The Seven Stages (Of Alchemical Transformation) (original) (raw)
Fic: Divinity Within Them [Greed]
Jul. 27th, 2008 | 04:20 pm
music: Taboo - Michiru Oshima, FMA OST 1
posted by: ravenclaw42 in
Wow, it's been a while since I managed to write a fic for this challenge community. I fell off the writing horse and didn't get back on for a long time. Hopefully this is a decent enough return.
Title: Divinity Within Them
Character(s): Greed, Ed, Lust, Gluttony
Rating: PG
Prompt: glass moon
Summary: Lust and Gluttony loiter outisde Dante’s mansion after sending Greed to meet his maker.
Author's Notes: I thought I was going to write from Ed's POV ever since I picked up the challenge, but it was only the other day that Lust's POV popped in there instead -- which was the catalyst that made this ficlet finally happen.
Cut to my LJ: They... fancy that they feel / Divinity within them breeding wings..."
Crossposted to fma_writers and
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Season of War: A Time to Cast Away Stones - Ed - Al - Winry
Jul. 21st, 2008 | 08:44 pm
mood: hopeful
posted by: evil_little_dog in
Season of War: A Time to Cast Away Stones
S J Smith
Disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been, Hiromu Arakawa. (I just play her on TV.)
Rating: Teen for language but mature overall due to situations
Prompt: The only adventure
Word Count: 2,352
Characters: Ed - Al - Winry
Summary: It only takes one little thing to change your life.
A.N.: Manga-based; this story takes place in an A.R. that begins when Ed, Winry and Alphonse leave Central to go south to Dublith. Written for the 7stages (of Alchemic Transformation) challenge, the first story is A Time To Rend the second story is A Time To Reap the third story is, A Time To Lose, the fourth story is, A Time To Weep, the fifth story is A Time to Mourn
Much thanks to cornerofmadness for the edits.
A Time to Cast Away Stones (Link direct to my LJ and crossposted various places.)
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fic: Season of War: A Time to Mourn
Jan. 22nd, 2008 | 06:54 am
mood: awake
posted by: evil_little_dog in
Season of War: A Time to Mourn
S J Smith
Disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been, Hiromu Arakawa. (I just play her on TV.)
Rating: Teen for language
Summary: It only takes one little thing to change your life.
Word Count: 1659
Prompt: the seed of the fire
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Fic - Like a Knife
Dec. 23rd, 2007 | 12:01 am
mood: drained
music: Picard Rap
posted by: cornerofmadness in
Like a Knifecornerofmadness
Skewed Perspectives series, story #4
Disclaimer - not mine, all characters belong to Hiromu Arakawa et al, Square Enix and funimition. I don’t make a profit
Rating - PG-13
Pairing - None, Roy & Kimbley centric
Summary – Fed up with war, Roy nearly lets his own flames consume him.
Time Line - Manga verse, set in Ishbal so spoilers for things happening from 58 and beyond.
crossposted heavily
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Season of War: A Time to Weep
Nov. 15th, 2007 | 07:07 pm
mood: accomplished
posted by: evil_little_dog in
Season of War: A Time to Weep
S J Smith
Characters: Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Alphonse Elric
Disclaimer: I am not now, nor have I ever been, Hiromu Arakawa. (I just play her on TV.)
Rating: Teen for language
Prompt: Dragon Tears
Word Count: 1,130
Summary: It only takes one little thing to change your life.
A.N.: Manga-based; this story takes place in an A.R. that begins when Ed, Winry and Alphonse leave Central to go south to Dublith. The first story is “A Time to Rend” the second story is “A Time to Reap,” the third story is “A Time to Lose.”
Thanks as always to cornerofmadness for the edits.
Link to my LJ: A Time To Weep.
Crossposted various places.
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[fic] "At the Very Ports We Blow" (Hei+Ed, PG-13)
Nov. 9th, 2007 | 12:22 am
posted by: cryogenia in
Title: At the Very Ports We Blow (Part 5 of 5)
Author: cryogenia
Pairing: None (gen)
Rating: R (rating has increased)
Prompt: Set 5, #1: "at the very ports they blow"
Spoiler level: Post-series, pre-movie
Warnings for this fic: References to ethnic tensions, both fictional and historical
Summary: Edward Elric has made his way to the University of Munich, where he faces a new challenge in the eerily familiar face of his peer and colleague, Alfons Heiderich. There's just one problem: the two of them have to get along.
Part 1 - the effect of impact on stationary objects
Part 2 - the seed of the fire
Part 3 - i hear the electric shock
Part 4 - draw a line in the sand
Part 5 (complete) - the wage of honesty
X-posted to: fm_alchemist,
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Lost - Chapter 6
Jul. 1st, 2007 | 04:54 pm
Title: Lost
Author: Me
Pairing: Roy/Alphonse (mentions of past Roy/Ed)
Prompt: Draw a Line in the Sand
Word Count: 2,838
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Spoilers: Takes place after the end of the series, but becomes AU after that.
Summary: On a wet, cloudy day, General Roy Mustang prepares to sail back to Amestris when he finds himself confronted with someone from his past…
A/N: This chapter technically marks the end of this story. Eventually there will be an epilogue, because I do need 7 chapters for this challenge, but that will probably be a very long time in the future. However, this story doesn’t really need an epilogue. In fact, this is where I would end it if a 7th chapter wasn’t needed.
I’ve uploaded a song (‘Eurydice’ by Sleepthief) to MegaUpload that I consider to be the soundtrack to this story. It fit so perfectly that I nearly died the first time I heard it. It can be found HERE.
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Lost - Chapter 5
Jun. 15th, 2007 | 08:35 pm
Title: Lost
Pairing: Roy/Alphonse (mention of past Roy/Ed)
Prompt: Dragon Tears
Word Count: 1,776
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Spoilers: Takes place after the end of the series, but it becomes AU after that.
Summary: On a wet, cloudy day, General Roy Mustang prepares to sail back to Amestris when he finds himself confronted with someone from his past...Go here for table
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Lost - Chapter 4
Jun. 8th, 2007 | 04:29 pm
Title: Lost
Paring: Roy/Alphonse (mention of past Roy/Ed)
Prompt: Artificial Light
Word Count: 1,862
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Spoilers: Takes place after the end of the series, but it becomes AU after that.
Summary: On a wet, cloudy day, General Roy Mustang prepares to sail back to Amestris when he finds himself confronted with someone from his past...
Go HERE for the table and previous chapters.