Shark (original) (raw)

Shark Facts

Sharks are known especially for their cartilaginous skeleton.

Sharks make up a family of elasmobranch fishes. They also have about five to seven slits at the side of their head for their gills. Their pectoral fins are not fused to their heads.

Experts believe that there are about 500 species that form about 14 to 30 shark families. Some of the common species include salmon, tiger, great white, whale, and bull sharks.

Incredible Shark Facts!

Great white sharks are the ocean's apex predators.

Great white sharks are the ocean’s apex predators.


Evolution and Origins

Sharks are some of the most ancient groups of fish species on the planet. They have a rich history that dates back over 400 million years ago. They belong to the class of Chrondrichhyes. This class also includes sting rays chimeras. These types of animals are characterized by their cartilaginous skeletons. They have five to seven gills and they do not have a swim bladder.

The earliest known shark appeared in the oceans during the Silurian period. This was about 420 million years ago. These primitive sharks were small and had dorsal fins covered in very shark scales.

Over time, sharks have evolved to become more diverse and complex beings. This includes their different body shapes and diets. Some important evolutionary sharks include the great white and the mako shark.

Classification and Scientific Name

Great white sharks are the ocean's apex predators.

Great white sharks are the ocean’s apex predators.


These fishes go by the scientific name Selachimorpha. These fishes belong to the kingdom Animalia and phylum Chordata. Their class is on Chondrichthyes.

Selachimorpha comes from a combination of Ancient Greek words – sélakhos and the suffix -morpha. Sélakhos means “cartilaginous fish.” However, the word can be broken down even further to the root “sélas,” which means “light” or “glow.” These pre-Greek origins are likely due to the phosphorescent light that some of these sharks have.

Beneath the Selachimorpha superorder, there are 8 orders that are still alive, which include squatiniformes, pristiophoriformes, squaliformes, carcharhiniformes, lamniformes, orectolobiformes, heterodontiformes, and hexanchiformes. Four orders of these fishes have gone extinct, but there are still over 470 different species alive today.

Different Species

What do Whale Sharks Eat - Whale Shark Filter Feeding

Whale sharks are not whales, they are a species of shark.

©Fata Morgana by Andrew Marriott/

With over 500 living species of sharks, the scientific name for this superorder is Selachimorpha. Even with four different orders extinct, the fish still manages to have quite a few variations. Some of these species have no anal fin, while others do. Everything from the positioning of the mouth to the length of their snout can differentiate between other species.

Some of the most notable types of sharks include:

Sharks have lived for more than 450 million years, to discover some species of shark that went extinct give ‘11 Types of Shark that went Extinct‘ a read!

Different Types

A 10 Cutest Sharks (One Is As Big As A School Bus!)

A 10 Deep Sea Sharks Rarely Seen By Humans

A 10 Sharks Found In The Caribbean Sea

A 11 Types of Sharks That Went Extinct

A 3 Massachusetts Beaches With The Most Shark Attacks

A 5 California Beaches With The Most Shark Attacks

A 5 Florida Beaches With The Most Shark Attacks

A 5 Shark-Infested Texas Beaches With the Most Attacks

A 7 Sharks that Live in Frigid Arctic Waters

A 8 North Carolina Beaches with the Most Shark Attacks

A 8 Smallest Sharks Swimming in the Oceans Today

A Angelshark


The angelshark’s range has contracted by more than 80% in the past century.

A Are Sharks Mammals?

A Bamboo Shark

A Basking Shark

A Blacknose Shark

Blacknose Shark

When threatened, Blacknose sharks raise their head, arch their back, and lower their pectoral fins.

A Blacktip Reef Shark

A Blacktip Shark 

A Bonnethead Shark

Bonnethead Shark

Bonnetheads are the only hammerhead sharks that use their pectoral fins to swim.

A Bronze Whaler Shark

Bronze Whaler Shark

Bronze whaler sharks often hunt in large groups, herding schools of fish into bait balls and going on a feeding frenzy.

A Bull Shark

Bull Shark

Unpredictable and aggressive temperament!

A Bull Shark vs Tiger Shark: What Are The Differences?

