Coral Snake (original) (raw)

“Red touches yellow, kill a fellow…” isn’t always accurate.

Coral snakes are highly venomous members of the Elapidae family. They’re split into Old World and New World groups, most of which inhabit sparsely populated areas. They’re generally small snakes, between 2 and 4 feet; the Arizona coral snake is sometimes thinner than a pencil.

The Old World groups live in Asia, India, and the islands of Southeast Asia. These snakes are classified into three genera, with about 20 species. They exhibit the widest variation in color patterns, from mostly blackish-blue with orange on their head and tail.

The New World coral snakes live in the Americas, in the southern United States, and throughout Central and South America. Many of them have red, yellow, and black patterns but not all. Of all the coral snake species, the Americas are home to by far the largest variety. There are dozens of species, over 100; however, with all that variety, they are only classified into two genera.

Coral Snake infographic

Amazing Facts About Coral Snakes

Where to Find Them

Coral snakes inhabit the Americas, like in Alabama, and many areas of India, Asia, and the islands of Southeast Asia. These snakes vary widely in behavior but are mostly fossorial, digging into leaf litter and hiding in abandoned burrows. Many do not come out except to breed or during the rainy season. A few are mostly aquatic and spend most of their time in the water with dense vegetation.

They mainly eat rodents but will also eat salamanders, frogs, lizards, birds, and occasionally other snakes. Some species, like the blue Malaysian coral snake, eats primarily snakes.

Scientific Name

Coral snakes are brightly colored and have distinctive bands.


They’re part of the Elapidae family, cousins to snakes like cobras and mambas. Coral snakes are classified under several genera, all with different meanings:

Each of the specific names either gives further detail about the snake’s physical description or honors a person involved in its discovery.

Population and Conservation

Sonoran Coral Snake

Coral snakes do not reproduce quickly, having only 2-3 eggs at once.

Coral snakes don’t breed very quickly – many only lay 2 or 3 eggs at a time. Some coral snakes are considered endangered in part of their habitat; for example, North Carolina considers the eastern coral snake (M. fulvius) endangered. The IUCN Redlist has several listed as vulnerable with decreasing populations; including the Roatan coral snake (M. ruatanus), the Oaxacan coral snake (M. ephippifer), and the Japanese coral snake (S. japonicus).

Appearance & Description

The rhyme many school kids learned works most of the time for the Eastern and Texas coral snakes; it sort of works with the Arizona species, which often has white bands instead of yellow. It’s not completely reliable, however, and the further you go from the United States, the less it works. Add to that, several snake species mimic coral snake colors, such as the king snakes and milk snakes that have similar banding.

So, learning to identify the coral snakes that live in your area is the best way to go.

Snakes such as the eastern, Texas, and Arizona coral snakes do have a couple of things in common: They have blunt heads and tails, and their color pattern extends all the way around their bodies. The non-venomous look-alikes’ color stops at their bellies.

The rhyme doesn’t work at all with Asian species; their colors and patterns vary greatly from species to species.


Coral snakes have an interesting diet that primarily consists of small reptiles, rodents, and even frogs. They are mostly ground-dwellers, so they hunt for their prey in the leaf litter or soil on the forest floor. They sometimes use ambush tactics to surprise their prey when they least expect it. Coral snakes also feed on other venomous snakes, such as rattlesnakes and copperheads, which gives them a competitive advantage over other predators who can’t tolerate the venom of these species. However, coral snakes will occasionally take advantage of birds and insects if they get hungry enough!

Read about what coral snakes eat.

Pictures and Videos

Blue Malaysian Coral Snake

The blue Malaysian coral snake is blue-black with red on its head and tail.


Amazon Coral snakes

Amazon coral snakes have wide yellow bands with black speckles.


Eastern coral snake

Eastern coral snakes typically have black coloring until right behind the eyes. The first death due to these snakes in over 40 years occurred in 2009.

©Jay Ondreicka/

Red-tailed coral snake

Like many of the New World species, red-tailed coral snakes exhibit black on their head that stops just behind the eyes. (Micrurus mipartitus decussatus)

©Dr. Morley Read/

south american coral snake

These coral snakes have narrow white bands instead of the yellow of other species.


Venom: How Dangerous are They?

