2Leather2Dildos (original) (raw)
Title: "Troubling The Waters"
Word Count: 3,410
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mark/Roger
Genre: Angsty smut? Smutty angst? Magical realism? With some romance thrown in? Dude, I have no idea. :p But my heart was hurting while I wrote some of it, so you're warned.
Summary: Post-RENT. Mark hates his mind. But it doesn't always have to be right.
Warning: Some angstishness, mixing religion and sex, sort of, which could offend some. And Roger's HIV positive, you guys know that, right? You probably also know that I’m unhealthily in love with Roger Davis.
Disclaimer: I don't own RENT, the characters therein, or the Bible. If I did own the Bible, there would be changes wicked-fast.
Thanks: After writing this, I realized that this is the same fountain smarmyelf used in her story "July". I really didn't realize that as I was writing, though her story did remind me I wanted to write a smutty Central Park fic. So thank you to her for the inspiration – and for her hilarious story. :)
Notes: Cross-posted. Okay. First I must ask you all to remember my
Number One Cardinal Rule of Rent Fanfiction
- Mark and Roger live together happily ever after for years and years into a good ripe age. Got it? But, see, Mark doesn't know that yet, he can’t, and therein comes the angst. This started as just a smutty oneshot, but it became something more when I was researching Central Park a little and discovered Bethesda Fountain, and the whole story changed. And just to let everyone know, I am not a religious person. This just ... worked for me. Oh, also, apparently this fountain was used in "Angels in America", which I haven't seen. So if there are similarities, it's totally not my fault.
And this one - is very special to me. I love it. I hope you guys like it too. :)
( Roger’s words cement it – this idea is going to happen. Now. It has to.Collapse )