give five signs that identify a werewolf? excellent question. (original) (raw)

[05 Jul 2010|07:41pm]
--Comment--Credit in keywords(spiracy or __cheapthrill)--Don't modify these!! --Feedback is appreciated!! NEW SET POSTED. THIS JOURNAL HAS MOVED. Please, friend/join __cheapthrill
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[28 May 2010|12:56pm]
Once again. An announcement...This journal has moved to __cheapthrill!I just posted a new entry there so please go join/add that journal!!!--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or __cheapthrill)--Don't modify these!! --Feedback is appreciated!!14 Veronica Mars/Alias icons here
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One last (hopefully) move. [25 May 2010|05:01pm]
5signs is moving to __cheapthrill! The reason I'm moving the journal is because I decided I wanted to change it to a community, but you can't change journals that have entries. ANYWAY, affiliates please change your links and everyone go join/add __cheapthrill!!Again...MOVED TO __cheapthrillThe first icon post should be there within the next couple of days :)
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again [28 Jun 2005|09:42pm]
5signs is moving to __cheapthrill! The reason I'm moving the journal is because I decided I wanted to change it to a community, but you can't change journals that have entries. ANYWAY, affiliates please change your links and everyone go join/add __cheapthrill!!Again...MOVED TO __cheapthrillFEEL FREE TO REMOVE 5SIGNS FROM YOUR FRIENDS LIST!
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Guess who's back!! [02 May 2005|08:57pm]
Just to let everyone un-announced icon hiatus will be ending as soon as I finish the current batch I'm working on. I will be returning with mostly Alias and Harry Potter icons. I also added more affiliates so check them out here!Thank you for being patient!-piracy
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012: HP, actors, the Beatles [26 Jan 2005|01:42pm]
Definitely an experimental set. Let me know what you like! Also, I've switched personal journals so if you get a reply from piracy, it's me!--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 15 iconsCollapse )
40 comments|post comment
010: HP, actors, the Beatles [07 Jan 2005|05:05pm]
Haven't done HP in a while and there are only a few. Mainly Beatles :) You can tell I'm a little out of the icon making world. These aren't very good LOL--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 16 iconsCollapse )
46 comments|post comment
008: The Libertines [23 Dec 2004|03:07pm]
Libertines again ;P I revamped the userinfo :/ It was WAY too long.--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 30 iconsCollapse )
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007: 18 Peter Doherty and Carlos Barât [13 Dec 2004|12:50pm]
It's been forever since I last updated, huh? Sorry about that. I've made a VERY simple set of icons of Pete Doherty and Carl Barât from the Libertines. No text..pretty much just about the colors. Anyhow, some photos are by the talented andrewkendall.--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 18 iconsCollapse )
12 comments|post comment
Tutorial 001: Color Boxes [12 Oct 2004|11:35am]
Okay so I decided to post a tutorial. This is the second tutorial I've ever posted, but the first one in my icon journal. I'll try and post some more, but I probably won't do them for specific icons :/Anyway this is to learn how to do a color box on an icon like this...This tutorial is for PS7, but can easily be done in PSP. ( Tutorial 001: Color BoxesCollapse )
18 comments|post comment
005: SS/PS and Ships [05 Oct 2004|03:35pm]
SS/PS and ships again. I apologize for being heavily D/G at times acciofirebolt made me do it. I'm going to try and do some different ships, slash included, in the next set.--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 20 iconsCollapse )
49 comments|post comment
004: HP SHIPS [01 Oct 2004|07:36pm]
Okay so this is a shippercon set. Most are textless because I just felt like making them textless. The D/G icons are dedicated to acciofirebolt and the H/G icons are dedicated to uponadream. I apologize for the uneven portions that's just because I wasn't paying attention and by the time I realized I was too lazy to make more ;) More on the way!--Comment--Credit in keywords(secondsflat or 5signs)--Use only on LJ--Don't modify these!! Textless icons are not bases.--Feedback is appreciated!! --If the text is illegible, it's meant to be.( 18 iconsCollapse )
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