Sanders’ AEW Rampage Review 9.27.24 | 411MANIA (original) (raw)

Hello, my friends! Lee Sanders is back with you all for another edition of AEW Rampage! I hope you have all been well. Special shoutout to those down south in North Carolina, Florida, and surrounding areas. Hurricane Helene has been causing much damage as the casualty numbers continue to rise. Do everything you can to stay safe.

There are lots of interesting reactions to the Vince McMahon Netflix docuseries. For those interested in hearing my thoughts on the series, check out my playlist as I break down and analyze each episode in the video below.

Let’s talk Rampage!

Venue: MassMutual Center
City: Springfield, Massachusetts
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

MATCH 1: Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black vs Mark Briscoe vs Action Andretti and Lio Rush

Black and Rush begin this episode and talk about gutsy for Rush. Great series of counters and reversals as Rush hits a stunner! Black comes back with a superkick as Andretti tags himself into the match. Rush is surprised by a blind attack as Black walks away to tag Matthews. Andretti ends up losing his cool after Matthews gets the best of him as Rush gets in. Matthew’s shoulder tackles Rush followed up with a kick to the face that sends him to the outside. Andretti gets into the face of Matthews as the two talk trash. Rush is able to rebound and hits a tope suicida between the ropes. Andretti sends Black tumbling to the outside as he and Rush try for a double suplex. They settle for a stereo double dropkick instead as a pin attempt is made. Looks to be a near fall as The Righteous are watching from a monitor backstage. Back from a commercial break as Andretti is in a chokehold by Black. Andretti comes to a vertical base and is fighting with forearm strikes and all. A double high-crossbody ground between both men as Rush and Matthews is tagged afterward. Rush hits a nice combo to the face followed by the posioncarana and a stunner. Rush with a low kick to the face as he climbs the top rope. Andretti tags himself in as the two are arguing. Black hits Andretti with a kick to the face after kicking him into Rush. Rush crashes outside and to the floor as Black picks up the win.

Winner: House of Black (13 minutes)
A fun, high-paced opener that honestly could’ve gone either way. Love the miscommunication between Rush and Andretti but it feels so random doesn’t it folks? One minute, Top Flight with Leila Grey are on the same page and the next moment they aren’t. Chat me up on what’s been going on with these guys on Dynamite and Collision.

Post-match, Andretti throws a bottle of water at Brody King and King retaliates by charging him with a clothesline! House of Black is about to pounce on him when Top Flight pulls him out of the ring for the save.

MATCH 2: Anna Jay vs Robyn Renegade

Lock up into the corner as Robyn shoves Anna Jay. Anna heads in for a side headlock followed by a leapfrog. Anna hits a couple of knees to the gut, followed by a kick to the head and a monkey flip from the top rope. Robyn hits a punch and a chop as she goes for a neck stretch. Anna pulls off a jawbreaker and a forearm chop. A nice neckbreaker and backkick follow as Anna hits the gory bomb for her 60th win in AEW.

Winner: Anna Jay (3 minutes)

Highlights from a recent sit-down interview Rene Paquette conducted with Will Ospreay and Ricochet. Check out the video below.

MATCH 3: Angelico vs Takeshita

Takeshita with a knee to the midsection as the two now exchange strikes. Angelico with a lockup but it’s a quick kickout. Angelico hits a boot to the face as he tries looking for a move between the ropes but Takeshita walks in the opposite direction. Takeshita hits a flying clothesline. Back from another commercial break, Angelico hits a forearm shot from the ropes. Reversal and a telegraph as Angelico hits a rollup for a two count. Series of reversals as Angelico hits a nice armlock hyperextension maneuver. Takeshita is sent into the turnbuckle as Angelico hits a rear naked chokehold. Takeshita hits the bottom rope for the escape. Action heads to the corner where Takeshita is on the top. Angelico heads up and hits a back-body drop. Angelico tries for a kick and gets nailed by Takeshita as he follows it up with the raging fire and another one for the win.

Winner: Takeshita (10 minutes)
Solid matchup! Love that Takeshita!

MATCH 4: The Acclaimed vs Victim 106 and Victim 92

Blink and you’ll miss it, folks!

Winner: The Acclaimed (3 minutes)

Post-match The Acclaimed promise to shut up the MXM Collection as they’ll be seeing them on Collision. MXM Collection appears on the screen to let them know they aren’t invited to their fashion show. Maybe Acclaimed get some help from Cindy Crawford they’ll get in.

MATCH 5: Willow Nightingale vs Taya Valkyrie

Two of my absolute favorites! Now this should be good! Taya got smaller! Wow, just wow! Good for her but I didn’t mind her when she was thicker. She hasn’t looked like this in a long time. Anyway, Taya gets a boot up as she bulldogs Willow, and follows up with a stomp. Willow hits a couple of body slams, and a punch to the back before going for another body slam. A low crossbody follows as Willow goes for a cover. It’s a near fall as Willow hits a dropkick that sends Taya outside. Willow cannonballs herself from the top as we head into our final set of commercials. We are back as Taya gets hit with a spinebuster for a near fall. Willow climbs to the top and misses a dropkick. Taya hits a backkick, knee lift, and a lariat! Running knees to the face follows up for a near fall. Taya chops Willow’s chest so hard and loud it sounds like thunder in the sky! To the top rope as Willow flips underneath. Taya hits a thrust kick as she climbs to the top but Willow derails her. Willow hits a superplex! Both women struggle to get back to a vertical base as they’re exchanging blows now. Willow hits the pounce as she catches Taya bouncing off the ropes! A gut-wrench powerbomb follows as Willow picks up another win! My girl!

Winner: Willow Nightingale (10 minutes)
Solid main event and great execution by two of my absolute favorites. Willow for AEW Womens Champion already!

End of Show

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