Despite their highly toxic venom and fearsome reputation, North American coral snakes are considered less dangerous than rattlesnakes and copperheads. Their venom is the second most toxic in the world after black mambas and is composed of neurotoxins that attack the respiratory system. A severe bite can cause death in just a few hours, which makes immediate medical care vital.

Toxicity of their venom aside, these snakes have a poor venom delivery system. Unlike vipers, coral snakes don’t have hollow fangs attached to a venom gland. Their fangs have a groove that the venom travels down when they bite; rather than striking and releasing, coral snakes have to chew on their prey to get venom injected.

Behavior and Humans

coral snake

Coral snakes are highly venomous but not aggressive.


Coral snakes are highly venomous, but surprisingly few bites occur every year. Unlike the mambas and cobras, their less reclusive cousins, they are excellent escape artists and often leave before you ever have a chance to see them. If you do see one, your best bet is to back away and give it space to leave; they’re not generally aggressive and will not chase you.

They’re reclusive and spend much of their time buried in leaf litter, underground, or otherwise hidden on the rainforest floor. Over 90% of the bites incurred happen after someone picks up one of these snakes.

As with other dangerous animals, only those with proper training and experience should handle them.

181 Types of Coral Snakes

south american coral snake

These coral snakes have narrow white bands instead of the yellow of other species.


There are two groups of coral snakes, New World and Old World.

The main difference between the old world and new world coral snakes is their geographic location. Old-world coral snakes are found in Africa, the Middle East, India, and parts of Southeast Asia. New World coral snakes can be found in North America, Central America, and South America. An additional difference is that most new World coral snake species have red bands bordered by black rings, while most old World species have yellow or white bands separated by black rings. Furthermore, some new World species can be distinguished from others by differences in color patterns and head shape. For example, Eastern Coral Snakes typically have a more triangular head with bright, striking colors compared to the Western Coral Snake, which has a more rounded head and duller colors.

