The Ultimate Lord of the Rings Community! (original) (raw)

[icon] The Ultimate Lord of the Rings Community!

December 2nd, 2011

July 19th, 2010

I am seeing other people do this so I might as well do it for an introduction as well. lol. With that said, hello everyone. Always nice to meet fellow LOTR fans.1. Name: Brianne/Bree2. Age: 193. Are you a fan of BOTH the books and the movies? (If only one, tell us why): I am a big fan of both. Of course nothing beats the immense detail and amazingness of the books and your own imagination bringing it to life. As for the movies: even though they cut out some parts and changed other parts I never really felt cheated of the storyline when I watched the movies. I also thought that everyone was perfectly cast and they really brought their characters to life.4. Favorite LotR Character, and why: I just answered this elsewhere but I don't mind writing it again. lol. My favourite characters would have to be the brothers and Captains of Gondor, Boromir and Faramir. I admire their dedication and love to each other though they both have completely different personalities: Boromir is the military man and Faramir is the intellectual. It is also wonderful that even though Denethor favours Boromir (and he isn't afraid to show it) and frowns upon Faramir, Faramir holds no grudges and he and his brother are as close as can be.5. Least favorite LotR character, and why: Well since my favourite characters are Boromir and Faramir I'm pretty sure most can guess that my least favourite character is Denethor. In a way I think Denethor is to blame for Boromir's death and the near death of Faramir. Boromir loved Gondor and it's people, that I have no doubt about, but Denethor seemed to make it out that everything was his responsibility and in the end that burden made his mind weak against the Ring's whispers. I think we all know what happenes in the end... Denethor also always treated Faramir like a piece of trash on the side of the road even though he is his son. All Faramir ever wanted was to be shown a little love from his father every once in a while and this drove him to go back to Osgiliath even though the odds were far against him. It's damn sad when your own dad pretty much says to you: I wish you died instead of your brother.6. Favorite scene(s) from either the books or the movies, or both: There are so many I don't think you want to get me started. lol. The Fellowship's journey through Moria, The Breaking of the Fellowship (Boromir death... so depressing.), Battle of Helm's Deep, Sam vs. