a_coffee_break (original) (raw)



Well, I mean, it's not like there is much going on here in the first place. But I suppose I should give my absence a bit of a name. Apologies to America, especially, as I do owe you a reply, but I haven't been feeling too into the Hetalia hype for various reasons I'm not going into.

Basically all this means is that I won't be checking Hungary/Canada's flists as much as I probably should (if at all), and won't be replying to any posts. If there's something important popping up, drop me an IM. Check y'all later!

I'll be on a short "hiatus" (if you can even call it that) from Monday (the 26th) till probably late in the day Friday (the 30th), but i'll probably be back Friday late at any rate. And probably won't have access to the internet until that point in time.


Hello everyone,

I'm going on a hiatus for about a week or so. From July 18-27th I'll be in California!

I'm going to see my mom and check out Comic Con in San Diego.

Not like I was very active but anyway.......just thought you would like to know.

If you are going to Comic Con, maybe we can bump into each other~

Later Days.

Just because i don't know who reads LJ News-- i know i don't, but someone on my friends list on my regular LJ pointed out that now LJ is deleting "inactive" journals. So if a personal journal hasn't been used for 24 months &/or has only one post, it gets deleted. There's different stipulations for a community, which i don't remember, but it's something along those same lines.

Thought i'd let everybody know.

ETA: Community is no posts for 24 months, few posts(i think), & no comments.

...And needs help getting other people's MSN's back. ;A;

*Has been going one-by-one* OTL

MSN: stringuitar@live.com

I have a craaaaaapton of stuff from AX & all that jazz, but at least for now, have Kiku-mun & Greece-mun singing, censored for your enjoyment! :D



Hallo my lovelies.

I'm no mod BUT I hope everyone had fun at AX and the Beach party! I definitely had fun at AX (especially the shopping. ogod) and enjoyed the few minutes at the beach (ORZ).

I know you've alll been busy prior to anime expo with your sewing stuff WHICH led to the


no sparkles either :T Chanserv must be dead already due to inactivity.

I just miss talking to ya'll~ I mean everyone used to gather up in the IRC to chat but I guess life is eating ya. Plus I go on MSN but I honestly, really don't do anything on that thing. Besides, it's fun to make Iceland and Vietnam go yandere screw around with everyone.

Moving on, I'm wondering when we can have a day where we just dump all of our stress and whatever into our muses so it can be converted into

porn crack! ( You know! With the name-changing abusing and the yeah). Or um... at least, that is what I do all of the time.

So how about bringing it back to life? What day & time is good?

Oh yeah, FEEL FREE TO COOME IN THE IRCC. i know there are some of yous out there who don't want to come in because you're too cool. No one bites except for Switzzy~