Mateusz Zalewski-Grzelak | Aberystwyth University (original) (raw)
Drafts by Mateusz Zalewski-Grzelak
Old ideas and experiences reformulated.
The story of this decryption attempt goes back to 2014, when I was fascinated by the legendary “E... more The story of this decryption attempt goes back to 2014, when I was fascinated by the legendary “Emerald Tablet”, supposedly deciphered by Sir Isaac Newton. Something didn’t match, namely the transcription of the symbols and his desired interpretation. So, I decided to identify the script, the language, first trying to use an Aramaic dictionary and then giving up without the necessary expertise in ancient languages. Years later, with the help of AI, I managed to extract some possible matches with brute-force decipherment.
A neo-Hermetic Technique for Making Planetary Sigils, Planetary Intelligencers' Mantras and Renaissance Cryptography, 2022
The tradition preserved in Arabic numerological lore professed that numbers were flesh, while the... more The tradition preserved in Arabic numerological lore professed that numbers were flesh, while the word-meaning, or root-meaning behind the numbers was the soul. Inasmuch as in neoplatonic arithmetic the type (soul) is eternal and the token (particular) is transient. Assuming that Arabs were artful at revealing and concealing, one might assume that various magical squares did not escape such patient treatment, that perhaps in a spontaneous manner, might reveal its hidden wisdom.
Books by Mateusz Zalewski-Grzelak
Methods And Theories Of Magick : Select Praxis Accompaniment to Occultosophia, 2022
This is a selection of methods in magic and sketches in heathen theology that were found effectiv... more This is a selection of methods in magic and sketches in heathen theology that were found effective over the years. It is not an absolute course, but a supplement to Occultosophia, and is intended to contain practical methods with which one can easily get started. It is intended for an intelligent practitioner who is a beginner. Magick is an art of virtuosity. It is a personal religion and set of tools that will work best. Good luck with application and exploration. Do ut Des!
Occultosophia, 2022
Do ut Des — I give so that you may give to others. Conjuring this work, through a choice of caref... more Do ut Des — I give so that you may give to others. Conjuring this work, through a choice of carefully selected narrations, thinking styles, aesthetics and emblematic realities, not relative, but not wholly true — I attempted to bring these worlds nearer. Occultosophia consists of ordered narratives from fiftenn years of discoveries on metaphysical paths, contained in a concise form for the niche reader. I had no one to guide me on my journey except for books, insights, and most importantly experiences I have gathered from spiritual inspirations remade into a working philosophy. The main motive was to prepare a small contribution to modern neohermetics in a vast ocean of occult literature. It has elements of hypothetical-inductive-deductive method applied to magical or peak experiences that can serve as a basis for further exploration, a modular philosophical toolkit that can be useful for research, performance, and action.
Teaching Documents by Mateusz Zalewski-Grzelak
Papers by Mateusz Zalewski-Grzelak
Private, 2014
Teoria rzeczywistości transgresyjnej analizuje, w jaki sposób jednostki kształtowane są przez spo... more Teoria rzeczywistości transgresyjnej analizuje, w jaki sposób jednostki kształtowane są przez społeczne systemy poznawcze, wpajane przez mentorów, takich jak rodzina, nauczyciele czy społeczeństwo. Te społeczne interakcje budują wewnętrzne mapy, które organizują percepcję świata, funkcjonując jako ontologiczne modele bytu i tożsamości. Mapy te wyznaczają granice poznawcze, które determinują, jak interpretujemy bodźce i doświadczenia. W miarę dojrzewania, jednostki mogą refleksyjnie oceniać te wzorce, ale rzadko przekraczają granice wyznaczone przez społeczne konstrukcje rzeczywistości.
Autor ozważa także, w jaki sposób systemy te mogą ulec destabilizacji w wyniku doświadczeń transgresyjnych, takich jak psychoza, transcendentne stany świadomości czy hiperrealność. W takich momentach struktury poznawcze nie nadążają za anomaliami, co prowadzi do dezintegracji świadomości. W kontekście teorii rzeczywistości transgresyjnej, kluczowe jest badanie sposobów, w jakie umysł negocjuje granice rzeczywistości oraz jak można je przekraczać, tworząc nowe mapy poznawcze.