Old World Coral Snakes Genus Calliophis
Beddome’s Coral Snake C. beddomei
Bibron’s Coral Snake C. bibroni
Castoe’s Coral Snake C. castoe
Black coral snake C. nigrescens
Indian coral snake C. melanurus
Blood-bellied coral snake C. haematoetron
Dinagat Island banded coral snake C. salitan
Malaysian banded coral snake C. intestinalis
Malaysian blue coral snake C. bivirgatus
Spotted coral snake C. gracilis
Speckled coral snake C. maculiceps
Old World Coral Snakes Genus Hemibungarus
Barred coral snake H. calligaster
Barred coral snake H. gemianulis
Old World Coral Snakes Genus Sinomicrurus
_Japanese c_oral snake S. japonicus
Kellogg’s coral snake S. kelloggi
McClelland’s coral snake S. macclellandi
Sinomicrurus hatori S. hatori
Sinomicrurus sauteri S. sauteri
New World Coral Snakes Genus Leptomicrurus
Blackback coral snake l. collairs
Leptomicrurus collaris collaris l. collaris collaris
Leptomicrurus collaris breviventris l. collaris breviventris
Andean Blackback Coral Snake l. narduccii
Leptomicrurus narduccii narduccii l. narduccii narduccii
Leptomicrurus narduccii melanotus l. narduccii melanotus
New World Coral Snakes Genus Micruroides
Arizona coral sake m. euryxanthus
Micruroides euryxanthus australis m. euryxanthus australis
Micruroides euryxanthus euryxanthus m. euryxanthus euryxanthus
Micruroides euryxanthus neglectus m. euryxanthus neglectus
New World Coral Snakes Genus Micrurus
Allen’s coral sake m. alleni
Micrurus alleni alleni m. alleni alleni
Micrurus alleni richardi m. alleni richardi
Micrurus alleni yatesi m. alleni yatesi
Micrurus altirostris m. altirostris
Regal coral snake m. ancoralis
Micrurus ancoralis jani m. ancoralis jani
Micrurus ancoralis ancoralis m. ancoralis ancoralis
Annellated coral snake m. annellatus
Micrurus annellatus annellatus m. annellatus annellatus
Micrurus annellatus balzanii m. annellatus balzanii
Micrurus annellatus bolivianus m. annellatus bolivianus
Black-headed coral snake m. averyi
Micrurus bernadi m. bernadi
Ecuadorian coral snake m. bocourti
Bogert’s coral snake m. bogerti
Brown’s coral snake m. browni
Micrurus browni browni m. browni browni
Micrurus browni importunus m. browni importunus
Micrurus browni Taylori m. browni Taylori
Micrurus camilae m. camilae
Catamayo coral snake m. catamayensis
Clark’s coral snake m. clarki
Painted coral snake m. corallinus
Brazilian coral snake m. decoratus
Micrurus diana m. diana
Variable coral snake m. diastema
Micrurus diastema diastema m. diastema diastema
Micrurus diastema aglaeope m. diastema aglaeope
Micrurus diastema alienus m. diastema alienus
Micrurus diastema affinis m. diastema affinis
Micrurus diastema apiatus m. diastema apiatus
Micrurus diastema macdougalli m. diastema macdougalli
Micrurus diastema sapperi m. diastema sapperi
Pygmy coral snake m. dissoleucus
Micrurus dissoleucus dissoleucus m. dissoleucus dissoleucus
Micrurus dissoleucus dunni m. dissoleucus dunni
Micrurus dissoleucus melanogenys m. dissoleucus melanogenys
Micrurus dissoleucus meridensis m. dissoleucus meridensis
Micrurus dissoleucus nigrirostris m. dissoleucus nigrirostris
West Mexican coral snake m. distans
Micrurus distans distans m. distans distans
Micrurus distans michoacanensis m. distans michoacanensis
Micrurus distans oliveri m. distans oliveri
Micrurus distans zweifeli m. distans zweifeli
Micrurus dumerilii m. dumerilii
Micrurus dumerili antioquiensis m. dumerili antioquiensis
Micrurus dumerili carinicaudus m. dumerili carinicaudus
Micrurus carinicauda m. carinicauda
Micrurus dumerili colombianus m. dumerili colombianus
Micrurus dumerili transandinus m. dumerili transandinus
Micrurus dumerili venezuelensis m. dumerili venezuelensis
Elegant coral snake m. elegans
Micrurus elegans elegans m. elegans elegans
Micrurus elegans veraepacis m. elegans veraepacis
Oaxcan coral snake m. ephippifer
Micrurus ephippifer zapotecus m. ephippifer zapotecus
Micrurus ephippifer ephippifer m. ephippifer ephippifer
Slender coral snake m. filiformis
Micrurus filiformis filiformis m. filiformis filiformis
Micrurus filiformis subtilis m. filiformis subtilis
Southern coral snake m. frotalis
Micrurus frontalis frontalis m. frontalis frontalis
Micrurus frontalis brasiliensis m. frontalis brasiliensis
Micrurus frontalis mesopotamicus m. frontalis mesopotamicus
Bolivian coral snake m. frontifasciatus
Easter coral snake m. fulvius
Hemprich’s coral snake m. hemprichii
Micrurus hemprichii hemprichii m. hemprichii hemprichii
Micrurus hemprichii ortoni m. hemprichii ortoni
Micrurus hemprichii rondonianus m. hemprichii rondonianus
Mayan coral snake m. hippocrepis
Caatinga coral snake m. ibiboboca
Venezuela coral snake m. isozonus
