘chieftains’ (ağa) in the Şanlıurfa province on electoral behaviours; the power of the ‘chieftains’ seems to be deriving from a mix of coercion, well rooted values of respect and tribal loyalty, and strong ties with the central authority. Even if this system often re...

Research paper thumbnail of The New Islamists’ Understanding of Democracy in Turkey: The Examples of Ali Bulaç and Hayreddin Karaman

Research paper thumbnail of The Sèvres Syndrome and “Komplo” Theories in the Islamist and Secular Press

Research paper thumbnail of A ‘Communist and Muslim’ Poet in Contemporary Turkey: The Works of İsmet Özel

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Afghānī and Namık Kemal’s Replies to Ernest Renan: Two Anti-Westernist Works in the Formative Stage of Islamist Thought

Research paper thumbnail of Islam e democratizzazione in Turchia. Il caso dell'AK Parti

Research paper thumbnail of Intervista con Rāšid al-ĞannŪšī

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Politics : Making Sense of Nation, Identities, and Ideologies

Turkish Politics: Making Sense of Nation, Identities, and Ideologies, 2021

The aim of this manual is to provide a coherent and balanced historical perspective of Turkish po... more The aim of this manual is to provide a coherent and balanced historical perspective of Turkish political life, the evolution of political ideas, and key interpretations read together with the main social and cultural transformations. The manual starts with the modernization process of the early nineteenth century, examines the main ideologies emerged since late 1800s, their evolutions through the decades, the key political events that shaped the political system, presents the key intellectuals and politicians at the centre of Turkey's political life, and ends by studying the AK Parti era.
The book has been conceived as a manual for university BA courses of Turkish Politics, Turkish political life, and Political History of Turkey. However, it is also a compact introduction for all those willing to understand contemporary Turkish politics.

Research paper thumbnail of La Turquie et l'Union européenne: défis et perspectives d'adhésion

La candidature officielle de la Turquie est très difficile à concrétiser. Le gouvernement turc se... more La candidature officielle de la Turquie est très difficile à concrétiser. Le gouvernement turc semble déterminé à aller au bout des négociations d’adhésion tout en transformant la Turquie en une puissance « globale ». Il s’oppose à l’intransigeance de certains dirigeants européens adeptes d’un « approfondissement ». Pendant cette valse-hésitation, les citoyens turcs semblent perdre confiance tandis que les citoyens européens, au moins en Europe occidentale, paraissent accepter de moins en moins l’idée d’une Turquie membre de l’UE. Mais ce pays, membre de l’OTAN, du Conseil de l’Europe, de l’Union de l’Europe Occidentale, lié à l’UE par un accord douanier depuis 1995, ne peut évidemment pas se satisfaire d’un statut d’éternel candidat.
Néanmoins, les arguments des opposants révèlent surtout un profond malaise : celui du rapport entre les citoyens et la construction européenne, celui du projet européen lui-même.
La citoyenneté européenne est supplétive, le projet n’est pas partagé, la légitimité démocratique reste faible. La question n’est donc pas de savoir si oui ou non la Turquie et les Turcs sont « européens » mais bien de savoir s’il y a compatibilité entre eux et les citoyens de l’UE, au niveau d’un projet politique et économique commun. Le problème de l’adhésion de la Turquie invite ainsi à s’interroger sur les limites de l’UE, sur la place des religions et en particulier de l’Islam, sur la gestion de la diversité culturelle, sur la place des minorités, sur les cultures démocratiques, etc.
La Turquie ne sera peut-être bientôt plus en attente d’une hypothétique issue des négociations d’adhésion. Le paradoxe sera alors qu’en ayant contribué à l’installation de l’acquis communautaire en Turquie, l’Union européenne aura contribué à mettre en place un acteur mondial de premier plan, économique, politique comme social et culturel… et qui n’aura plus d’intérêt à solliciter une adhésion !

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye'de Seçim Kampanyaları

Türkiye'de Seçim Kampanyaları, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Çay Politics

Informal Politics in the Middle East, Oct 1, 2021

Public life in Turkey is characterized, if not dominated, by interpersonal relations. This chapte... more Public life in Turkey is characterized, if not dominated, by interpersonal relations. This chapter demonstrates how, in addition to formal campaigning, Turkish political parties must resort to a series of informal tools to maintain or gain consent. The AK Parti is a movement that uses informality as a tool to mobilize votes, including the exploitation of "kin-like networks." In a big city like Istanbul, besides conventional political meetings, parties prefer door-to-door political campaigning, visiting families, businesses, and associations of immigrants, finding a 'sohbet' (intimate conversation) and a glass of tea to be much more successful. This chapter presents two examples of kin-like groups and their role in vote mobilization: the local elections in Üsküdar in the political campaign of 2009, and the case of the 'communal vote'—in the province of Şanlıurfa (Urfa).