Old ideas and experiences reformulated.
The story of this decryption attempt goes back to 2014, when I was fascinated by the legendary “E... more The story of this decryption attempt goes back to 2014, when I was fascinated by the legendary “Emerald Tablet”, supposedly deciphered by Sir Isaac Newton. Something didn’t match, namely the transcription of the symbols and his desired interpretation. So, I decided to identify the script, the language, first trying to use an Aramaic dictionary and then giving up without the necessary expertise in ancient languages. Years later, with the help of AI, I managed to extract some possible matches with brute-force decipherment.
A neo-Hermetic Technique for Making Planetary Sigils, Planetary Intelligencers' Mantras and Renaissance Cryptography, 2022
The tradition preserved in Arabic numerological lore professed that numbers were flesh, while the... more The tradition preserved in Arabic numerological lore professed that numbers were flesh, while the word-meaning, or root-meaning behind the numbers was the soul. Inasmuch as in neoplatonic arithmetic the type (soul) is eternal and the token (particular) is transient. Assuming that Arabs were artful at revealing and concealing, one might assume that various magical squares did not escape such patient treatment, that perhaps in a spontaneous manner, might reveal its hidden wisdom.
Methods And Theories Of Magick : Select Praxis Accompaniment to Occultosophia, 2022
This is a selection of methods in magic and sketches in heathen theology that were found effectiv... more This is a selection of methods in magic and sketches in heathen theology that were found effective over the years. It is not an absolute course, but a supplement to Occultosophia, and is intended to contain practical methods with which one can easily get started. It is intended for an intelligent practitioner who is a beginner. Magick is an art of virtuosity. It is a personal religion and set of tools that will work best. Good luck with application and exploration. Do ut Des!
Occultosophia, 2022
Do ut Des — I give so that you may give to others. Conjuring this work, through a choice of caref... more Do ut Des — I give so that you may give to others. Conjuring this work, through a choice of carefully selected narrations, thinking styles, aesthetics and emblematic realities, not relative, but not wholly true — I attempted to bring these worlds nearer. Occultosophia consists of ordered narratives from fiftenn years of discoveries on metaphysical paths, contained in a concise form for the niche reader. I had no one to guide me on my journey except for books, insights, and most importantly experiences I have gathered from spiritual inspirations remade into a working philosophy. The main motive was to prepare a small contribution to modern neohermetics in a vast ocean of occult literature. It has elements of hypothetical-inductive-deductive method applied to magical or peak experiences that can serve as a basis for further exploration, a modular philosophical toolkit that can be useful for research, performance, and action.
Private, 2014
Teoria rzeczywistości transgresyjnej analizuje, w jaki sposób jednostki kształtowane są przez spo... more Teoria rzeczywistości transgresyjnej analizuje, w jaki sposób jednostki kształtowane są przez społeczne systemy poznawcze, wpajane przez mentorów, takich jak rodzina, nauczyciele czy społeczeństwo. Te społeczne interakcje budują wewnętrzne mapy, które organizują percepcję świata, funkcjonując jako ontologiczne modele bytu i tożsamości. Mapy te wyznaczają granice poznawcze, które determinują, jak interpretujemy bodźce i doświadczenia. W miarę dojrzewania, jednostki mogą refleksyjnie oceniać te wzorce, ale rzadko przekraczają granice wyznaczone przez społeczne konstrukcje rzeczywistości.
Autor ozważa także, w jaki sposób systemy te mogą ulec destabilizacji w wyniku doświadczeń transgresyjnych, takich jak psychoza, transcendentne stany świadomości czy hiperrealność. W takich momentach struktury poznawcze nie nadążają za anomaliami, co prowadzi do dezintegracji świadomości. W kontekście teorii rzeczywistości transgresyjnej, kluczowe jest badanie sposobów, w jakie umysł negocjuje granice rzeczywistości oraz jak można je przekraczać, tworząc nowe mapy poznawcze.