HUGE NIGGER COCK (original) (raw)

Administrative note [16 Sep 2004|12:38am]
[ **mood** | awake ] If anyone wants to be the moderator for this dead lj_community and maybe make it active again, just ask and I'll let you have it. Jessica?
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[07 Jun 2004|05:59pm]
why won't dave talk to us?we are soooooo lonely!!!!!oh dave....!!!!
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My Valentine's day [15 Feb 2004|02:48pm]
[ **mood** | awake ] 0000-was pissed off at myself for not making any money the previous day, decided to call best friend0200-end conversation with friend, go to take shower0300-come back and clean up room and put on makeup for some reason0330-bored and depressed so decide to take DXM0400-DXM starts working, listen to wistful music and emote0600-fall asleep1100-wake up to amira and will (the landlords) arguing1200-start watching Figure Skating Championship, drool over hot slavic girls1400-get on the subway to go to the job, sit across from a girl who reminds me of a past love, curse God1440-get out of subway, find food and chow down while walking to job1500-show up at job, no supervisor1510-supervisor shows up but forgot the keys1550-supervisor brings keys and we start working1720-sell vacation to single woman who sets her tenative travel date as next valentine's day..awwww1750-made $80, decide to book it1800-walk around East Village, see ad campaign with girls who rock the eyeliner, am impressed1900-decide to go see movie, walk to theatre1930-see Battle of Algiers2200-grab some Krispy Kremes, go in search of real food2230-chow down at wonton place on Mott St., wonder how many people are having obligatory St. Valentine's day sex2300-walk around SoHo, get on subway and am impressed by the fashion of Brooklyn-bound girls2330-go home and fall asleepWhat did you do?
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Hair cut [12 Jan 2004|04:52am]
[ **mood** | content ] Me and jen just cut my hair in the bathroomI look a bit like a little boybut a hot little boyThis cat requires so much attention
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I shall post [10 Jan 2004|03:57am]
[ **mood** | tired ] No one ever posts here any more. In retrospect, I liked that movie because I've forgotten about the ending.I also thought 21 g was a stupid name for it. A better name would have been necropolis but I suppose that was already taken.Fuck my penis is big.
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GORT [05 Dec 2003|06:06am]
[ **mood** | jubilant ] an update for you antisocial losers.on wednesday, last day of class,we are gorging ourselves on bad mcdonalds food,and then beginning the first biannualDISGUSTATHONfeaturing at least two biohazards near you!(sometimes more)
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So [03 Dec 2003|02:03am]
[ **mood** | silly ] Graham's friend wanted a LJ so I wasted $5 of my valuable moneyI am an amazingly nice humanI must now take full advantage of all LJ has to offerI will RAPE and PILLAGE
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Gatsby is fat [02 Dec 2003|10:06pm]
[ **mood** | hot ] More like fatsbyhe eats all of Rachel's foodJessica is laughing. I think it got into her braiiiiiinbrainbrainI'm sick of these fucking cats. CATS CATS CATS everywhere EVERYWHERE IN MY ANUS
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sufferin' succotash [02 Dec 2003|01:45am]
[ **mood** | amused ] it's not a RED red, but it's a red.if this is red, I wanna know, what's orange?this is red, what's orange?it could be... that there is some orange also.
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Cock-ho [30 Nov 2003|06:51pm]
[ **mood** | anxious ] I hear the happy tree people singing in the backgroundI can only conclude that somewhere a zeppelin is crashingRax is leaving. I'm going to go find her kitty. He he he.
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ok here is a sample entry I'm going to try to stylize this well and not have it drown in shite [29 Nov 2003|05:42am]
[ **mood** | anxious ] The Vaselines Oliver Twisted lyricsOnce I had a friend called Oliver Twisted,Who used to think he was a brand and gifted,Stupendisly handsome, Beautifully smart,He had no heart.On his own he was all alone,He wanted more than he ever got.Once I had a friend called Oliver Twisted,Who took life so slow that he occasionally missed it,Permanently senseless, never on his brain, he had no brain.Once I had a friend called Oliver Twisted,Who lived on the edge or so he insisted,Inteligently careless, hated rock and roll, he had no soul.
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