Research paper thumbnail of Negotiating Values in the Islamist Press after 2013

Middle East Critique, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to the Special Issue on Informal Challenges to Mediterranean Politics

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Partilerin Oy Toplama Stratejisi ve Seçmen Davranışına Etkisi: 2009 Yerel Seçimleri İstanbul Örneği

Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Afghānī and Namik Kemal's Replies to Ernest Renan: Two Anti-Westernist Works in the Formative Stage of Islamist Thought 1

In the nineteenth-century, intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire were deeply influenced by West ern... more In the nineteenth-century, intellectuals in the Ottoman Empire were deeply influenced by West ern political thought and technology. That said, the West represented not only a military threat, but also a cultural menace for Ottoman intellectuals. Imperialism was indeed advancing in Muslim lands, carrying with it and legitimizing itself by a strong belief in its civilization’s supremacy. Ottoman plans to acquire military technology and reform its administration proved insufficient in countering Western claims of genetic and cultural superiority. This European attitude generated anti-Westernist reactions in the Ottoman Empire as well as in many other non-European societies, such as that in Japan. In the Muslim world, however, anti-Westernist reactions and attempts to rewrite a glorious Muslim history were at the base of Islamist thought. This paper intends to analyze the responses of two notable early Islamist writers of the Ottoman Empire to a cultural

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Islamists’ Enthusiasm for Versace: Islamism between Rejection and Adoption of the West

Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship, 2018

The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship"... more The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship" edited by Béatrice Hendrich (https://uni-koln.academia.edu/httporientphilfakunikoelnde21169html) and published in 2019 by Ergon Verlag, Köln.

Research paper thumbnail of NurettinTopçu: the Reinvention of Islamism in Republican Turkey

In 1934, NurettinTopcu returned to Turkey after becoming the first Turkish student to obtain a do... more In 1934, NurettinTopcu returned to Turkey after becoming the first Turkish student to obtain a doctorate in philosophy at la Sorbonne. Strongly influenced by Turkish conservative ideas, in France, Topcu became passionate of Maurice Blondel and Louis Massignon as wellhhu as the strengthening European extreme right. Back to his homeland, the Turkish intellectual worked as a publisher and teacher until his death in 1975. His articles and books became very popular among a new religious generation that were disappointed by the Republic and the secular elites. Topcu gave a re-interpretation of nationalism, provided new basis to reconstruct Muslim thought in a secular context, and a methodology to operate without clashing with the secular establishment. Indeed, Topcu is particularly important because he invented a new and peculiar lexicon for Turkish Islamism. NurettinTopcuis a key author to understand Islamism in republican Turkey as he is the author that contributed most to the shaping o...

Research paper thumbnail of Ali Bulaç: Political Ideas of a Leading Turkish Islamist

Oriente Moderno, 2005

RefDoc Bienvenue - Welcome. Refdoc est un service / is powered by. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Friendship, kingship and interest: Informal politics in Turkey and the Example of Vote Mobilization in Istanbul and Şanlıurfa

Research paper thumbnail of Said Halim Pacha and the Islamist Thought in the Second Constitutional Era/ II. Mesrutiyet Donemindeki Islamcilik Dusuncesi Ve Buna Bir Ornek Teskil Etmesi Acisindan Said Halim Pasa