A Caribbean Reef Shark

A Cookiecutter Shark

Cookiecutter Shark

The cookiecutter shark takes its name because it leaves a cookie-shaped bite hole in its prey.

A Crocodile Shark

Crocodile Shark

Responsible for damaging fiber optic cables laid by AT&T in 1985

A Discover the 10 Most Shark Infested Waters in the World!

A Discover the 11 Sharks Found in San Francisco Bay

A Do Sharks Lay Eggs? The Answer Will Surprise You!

A Dusky Shark

Dusky Shark

The Dusky Shark sometimes eats trash discarded by humans.

A Frilled Shark

Frilled Shark

Frilled Sharks got their name from the six rows of gills on their throat that look like ruffled collars.

A Galapagos Shark

Galapagos Shark

Galapagos sharks are cannibalistic and sometimes eat their young, so the pups stay away from the adults in shallow water.

A Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark

Goblin Sharks are called a living fossil because their family, Mitsukurinidae, can be traced back 125 million years.

A Great White Shark

A Greenland Shark

A Grey Reef Shark

A Hammerhead Shark

A Horn Shark

A Kitefin Shark

A Leopard Shark

A Longfin Mako Shark

A Megalodon

A Megamouth Shark

A Nurse Shark

A Oceanic Whitetip Shark

A Pacific Sleeper Shark

Pacific Sleeper Shark

In 2015, a Pacific Sleeper Shark was filmed living underneath an active volcano near the Solomon Islands. This shark is able to survive in waters with very high temperatures and acidity!

A Porbeagle Shark

Porbeagle Shark

The porbeagle is one of the few sharks that jumps out of the water

A Pygmy Shark

Pygmy Shark

Pygmy sharks underbelly glows to attract prey that swims beneath it.

A Pyjama Shark

Pyjama Shark

Pyjama Sharks like to swim in shallow inshore waters.

A Reef Shark

Reef Shark

Grey reef sharks can give birth without males

A Salmon Shark

A Sand Tiger Shark

A Scientists Confirm Sharks Travel More than 1,000 Miles up the Mississippi River

A Shark Week 2024: Dates, Schedule & Everything You Need to Know

A Sharks in Lakes: Discover the Only Shark Infested Lakes on Earth

A Shortfin Mako Shark

A Silky Shark

A Six Beaches Near Miami With the Most Shark Attacks

A Sixgill shark

Sixgill shark

The sixgill shark has six pairs of gills instead of the normal five

A Sleeper Shark

Sleeper Shark

The Greenland shark is one of the longest living vertebrates in the world.

A Spinner Shark

A Spiny Dogfish

A The 10 Biggest Sharks in Washington State (And Puget Sound)

A The 10 Craziest Prehistoric Sharks

A The 10 Fastest Sharks in the World

A The 10 Most Harmless Sharks in the World

A The 3 Worst Shark Attacks in History (One Was in the Open Ocean)

A The 7 Best Sharks to Keep as Pets

A The 7 Most Aggressive Sharks in the Ocean

A The 9 Most Shark-Infested Beaches On Earth

A The Largest Dogfish Shark Ever Caught in Maryland

A The Largest Great White Sharks Ever Found Off Virginia Waters

A The Top 10 Biggest Sharks in the World

A Thresher Shark

A Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark

The fourth biggest species of shark in the world!

A Types of Sharks: 25 Shark Species You Must Know!

A Viper Shark (dogfish)

A Why One Florida Beach Is Being Called the “Shark Bite Capital of the World”

A Xenacanthus

A Zebra Shark

You can read more about the different types of sharks here.


These fish have a cylindrical shape and tapered edges. This body structure allows them to smoothly sail through deep waters in search of their prey. However, the length of their body and even their snout can be different from species to species.

Sharks are usually 5.8 to 7 meters long – which is at least 3 times the height of the average human. While the smallest species are less than 20 centimeters long, the largest one is about 12 meters. Sharks usually have a body weight of around 1500 to 4000 pounds. However, some can also weigh about 5500 pounds. Sharks are an animal that never stops growing, so larger sharks are generally very old.

These fish are naturally colored to be able to camouflage and blend with their surroundings – typically to catch the prey easily. The dorsal side of their body is darker than the ventricle side. Therefore, when seen from above, the body of the shark would usually blend with the dark atmosphere of the ocean.

