Abandoning... (original) (raw)
13 September 2007 @ 01:28 am
Lo and behold chapter 2. Hope this satisifies! <3
Current Mood: content
11 September 2007 @ 09:46 pm
Ta-da!!! *trumpets fanfare* Below is the first installment of Abandoning... so I hope you enjoy it a lot. Please feel free to comment or criticize (if it's something that can help make the story better). There is a lot of planning behind closed doors going on to hopefully expand and make this thing a lot bigger than it is now so although it might look a little bland at first a lot of good is heading your way so please be patient. We're doing our best to make this entertaining, hopefully more-so. But I digress, so let's get to the goods.
Carnagine White
Frost Tsumoto
Current Mood: excited
11 September 2007 @ 05:46 pm
This is the first of many future posts. I need to see how this works. The goods are coming soon.
Current Mood: creative