Civilacademy Journal of Social Sciences, Jun 22, 2008

Bu yazimda, (21) genel hatlanyla II. Mesruiyet donemindeki Islamcilik dusuncesini ve buna bir orn... more Bu yazimda, (21) genel hatlanyla II. Mesruiyet donemindeki Islamcilik dusuncesini ve buna bir ornek teskil etmesi acisindan Sa id Halim Pasa'nin dusuncesini anlatmaya ve karsilastigim bazi sorunlari sizlere sunmaya calisacagim. Daha cok yazimin somma dogru Pasa'nin siyasi goruslerinin 'Mesrutiyet' kavramiyla cakisma noktalari uzerinde duracagim. Suphesiz Kavalili Mehmed Ali Pasa'nin torunu olan ve normal sartlarda hidivlik silsilesinde bulunan Said Halim Pasa, XX. yuzyilin ilk ceyreginin onemli bir 'modernist' (Esposito 1998, 48-61) Isldmci ornegidir ve 11. Mesrutiyet (1908-1917)'in ilanindan sonraki Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'ndeki Islamcilik cereyaninin ilginc bir temsilcisidir. Hayati (22) Said Halim Pasa'nin dusuncesini daha iyi anlayabilmek icin kisaca da olsa hayatina goz atmakta fayda var. 1864'te Kahire'de dogan Said Halim Pasa, Kavalali Mehmed Ali Pasa'nin torunuydu. Normal sartlarda hidiv olma ihtimali yuksek olan babasi--Vezir Halim Pasa--1866'da Sultan Abdulaziz'in, hidiv Ismail'e destek vermesi He hidivlik silsilesinden cikarilmistir. Buna karsi cikan Vezir Halim Pasa, basarisiz bir darbe deneyip ailesiyle beraber Istanbul'a siginmisti. Istanbul'a yerlestikten sonra ozel dersle Arapca, Farsca, Ingilizce ve Fransizca ogrenen Said Halim Pasa, kardesi Abbas Halim He birlikte Isvicre'de siyasal bilimleri okudu. Mayis 1888'de Istanbul'a donmesiyle birlikte Osmanli burokrasindeki kariyeri de baslamis oldu. ilk basta Sura-yi Devlet'in uyesi olan Pasa, 1900'da Rumeli Beylerbeyi olarak atandi. Bunun uzerinden pek vakit gecmeden Sultan Il. Abdulhamid tarafindan muhalefete destek verebilecegi suphesiyle Istanbul'dan uzaklastirildi. Ama aslinda, Istanbul'da muhalefetle pek de ciddi munasebeti olmayan Pasa, Ingliz somurgesi altinda bulunan Kahire'de ve Avrupa'da Ittihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'ne comert bagislarda bulunmus ve cemiyetin hem Inglizlerle hem Misir yonetimiyle iliskilerinin guclenmesinde aktif rol oynamistir. Ikinci Mesrutiyet ilaniyla yeniden Istanbul'a donen Said Halim Pasa, Meclis-i Ayan uyesi olarak atandi ve 1913 ile 1916'daki secimlerde Ittihad ve Terakki sekreterligine getirildi. 1913'te Mahmut Sevket Pasa hukumetinde hariciye naziri oldu. Mahmut Sevket Pasa olduruldukten sonra getirildigi Sadra zamlik makaminda 1917'e kadar gorev yapti. Bilindigi gibi I. Dunya Savasi yillari, Osmanli Imparatorlugu icin cok zor ve burhanli yillar oldu. Buradan anlasilacagi gibi Said Halim Pasa hukumeti de tabii olarak cok buhranli bir hukumetti. Bir taraftan soylu ve burokratik siniftan gelen Said Halim Pasa o senelerde yukselen Islamcilik ideolojisini temsil ediyordu. Obur taraftan Enver, Talat, Cemal Pasalarla Halil Mentese Ittihat ve Terakki'nin getirdigi merkeziyetci, savas taraftan ve Turkcu olan yeni ve savas yillannda yuk (21) selen bir eliti temsil ediyorlardi. Arap isyaninin ortaya cikisi ve Misir'da Ingilizlere karsi isyan olmamasi, Said Halim Pasa'nin siyasi gkiinu ve Islamcilik ideolojisini yipratmisti ve bu nedenlerin etkisiyle subat 1917'de sadrazamliktan aynlmak zorunda kaldi. Savas bittikten sonra, Mayis 1919'da Said Halim Pasa Ingiliz gucleri tarafindan yargilanip Malta'da hapsedildi. Milli Muca dele sona erince, Ahmet Tevfik Pasa hukiimetinin Malta'da bulunan siyasetciler ve fikir adamlarina tanidigi Istanbul'a geri donmus izni, Said Halim Pasa icin gecerli olmadi. Pasa, Istanbul'a donemedigi gibi Ingiliz isgal altinda bulunan Misir'a donus musaadesi de alamadi. Bu yuzden hem Osmanli topraklarim isgal eden hem de eski Ittihatcilarla baglanti kurmaya calisan Italya'nin baskenti Roma'ya yerlesen Pasa, 6 Aralik 1921'de Piazza Galeno civarinda bir Enneni milliyetci tarafindan olduriildu? (23) Islamcilik Bilindigi gibi ideoloji olarak Islamcilik, Isldm'i insac, dusunce, ahldk, siyaset, idare ve hukuk bakimindan hayata hdkim kilmak, Muslumanlar arasinda birlik ve dayanismayi tesis ederek Isldm ulkelerini Bati karsisinda geri kalmisliktan kurtarmak amacina yonelik bir cozum arayisi olarak XIX. …

Research paper thumbnail of Friendship, kingship and interest: Informal politics in Turkey and the Example of Vote Mobilization in Istanbul and Şanlıurfa

Turkish politics is directed through ‘informal’ tools and informal relations. My paper will attem... more Turkish politics is directed through ‘informal’ tools and informal relations. My paper will attempt to understand more in depth some aspects of informal politics in the Turkish context with two case studies. The first example is built on 2009 electoral campaign in Istanbul’s district of Üsküdar. The results of a field work and a survey in the district clearly show that the parties’ strategies are built on a friendly relation with voters rather than on a formal campaign. Presents, a chat around a glass of black tea, hemşehri networks, and women networks appear to be much more influential than any media strategy. Indeed, voters do not recall even the slogans of the political parties. The second case shows the influence of ‘chieftains’ (ağa) in the Şanlıurfa province on electoral behaviours; the power of the ‘chieftains’ seems to be deriving from a mix of coercion, well rooted values of respect and tribal loyalty, and strong ties with the central authority. Even if this system often re...

