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Veterans, Service Members, and their Loved Ones
Veterans, active service members, and their loved ones can reach the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) 24/7/365 by calling 988 and pressing 1, texting 838255 or chatting. Learn more about the VCL.
988 Lifeline voice, text, and chat options are offered in Spanish. To call a Spanish-speaking counselor, dial 988 and then press 2. To text with a Spanish-speaking counselor, text AYUDA to 988. To chat with a Spanish-speaking counselor, please start a chat in Spanish.
Español (Spanish)
Los servicios de llamada, texto, y chat de 988 Lifeline se ofrecen en español. Para comunicarse con un consejero que habla español, marque 988 y luego presione 2. Para enviar un mensaje de texto a un consejero que habla español, envié la palabra AYUDA al 988. Para chatear con un consejero que habla español, por favor inicia un chat en español.
LGBTQI+ Youth and Young Adults
LGBTQI+ people under 25 can access 24/7/365 LGBTQI+ support via 988 chat or by text by typing PRIDE. You will be asked if you want to opt-in to this support before you are connected to a counselor. People can also call 988 and press 3 to be connected to LGBTQI+ services.
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
Deaf and Hard of Hearing people have 24/7/365 access to 988 Videophone, which can be accessed by clicking on ASL Now.