Langsdorff’s coral snake m. langsdorffi
Micrurus langsdorffi langsdorffi m. langsdorffi langsdorffi
Micrurus langsdorffi ornatissimus m. langsdorffi ornatissimus
Balsan coral snake m. laticollaris
Micrurus laticollaris laticollaris m. laticollaris laticollaris
Micrurus laticollaris maculirostris m. laticollaris maculirostris
Broad-ringed coral snake m. latifasciatus
South-American coral snake m. lemniscatus
Micrurus lemniscatus lemniscatus m. lemniscatus lemniscatus
Micrurus lemniscatus carvalhoi m. lemniscatus carvalhoi
Micrurus lemniscatus diutius m. lemniscatus diutius
Micrurus lemniscatus frontifasciatus m. lemniscatus frontifasciatus
Micrurus lemniscatus helleri m. lemniscatus helleri
Tuxtlan coral snake m. limbatus
Micrurus limbatus limbatus m. imbatus limbatus
Micrurus limbatus spilosomus m. limbatus spilosomus
Speckled coral snake m. margaritiferus
Micrurus medemi m. medemi
Merten’s coral snake m. mertensi
Redtail coral snake m. mipartitus
Micrurus mipartitus mipartitus mipartitus mipartitus m. mipartitus mipartitus
Micrurus mipartitus anomalus m. mipartitus anomalus
Micrurus mipartitus decussatus m. mipartitus decussatus
Micrurus mipartitus semipartitus m. mipartitus semipartitus
Many-banded coral snake m. multifasciatus
Micrurus multifasciatus multifasciatus m. multifasciatus multifasciatus
Micrurus multifasciatus hertwigi m. multifasciatus hertwigi
Cauca coral snake m. multiscutatus
Cloud forest coral snake m. nebularis
Central American coral snake m. nigrocinctus
Micrurus nigrocinctus babaspul m. nigrocinctus babaspul
Micrurus nigrocinctus coibensis m. nigrocinctus coibensis
Micrurus nigrocinctus divaricatus m. nigrocinctus divaricatus
Micrurus nigrocinctus mosquitensis m. nigrocinctus mosquitensis
Micrurus nigrocinctus nigrocinctus m. nigrocinctus nigrocinctus
Micrurus nigrocinctus ovandoensis m. nigrocinctus ovandoensis
Micrurus nigrocinctus wagneri m. nigrocinctus wagneri
Micrurus nigrocinctus yatesi m. nigrocinctus yatesi
Micrurus nigrocinctus zunilensis m. nigrocinctus zunilensis
Micrurus pacaraimae m. pacaraimae
Micrurus pachecogili m. pachecogili
Micrurus paraensis m. paraensis
Peruvian coral snake m. peruvianus
Peter’s coral snake m. petersi
Nayarit coral snake m. proximans
Carib coral snake m. psyches
Micrurus psyches circinalis m. psyches circinalis
Micrurus psyches donosoi m. psyches donosoi
Micrurus psyches psyches m. psyches psyches
Putumayo Coral Snake m. putumayensis
Micrurus pyrrhocryptus m. pyrrhocryptus
Micrurus remotus m. remotus
Micrurus renjifoi m. renjifoi
Roatan Coral Snake m. ruatanus
Santander Coral Snake m. sangilensis
Micrurus scutiventris m. scutiventris
Micrurus silviae m. silviae
Amazon Coral Snake m. spixii
Micrurus spixii spixii m. spixii spixii
Micrurus spixiii martiusi m. spixiii martiusi
Micrurus spixii obscurus m. spixii obscurus
Micrurus spixii princeps m. spixii princeps
Micrurus spurelli m. spurelli
Steindachner’s Coral Snake m. Coral Snake
Micrurus steindachneri steindachneri m. steindachneri steindachneri
Micrurus steindachneri orcesi m. steindachneri orcesi
Panamanian coral snake m. stewarti
Stuart;s coral snake m. stuarti
Aquatic coral snake m. surinamensis
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis m. surinamensis surinamensis
Micrurus surinamensis nattereri m. surinamensis nattereri
Micrurus tamaulipensis m. tamaulipensis
Texas coral snake m. tener
Micrurus tener fitzingeri m. tener fitzingeri
Micrurus tener maculatus m. tener maculatus
Micrurus tener microgalbineus m. tener microgalbineus
Micrurus tener tener m. tener tener
Micrurus tricolor m. tricolor
Desert coral snake m. tschudii
Micrurus tschudii olssoni m. tschudii olssoni
Micrurus tschudii tschudii m. tschudii tschudii

View all 336 animals that start with C

Yes! Like all members of the Elapidae family, which includes cobras and mambas, coral snakes are highly venomous.

There’s a lot that isn’t known. We know that many coral snake species love to eat other snakes (including their own), and when they strike, they hold on so that snake they’re trying to eat can’t get away.

These snakes aren’t aggressive, they spend most of their time underground and generally avoid people.

Most species are in the Americas, but Asia has 3 genera.

It depends. Most eat mice, rats, and birds; some specialize in eating others snakes, and the aquatic species eat fish.

A coral snake is more venomous than a cottonmouth snake.

The main differences between a coral snake and a copperhead lie in their size, taxonomy, venom yield, fang type, and diet among others.

The key difference between the coral snake and corn snake is that the coral snake is venomous, while the corn snake is not.