Research paper thumbnail of The New Islamists’ Understanding of Democracy in Turkey: The Examples of Ali Bulaç and Hayreddin Karaman

Research paper thumbnail of The Sèvres Syndrome and “Komplo” Theories in the Islamist and Secular Press

Research paper thumbnail of A ‘Communist and Muslim’ Poet in Contemporary Turkey: The Works of İsmet Özel

British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Al-Afghānī and Namık Kemal’s Replies to Ernest Renan: Two Anti-Westernist Works in the Formative Stage of Islamist Thought

Research paper thumbnail of Islam e democratizzazione in Turchia. Il caso dell'AK Parti

Research paper thumbnail of Intervista con Rāšid al-ĞannŪšī

Research paper thumbnail of Informal Challenges to Mediterranean Politics

Silvio Berlusconi's continuous scandals have shown how politics in Italy is dominated by a va... more Silvio Berlusconi's continuous scandals have shown how politics in Italy is dominated by a vast web of clientelismo (patron-client relations) between politicians, businessperson, and voters. The most recent scandals of Berlusconi do not just point a bohemian lifestyle but a degenerated form of clientelismo: young charming women accept this humiliating situation for a return, not only a conspicuous sum but also a help for their career from Berlusconi, who was the leader of the ruling coalition as well as a media magnate. With friendly and informal relations Berlusconi strengthened economic relations and assured contracts to many Italian firms, which are his clients. Moreover, Berlusconi's foreign policy also has shown how he preferred informal politics with leaders like Putin, Erdoğan, and Qaddafi.

Research paper thumbnail of Feudal Control of Politics in Peripheral Turkey: The Example of the S¸anlıurfa Province

Research paper thumbnail of Intervista con Rashid al-Gannouchi

Research paper thumbnail of Türk-Arap ilişkilerini Yeniden Düşünmek

Kuveyt Başbakanı ve Türkiye’nin önde gelen STK’larının desteğiyle 17-18 Mayıs tarihler arasında K... more Kuveyt Başbakanı ve Türkiye’nin önde gelen STK’larının desteğiyle 17-18 Mayıs tarihler arasında Kuveyt’te Türk Arap İlişkileri Konferansı yapıldı. Konferansta sunduğum tebliğ

Research paper thumbnail of Corporatism and fears:  Islamist press after June 2013

Research paper thumbnail of İslâmcıların Versace İptilâsı: modernitenin reddi ve kabulü arasında Türk İslamcılığı

Özet: İslamcılık, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra " Batı " karşısında geri kalmışlı... more Özet: İslamcılık, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra " Batı " karşısında geri kalmışlıktan ve " Batı " sömürgesinden kurtulma amacına yönelik ortaya çıkan siyasi bir ideolojidir. Daha sonra Romantizm ve sosyalizm etkisiyle bu " Batı " karşıtlığı ana temaları değişmiştir: Avrupa sömürgeciliği sona erdikçe emperyalizm ve " Batı " dan gelen modernite eleştirisi ön plana çıkmıştır. Fakat İslamcılığın hem modernitenin sosyolojik bir sonucu olarak hem de düşüncesi açısından modernleşme hareketlerinden biri olarak değerlendirilmesinin de mümkün olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Tebliğim bu ihtilaf üzerinde durarak İslamcılığın üzerine bir tartışma konusunu çalıştaya sunmayı hedeflemektedir. İslamcılığın sosyolojik ve ideolojik açıdan " Batılı " ve modern; aynı zamanda da " Batı " karşıtı olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Bu dar boğazda sıkışıp kalan İslamcılık, ne hayal ettiği gibi " Batı " dan uzaklaşabildi ne kendi epistemolojisini yaratabildi.

Research paper thumbnail of Intellectual debate on Islamism and Post-Islamism in Turkey

1990s “Islamists’ mobilization of truth” (Bayat, 2007, p. 54) clashed with the strategies of poli... more 1990s “Islamists’ mobilization of truth” (Bayat, 2007, p. 54) clashed with the strategies of political campaigns, which imposed a widening of the base and a response to different social demands. Some Islamist intellectuals had already broadened the meaning of Islamism yet Erdoğan’s successful electoral tactics caused scandal in his party because was attempting to reach new voters. At the same time, during his mayorship, to may respond to social demands he improved the basic services as well as opened public parks, shopping malls, and meeting points transforming urban public spaces against the Islamist understanding of spatiality. After 2002, Erdoğan brought at national level his policies and electoral tactics promoting an unprecedented liberalization of society, economy, and politics.
As mayor and as Prime Minister, Erdoğan was capable of heading a broad coalition of Islamist movements that shared a desire for redemption from being marginalized. However, after 2010 this broad coalition started to crack and a new opposition emerged among the Islamist wing showing all its complexity and imposing a deeper theoretical reflexion on the nature of Islamism in contemporary Turkey. In spring 2012, an intellectual debate on the nature of Islamism was unable to reach a new definition of the ideology. Moreover, one year later, the participation of “Antikapitalist Müslümanlar” to Gezi Parkı’s protests and the strong clashes between the Gülen Movement and AK Parti in the local elections’ campaign has shown how complicate is the Turkish Islamist scene.
Based on these premises, my paper intends to reflect on the nature of Islamism and Post-Islamism in Turkey and its different perspectives. I will focus mainly on the Turkish intellectuals’ attempts to define Islamism presenting intellectual debates and their own definition starting from the Summer 2012 debate. Lastly, my paper will attempt a definition of today’s post-Islamism in Turkey focusing on its main features.

