319 Iowa (original) (raw)

Flooding [Jun. 17th, 2008|09:04 pm]319iowa
For anyone who wants to see some pictures of the flooding around here:http://iowadot.gov/floods/2008gallery.htmlYes, it's the Iowa DOT, so they're mostly pictures of roads, with a few pictures of railroads.cross-posted.
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The Human Aftertaste Unleashed: TASTE THE FREEDUM Tour [Jul. 12th, 2007|03:30 pm]319iowa
The time has come for the Human Aftertaste to release the hobos from the meat factory and cram-the-band-in-the-van to kickstart this Tour De Sauce across 9 States of Amerika. How we will survive this is not your concern. All you need to know is where we'll be, how many holes am I holding up, and what kind of surprise we'll be leaving on your doorstep.**Sex! Violence! Dale Earnhardt's Corpse! Tittybear! Dildoes! Fiddle Faddle!**First stop, Iowa City - lucky, lucky bastards!Friday, July 13th - 9:00pmThe PicadorIowa City, IowaWith: Miracles of GodLipstick Homicide_$5 buck tour kick off show!!!Print out this crappy token, present it to the hairy guy (you know - the one with the hair...and the face) and get yourself a; FREE CAN OF MEAT!!!"It's like watching a train of drunken, naked clowns crash into Wal-Mart the day after Christmas. Bizarre, tragic but also absolutely amazing."_ The Daily Iowan"Our show will rock like two dolphins shootin' ice cream out their blow holes." Count Jabula.Wanna know more? Go to our website for full tour details, poindexter.(x-posted like the buggery, but not spammed - only where relevant. Mods, feel free to delete if inappropriate and all that, cheers!)
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(no subject) [Jan. 10th, 2007|12:53 pm]319iowa
[Current Location |couch] [mood coldcold] [music Velvet Underground-Sunday Morning]Hello. I'm Becca. Lived in IC my whole life, with the exception of 2 1/2 years. (I escaped!) And will escape again, in approximately one month. But just wanted to stop by and say hello. Are there any writers (read, "aspiring" or "pretend" writers) here?
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(no subject) [Dec. 23rd, 2006|02:18 pm]319iowa
Hi! New here. Been living in Coralville just over 4 years.Just wanted to see if anyone was planning on going to the Murder by Death show at Gabe's...*ahem* I mean The Picador....on New Year's eve. Should be a great time!
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Luck of the Gypsy Way [Sep. 21st, 2006|03:10 pm]319iowa
[**mood** |bouncybouncy]The Cedar Rapids branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism is sponsoring an event this weekend. The SCA is an international non-profit living history organization focused on recreating the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Events are open to anyone and everyone...who makes an attempt to dress in clothing pre-1600 CE.For more details about the Cedar Rapids branch (the Shire of Deodar) and this weekends event, please check things out here.Come on out and get medieval this weekend!!!
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(no subject) [Jul. 13th, 2006|10:54 am]319iowa
I'm looking to start a band in the Iowa City area. The band will be industrial/rock in nature, with heavy influences by Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Faith No More, Tool and Alice in Chains. This will be a very open-minded, creatively free group.If anyone's interested, please get ahold of me, and let's get this going.
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(no subject) [Feb. 18th, 2006|02:49 pm]319iowa
[**mood** |anxiousanxious]I am desperate. I need someplace to buy bingo BLOTTERS that is NOT Wal Mart. I need them before 5 tonite. Also, I need them in the Iowa City/Coralville area. please HELP>!
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DUDES [Feb. 8th, 2006|12:56 pm]319iowa
I'm a newbie! To Iowa City, last august. I'm here for massage schooling. Updates on spas or various other places for my line of work would be apreciated.go iowa!
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Recommendations Requested [Oct. 18th, 2005|11:04 am]319iowa
_Cedar Rapids_tucked-away coffee shops or cafes offering free WiFi/Internet hook-up, preferably near or along Collins Rd.evening or weekend digital SLR photography classes, preferably Canon-specific
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