Shark jumps out of the water


Distribution, Population, and Habitat

giant bull shark found off the coast of zimbabwe

Bull sharks are one of the few species of shark that can survive in freshwater.

©Stefan Pircher/

Sharks, along with their sister group of rays have, over millions of years, adapted to living in a wide range of habitats. While some of them live in shallow and coastal regions, others live in deep waters. Some others are further found in the open oceans or the ocean floors.

Even though these large fishes are found in several places around the world, they are mostly and most commonly found in the USA and Australia. There are only a few species (i.e., the bull shark and the river shark) that live in freshwater areas, but the highest number are found in the waters of New South Wales in Australia. They can also be found in the Indian Ocean, near Brazil, and even as local as North Carolina.

According to experts, there are more than 400 living species of these fish around the world – all of which are divided into 14 to 30 different shark families.

Check out the most shark-infested waters in the world.

Predators and Prey

As big as these fish may be, most people believe that this fish has no natural predators, but they would be incorrect. Both killer whales and sperm whales will consume smaller shark breeds as their nourishment, but they consume their fair share of animals in the sea as well.

What Sharks Eat

What Do Great White Sharks Eat

Sharks eat sea lions, sea turtles, dolphins, and seals.

Sharks have no qualms about consuming their relatives, as larger sharks will consume other species as well. All of them are carnivores, which means that they will only eat other animals as their nourishment. Most sharks enjoy a balanced diet of dolphins, seals, turtles, and even seagulls. They seek out other fish and sea mammals as well.

For a full analysis of what sharks eat make sure to read ‘What Do Sharks Eat? The Top 21 Foods in Their Diet.’

What Eats Sharks

As stated above, these fish have the threat of other sharks coming after them as food. Apart from their own species, the amount of fat and protein that they offer makes them ideal for the diet of an orca whale or a sperm whale. In fact, these orcas, also known as killer whales, are apex predators, and even the largest sharks cannot hunt them.

Reproduction and Lifespan

These fish do not reproduce like the other fishes. They use internal reproduction as a method to produce babies, much in the same way that mammals do. The male has two organs that are attached to its anal fins for the purpose of reproduction.

When mating, the males insert one of them into the female’s cloaca. During the insertion, the sperm is transferred from the male to the female. The sperm then fertilizes the egg inside the female.

Though the exact amount might vary by species, this fish is famous for its long pregnancy, which lasts for an average of a year. However, some sharks have as little as a 5-month gestation period, while others may gestate for three long years.

The lifespan of sharks is about 20 to 30 years.

Fishing and Cooking

Most of these fishes are fished out for commercial purposes. They are cooked widely, especially in the United States. Due to their body weight, they are a good meat source for humans.

People love eating shark steaks which are prepared using a wide variety of spices and are later cooked in oil before being savored by several humans.

View all 347 animals that start with S

While Sharks are found in several places around the world, they are most commonly found in the USA and Australia. There are several types of sharks including salmon sharks, tiger sharks, and bull sharks.

Sharks do not have any bones at all.

Sharks usually attack humans when they are confused and/or curious about something.

Sharks are occasionally eaten by killer whales and sperm whales.

Yes, sharks are special types of fishes that have no bones in their bodies.

The fastest sharks are known to swim at a speed of 25 to 35 mph.

Sharks are Carnivores, meaning they eat other animals.

Sharks belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

No Shark species has any bones in their bodies.

A shark would win a fight against a Komodo dragon, and it wouldn’t even be close.

A shark would win a fight against a barracuda. The apex predator has everything going, including size, speed, attack power, and defenses. The barracuda could potentially get the drop on the shark, but it’s very unlikely due to the latter’s superior senses.

The small profile of the barracuda lends itself to being on the receiving end of a devastating bite, too. With that in mind, it’s hard to imagine any scenario where a barracuda could do enough damage to a shark without the shark chomping on the barracuda.

A shark would beat piranhas in a fight.

We can break this fight down any number of ways, but the piranhas would need to act abnormally to even stand a chance of killing a shark. A shark merely has to use its power and speed to tear them apart, even if it takes a little while.