Research paper thumbnail of Gli islamisti turchi e l'Unione Europea: una storia di odio, amore e disincanto

Questo articolo studia le diverse evoluzioni dell’idea di Unione europea nei principali intellett... more Questo articolo studia le diverse evoluzioni dell’idea di Unione europea nei principali intellettuali e politici islamisti in Turchia. Un primo periodo di rifiuto totale continuò immutato fino alla fine degli anni ’90. Negli anni ’90 gli intellettuali e i politici islamisti adottarono una posizione pro-europea che aiutò il paese a compiere passi importanti verso l’integrazione e aiutò i movimenti islamisti a lenire la pressione dello establishment kemalista. In seguito, a causa delle politiche europee verso la Turchia e l’incapacità dell’Unione di comunicare con la componente islamista, iniziò una nuova fase di disincanto. Capire come si evolve il pensiero musulmano è importante per capire quali saranno le prospettive delle relazioni turco-europee ma, in realtà, ci aiuta soprattutto a capire come si forma l’ideologia islamista. Il risultato di questa analisi sarà che il pensiero islamista è influenzato da eventi e considerazioni politiche piuttosto che da interpretazioni religiose.

Research paper thumbnail of La fine del monopolio dei grandi partiti?  Le elezioni locali del marzo 2024 in Turchia

CeSPI-Osservatorio Turchia, 2024

Dopo le elezioni politiche della primavera del 2023, la coalizione al governo si è rafforzata anc... more Dopo le elezioni politiche della primavera del 2023, la coalizione al governo si è rafforzata anche se i malumori per la sua gestione dell’economia e il futuro dell’AK Parti preoccupano l’elettorato. L’opposizione, invece, si è spaccata e il maggiore partito d’opposizione, il CHP, ha una nuova leadership che spera di rafforzarsi nelle prossime elezioni locali. Il pericolo più grande, però, deriva dalla possibilità che i partiti minori sottraggono voti ai due grandi partiti che dominano il centrodestra e il centrosinistra. Per capire come i partiti si preparano all’ennesima prova elettorale e i possibili futuri sviluppi, questo report analizza alcune importanti province della Turchia: le tre principali megalopoli del paese—Istanbul, Ankara ed Izmir—e le province di Şanlıurfa e Hatay, dove lo scontro dei partiti per mantenere il proprio dominio è più intenso. Queste province saranno dei banchi di prova per le politiche nazionali e locali delle varie forze politiche.

Research paper thumbnail of Nazionalismo e nazionalismi turchi nelle elezioni di maggio 2023

Secondo molti commentatori il nazionalismo turco ha determinato le sorti delle elezioni politiche... more Secondo molti commentatori il nazionalismo turco ha determinato le sorti delle elezioni politiche dello scorso maggio. Per poter comprendere se vi sia effettivamente stato un exploit nazionalista in Turchia, occorre indagare nella storia recente del Paese, per capire quante e quali siano le principali correnti nazionaliste e che peso abbiano ed abbiano avuto nel discorso politico e nelle dinamiche elettorali tra partiti e coalizioni.

Research paper thumbnail of Perspektif: Giorgia Meloni ve İtalya Parlamento Seçimleri

Perspektif, 2022

25 Eylül 2022’de gerçekleşen İtalya parlamento genel seçimleri İtalyan siyasetine birkaç yenilik ... more 25 Eylül 2022’de gerçekleşen İtalya parlamento genel seçimleri İtalyan siyasetine birkaç yenilik getirmiştir. Öncelikle 2020’de siyasetin abartılı maliyetlerini ve şatafatını azaltmak amacıyla 5 Yıldızlı Hareket (Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S) ve Kuzey Ligi’nin (Lega Nord, LN) sunduğu bir anayasal reformun ardından İtalyan seçmenler ilk defa Temsilciler Meclisine 630 yerine 400 mebus ve Cumhuriyet Senatosuna 315 yerine 200 senatör seçmiştir. Ayrıca ilk defa oyların çoğunluğunu bir kadın siyasetçi toplamıştır: İtalya’nın Kardeşleri (Fratelli d’Italia, FdI) partisi ve merkez sağ ittifakının aday lideri Giorgia Meloni.

Seçimlerin ardından yerel ve uluslararası basında endişeyle vurgulanan nokta ise Meloni’nin aşırı sağcı gelenekten gelen bir partinin lideri olması nedeniyle İtalyan iç ve dış politikasında köklü değişikliklere doğru gideceği ihtimalidir. Bu endişelerin –İtalyan basınının körüklemelerine ilaveten– kutuplaşmış siyasi söyleme ve korkulara dayandığı söylenebilir. Seçimlerin getirdiği –hakikaten iddia edildiği kadar varsa– yeniliği anlayabilmek için ilk önce yıldızı parlayan Meloni figüründen başlamak; daha sonra değişen siyasi sahneye bakmak ve olası dış politika değişikliklerini analiz etmek gerekir.

Research paper thumbnail of İtalya'da aşırı sağın iktidarı nasıl okunmalı?

