A to Z prompts (original) (raw)
Title: Rock Me Gently
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/PG
Wordcount: 740
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, writers_choice, 10_hurt_comfort, a_to_z_prompts
Notes/Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes Cody needs some time out. And Nick's the one to give it to him...
"This is the first chance we've had to relax for two days!" --Cody Allen, The Hardcase
Title: The Lotus Blossom, or The Path to Enlightenment
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Pre-slash, HET, Slash; NC17
Wordcount: 3700
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody/(O)FCs; Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, batpack, 30_nights, a_to_z_prompts, smallfandomflsh
Notes/Warnings: Um, het. For the Riptide Kink Meme, prompt #14 - Nick/Cody/(O)FC -- threesome
Summary: "Are there any girls in that little book of yours who’d come over and help out a couple of guys in need?"
The Lotus Blossom, or The Path to Enlightenment
title: since then
fandom: Law & Order SVU
pairing: elliot/katie (ofc), contains Matt Vaughn, OC of ciaimpala, and mentions Jordan Vaughn, OC of jacquelin825 - thanks to both of you for letting me borrow your ppl.
letter: y for year-long - table # 11 for a_to_z_prompts
summary: A year has past; and Katie reflects on her life on Acadia's first birthday.
rating: PG.
word count: 1477.
warnings/spoilers: none really ;)
a/n: Katie Summers is an original character of mine who I'm pairing with Detective Elliot Stabler for my fic's in this challenge. You'll get to know more about her as you read :) SVU timeline wise is set during the time Elliot is separated from his wife, and in my fic he divorced her. This fic is set around season 8.
disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Law and Order SVU. This is purely written for entertainment only.
- Current Mood: lazy