3AM Muse (original) (raw)

. . . because I have the conch, and the conch was sorta idly sittin' around doing nothing, except wiggling its non-existent toes on its singular little foot . . .


It is muy sad that we have temporarily(?) lost our western contingency, but hiati are certainly understood. We hope to see you again soon keikikai!

As for the rest of us, might I suggest that we use the copious spare time (

that was mostly a joke) over the holidays to get caught up on all the reading and critiquing that we have to do, so that when we hit the second sunday in January, we can be on target again.

We shall not be *that* group.

*dramatic music swells in the background*

We shall not be wishy-washy!

*horn fanfare*

We shall overcome the odds and write, write, write and CRITIQUE 'TILL THE END!!!


sound good? what do you think? outstanding. let's go.

PS: In the meantime, don't forget to critique roserain, anastasia1910 and tlluria's submissions below.

I'm having a bit of a time figuring out exactly which levels of critique I want, because one level of critique/editing might mean something for one person, and something else for another.

Can we discuss and narrow down what we mean with the various types of editing, por favor?



ETA: post types of editing styles or editing levels you know of or have used before in the comments below. if possible, add a line that describes how the term defines the type of editing. In the comments, if you've heard that editing or critiquing style referred to differently, please comment on that as well.

for example:

Line Edit -
Line Notes -
Global End Comments -
Global/Scene/Chapter Structural Comments -
etc. .... ?


here are some links that include some interesting information and terms. I think it might not be a bad idea to incorporate the useful ones and agree on definitions for our own purposes, because at Hollins we do have a common language going for us.






because I'd forgotten too ...

as far as when to respond, how long we have etc, we already nailed that down. it's posted in the community profile, as well as under the tags "guidelines" and "rules and regs."

probably not a bad idea for all of us to check that out again.

then if we have anymore questions, we can post about them.

oh, and something else just occured to me, it might not be a bad idea for us to post our questions as an actual post to the community, instead of a response to someone else's post. if we do the latter, we run the risk of a question getting overlooked and ignored.

EDIT: profile link

guidelines tag


rules and regs tag


I thank all for everyone's patience as we plowed through all this.

It looks like the 4th Thursday is the most popular, so let's go with that. For the other due-date it seems a Sunday two weeks away would be reasonable.

I'm going to propose the 2nd Sunday (instead of the 1st, which in a 5 week month is also two weeks away, going the other way!) because then we don't run the risk of having due-dates 3 weeks in a row.

Please remember, we are not meeting. This is a due date for manuscripts and the beginning of the comment-posting period! No chats or meets are scheduled!

So as it stands now:

2nd Sunday
4th Thursday
optional Thursday/Sunday as the calendar determines

All in favor, post "aye" together with EITHER your day of preference OR your statement of I-don't-care-either-day-is-fine-with-me-ness.



Hello Ladies!

Let's figure this stuff out so we can get started.

  1. Members MIA. citycountrygirl Is in a crit-group already, but has promised that when she finally gets around to writing the creative piece simmering in her, she'll knock here first. I told her she'd always be welcome. If we want to invite an alternative, please suggest in a post below. elfinsprite has not been heard from. I sent her another email with instructions last night, so I'm hoping to hear from her.

  2. Title and Subtitle of the community. Click here for all the deets and everybody contribute at least one thing. Katie has modeled loverly for us and we thank her for it.

  3. Userpic of the community and fun variations thereof. Click here for the story.

  4. Day (or days) to meet. Poll results show that the most ideal day is Thursday IF we start at 9:45 (ideal for both mja700 and keikikai given choir and time-zones) and that the least offensive day is Sunday. How do people feel about one late Thursday workshop and one Sunday workshop per month?

  5. Tags. Just a little reminder to everybody, please always remember to tag! There's a box where you can enter whatever tags (you can think of tags as categories) your post falls under. There's a tag space underneath where you type your post.
    And so everybody knows, everyone can add additional tags to a post in case they feel that a post might also relate to another topic the author didn't think of with the "Edit Tags" link under the post.
    Also, you're not restricted to the tags that are already listed on the sidebar of the community page. You can add new ones as you need.

  6. Introductions. Thank you everybody for posting your introductions, it's so neat to see where everybody's been and where we're going!

Discuss, por favor.