AA Analiz, 2022

Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida, İtalya'da 25 Eylül'de düzenlenen genel seçimin sonuçlarını Avrupa'd... more Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida, İtalya'da 25 Eylül'de düzenlenen genel seçimin sonuçlarını Avrupa'da sağın yükselişi bağlamında AA Analiz için kaleme aldı.

Research paper thumbnail of La “Cura” e il “Futuro” dell’opposizione: i due partiti fuoriusciti dall’AK Parti si preparano alle elezioni politiche

CeSPI Brief, 2022

Il DEVA e il GP sono due formazioni politiche fuoriuscite dall’AK Parti che collaborano con l’opp... more Il DEVA e il GP sono due formazioni politiche fuoriuscite dall’AK Parti che collaborano con l’opposizione per il ritorno al parlamentarismo e mirano ad insidiare il sostegno dell’elettorato di centro-destra al Presidente Erdoğan. Anche se l’alta inflazione e i fallimenti del sistema presidenziale sembrino penalizzare l’AK Parti, il sistema elettorale e attitudini del voto conservatore non sembrano aiutare l’affermazione di queste nuove forze politiche. Questo Brief analizza queste due formazioni politiche, il loro potenziale e le difficoltà che si trovano ad affrontare, a partire dalla nuova legge elettorale.

Research paper thumbnail of Ayasofya e le difficoltà del governo turco

Brief 14 Osservatorio Turchia CeSPI, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of L’altalena delle relazioni turco-israeliane

Brief Osservatorio Turchia, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Sarà il partito “buono” anche forte per l’era post-Erdoğan? Meral Akşener e lo İyi Parti

L'unico partito turco che negli ultimi due anni è in continua crescita nei sondaggi 1 e che sta a... more L'unico partito turco che negli ultimi due anni è in continua crescita nei sondaggi 1 e che sta attraendo l'attenzione della stampa internazionale è lo İyi Parti (Partito Buono, İP) guidato dall'unica leader donna, Meral Akşener. Si tratta di un partito di centro-destra che, in alleanza con il partito di centro-sinistra Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Partito Repubblicano del Popolo, CHP) ha permesso la conquista delle megalopoli turche nelle elezioni amministrative del 2019. Questa nuova formazione sarà sicuramente uno degli attori principali delle prossime elezioni politiche (previste per il giugno 2023) e, secondo molti osservatori, anche uno degli attori principali della Turchia post-Erdoğan. Infatti, Akşener si è già candidata alla Presidenza del Consiglio 2 , un'istituzione che è stata abolita nella riforma costituzionale che, nel 2017, ha concentrato tutti i poteri esecutivi nelle mani del Presidente della Repubblica. L'İP (insieme a tutti i partiti dell'opposizione), tuttavia, ha promesso di riportare al più presto il paese al sistema parlamentare e, svincolandosi dalle polemiche su chi sarà il candidato alle presidenziali, si candida di già a guidare l'esecutivo quando l'era del governo Erdoğan sarà finita. Questo appello sta diventato sempre più attraente alle orecchie degli elettori delusi dal fatto che il sistema presidenziale non ha migliorato per nulla la qualità della vita. Al contrario: dal referendum costituzionale del 16 aprile 2017, l'inflazione su base annua è passata dall'11,87% al 36,08% nell'ultimo mese del 2021 3. Il 16 aprile 2017, un euro poteva essere acquistato con 3,89 lire turche, mentre invece, nell'ultimo giorno di contrattazione del 2021 servivano ben 15,11 lire per acquistare un euro 4. All'aumento dei prezzi vanno aggiunti i timori dei turchi sulle restrizioni delle libertà e il netto deterioramento del sistema giudiziario che hanno accompagnato il sistema presidenziale. Non vi è dubbio che l'İP sia già uno degli attori principali della politica turca. Il partito sembra nato, però, con forti debolezze che rendono la sua capacità di crescere limitata. Questi limiti del nuovo partito ci dicono molto su quali potranno essere gli scenari politici in Turchia dopo le prossime elezioni politiche. Prima di sottolineare le debolezze del partito è necessario, però, fare un excursus sulla storia politica di Meral Akşener e del suo partito per poi studiarne il programma.

Research paper thumbnail of Il partito di Babacan sarà mai una cura contro Erdoğan

CeSPI, 2020

Il partito DEVA, fondato dall’ex-ministro Ali Babacan, grazie alla sua più marcata rottura con il... more Il partito DEVA, fondato dall’ex-ministro Ali Babacan, grazie alla sua più marcata rottura con il passato recente è un credibile avversario dell’AK Parti, il partito al governo in Turchia dal 2002.

La sua politica di inclusione sembra avere più possibilità, alle prossime elezioni previste per il 2023, di attrarre i voti dei delusi nel centro-destra, nella classe media e nelle diverse minoranze.

Con la loro capacità di attrarre voti sia Babacan che il partito di Davutoğlu hanno rotto il monopolio dell’elettorato di centro-destra dell’AK Parti.

In questo sistema costituzionale tuttavia, una frammentazione dell’elettorato significa un Parlamento (eletto con il sistema proporzionale) difficile da gestire e una Presidenza della Repubblica (eletta con il doppio turno alla francese) che può essere conquistata solo con una larga maggioranza, che potrebbe appartenere solo al disomogeneo fronte anti-Erdoğan, se riuscisse ad organizzarsi.

Research paper thumbnail of ANALYSIS Italy hopes for normalization after COVID 19 stroke

Research paper thumbnail of ANALYSIS Italy hopes for normalization after COVID 19 stroke


Approfondimenti n. 4 dell'Osservatorio Turchia, 2019

La ripetizione delle elezioni del sindaco della Grande municipalità di Istanbul il 23 giugno scor... more La ripetizione delle elezioni del sindaco della Grande municipalità di Istanbul il 23 giugno scorso ha rappresentato una sonante sconfitta per l’AK Parti. La scelta di fare pressioni per nuove elezioni potrebbe rappresentare l'inizio della fine per Erdoğan. Il fatto che Erdoğan abbia scelto di ignorare le ragioni della sconfitta, irrigidire la propria retorica e sposare molte idee del suo alleato nazionalista ha incentivato l’opposizione interna al suo partito. La nascita di un’opposizione nel blocco conservatore – finora monopolio dell’AK Parti – significa che la coalizione AK Parti-MHP non potrà raggiungere il 50% +1 necessario per vincere le elezioni presidenziali al primo turno. Nell’eventualità di un secondo turno tutti i partiti dell’opposizione voterebbero contro la rielezione di Erdoğan, anche perché nelle elezioni del sindaco di Istanbul hanno scoperto modi per cooperare e hanno guadagnato nuova forza e energia. Nelle stesse elezioni, poi, l’elettorato del MHP non si è allineato alle posizioni della direzione del partito; una direzione che ha dimostrato, in passato, di essere particolarmente erratica.

Research paper thumbnail of İtalya’da koronavirüs travması

Research paper thumbnail of Salgınla felç olan İtalya 'normalleşmeyi' umuyor

Research paper thumbnail of İtalya’da ‘külüstür’ bir seçim

Michelangelo Guida yazdı: İtalya’da ‘külüstür’ bir seçim-A+İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Uluslar... more Michelangelo Guida yazdı: İtalya’da ‘külüstür’ bir seçim-A+İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida, İtalya’da yaklaşan seçimleri değerlendiriyor.

Research paper thumbnail of İçe kapanan Avrupa ve Türkiye’nin yumuşak gücü

İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida,... more İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida, Avrupa’nın içine girdiği yabancı düşmanlığı girdabına karşı Türkiye’nin yumuşak gücünü nasıl tahkim edebileceğini yazıyor.

Research paper thumbnail of Ölümcül Narsisizm

On yıllar boyunca devletin tüm birimlerine sızan FETÖ, nasıl bir sürecin sonunda 15 Temmuz ihanet... more On yıllar boyunca devletin tüm birimlerine sızan FETÖ, nasıl bir sürecin sonunda 15 Temmuz ihanetine kalkıştı? İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Başkanı Prof. Dr. Michelangelo Guida kaleme aldı.

Research paper thumbnail of Seçimlere giderken Berlusconi İtalya'sı

Research paper thumbnail of Euro’yu titreten cırcır böcekleri

Research paper thumbnail of Berlusconismo'nun sonu mu?

Research paper thumbnail of Hendrich Muslims Capitalism Content.pdf

Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship?, 2019

From today’s perspective, Islam and capitalism seem to be natural partners. In a world where stat... more From today’s perspective, Islam and capitalism seem to be natural partners. In a world where state socialism is on the wane, Islamic states in particular seem to be run by an exploitative class that in their hyper-capital-ist way of profit-making does not care at all about so-cial justice. Modern history, however, has seen a great number of movements, political parties and individu-als propagating the incompatibility of capitalism with Islam. And at a second glance, the quest for social jus-tice and the rejection of capitalism actually appear as a driving force in different Islamic discourses, includ-ing that of the so-called Islamic State.
The articles of this volume offer intriguing and origi-nal thoughts about the appropriate economic system for a Muslim society. Some of the concepts are based right away on socialism, while others call for a genu-ine, non-Western Islamic ‘third way’ between com-munism and capitalism. In fact, political reality has forced the secular Left to grapple with the response of Islamic movements to poverty and injustice. The vol-ume therefore also includes useful insights into the Left’s reaction to this political challenge.
The articles cover a wide range of world regions, not only the Middle East and Turkey, but also the Far East and North Africa, with a time span ranging from the late 19th century to the present. In addition, the reader is also introduced to economic concepts of early Islam and their textual sources.

Research paper thumbnail of Muhafazakarlık

Cumhuriyet Döneminde Siyasî Düşünce, 2019

Ömer Baykal (ed.), Cumhuriyet Döneminde Siyasî Düşünce (A Kitap: Ankara, 2019)

Research paper thumbnail of İslamclık

Cumhuriyet Döneminde Siyasî Düşünce, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Ideologie e Miti della politica estera turca

La Turchia nel Mediterraneo, 2022

Three seem to be the ideologies that have mostly influenced (and still influence) Turkish foreign... more Three seem to be the ideologies that have mostly influenced (and still influence) Turkish foreign policy, its position in the world, the other’s image, Europe, and the Mediterranean.
The Kemalist approach had been the guiding line of Turkish foreign policy for decades. The priorities of this model were the need to ensure the country's independence and the security of its borders. This foreign policy approach was updated after the Second World War when, with the rapid emergence of the bipolar world, neutrality would no longer be sufficient to protect Ankara’s interests. Turkey then chose to be a West ally, while maintaining its autonomy (for example on the Cyprus issue) to protect its strategic interests.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey sought further areas of autonomy and attempted to extend its influence into former Soviet areas and the Middle East. But only during the AKP’s era foreign policy acquired a new autonomy with the model set by Ahmet Davutoğlu, who, read the country's identity and founding myths in completely different ways.
Once Davutoğlu left office, the country increasingly sought to assert its autonomy but having lost an ideological guide, became influenced by several other ideologies such as Perinçek's Eurasianism, which is theoretically hostile to the AKP but has recently relaunched the country as a maritime power.
Therefore, this chapter aims to examine these three ideologies that have influenced Turkish foreign policy and that are grounded in three different (and sometimes conflicting) identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Namık Kemal

Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, 2021


Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Islamists' Enthusiasm for Versace: Islamism between Rejection and Adoption of the West

Muslims and Capitalism, 2018

The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship?... more The present paper is the last chapter of the book "Muslims and Capitalism An Uneasy Relationship?" edited by Béatrice Hendrich (https://uni-koln.academia.edu/httporientphilfakunikoelnde21169html) and published in 2019 by Ergon Verlag, Köln.

Research paper thumbnail of Reevaluating the Sources and Fragility of Turkey’s Soft Power after the Arab Uprisings

Turkey’s Relations with the Middle East (Springer), 2018

The rapid economic growth and pro-democratic political reforms of the 2000s had propelled Turkey ... more The rapid economic growth and pro-democratic political reforms of the 2000s had propelled Turkey to the position of a regional power as it was ranked 25th in the globe according to the 2010 Soft Power Index, rising to 20th by 2012. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, international politics has witnessed a dramatic transformation, and the possession of “soft power” has become a useful strategy for gaining more control over the outcome of international political issues. The rise of Turkey’s soft power in its surrounding areas throughout the 2000s has been recognized by many observers, leading to the emergence of a rich and ever-growing scholarly literature, however, the unexpected consequences of the 2011 Arab uprisings (most notably in the case of the Syrian Civil War) have proven that both the scholars and Turkish policy-makers have overemphasized the ability of soft power tools such as cultural influence to enable Turkey to reach its foreign policy objectives.

The necessity for sustaining soft power tools with hard power reserves such as economic resources and military forces has been neglected, resulting in a defective understanding of soft power caused largely by the ambiguity of the theoretical framework provided by Joseph Nye—the founding father of the concept. This study analyses the trajectory of Turkish soft power under the AKP (Justice and Development Party) rule, ultimately reevaluating the debate in light of insights drawn from the failure of many elements of Turkey’s Middle Eastern policy in the wake of the 2011 uprisings. As such, the study argues that a “fragility of soft power” has manifested in the case of Turkey because of the currently unconsolidated and problematic state of Turkish hard power reserves such as economic capacity and democratic institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Founders of Islamism in Republican Turkey: Kısakürek and Topçu

Research paper thumbnail of İslamcılık

Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Siyasal İdeojiler Derleyen Ömer Çaha ve Bican Şahin, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of İstanbul'da Seçmen Tercihlerini Ektileyen Faktör Olarak Din

Research paper thumbnail of A ‘Communist and Muslim’ Poet in Contemporary Turkey: The Works of İsmet Özel

Research paper thumbnail of Gli intellettuali musulmani e le riforme delle istituzioni politiche

Gli intellettuali musulmani e le riforme delle istituzioni politiche (Muslim Intellectuals and the Reforms of Political Institutions), 2005

My Ph.D. thesis (in Italian) focus on Islamist political thought in the Ottoman Empire and the Re... more My Ph.D. thesis (in Italian) focus on Islamist political thought in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey since 1909 to 1925. The research mainly focused on four intellectuals (Said Halim Pasa, Musa Kazım, Mehmed Âkif Ersoy and Seyyid Bey) and their political understanding with an analysis of their influence on the deep revolution undergoing in Turkey at that time, their influence on Islamist thought in the broader Middle East and contemporary Islamist thought. Worked on Ottoman and Turkish printed materials mostly in the UK (from February to October 2002, and again between July and August 2003) and Turkey (from October 2003 to April 2004).

Research paper thumbnail of Turchia: la strada verso le elezioni

Questa è la presentazione della lezione che ho tenuto all'Università di Cagliari il 21 marzo 2023... more Questa è la presentazione della lezione che ho tenuto all'Università di Cagliari il 21 marzo 2023. I dati sono aggiornati a quella data.

Research paper thumbnail of Turchia: il secolo della Repubblica (1923-2023)

La presentazione della lezione che ho tenuto all'Università di Cagliari il 20 marzo 2023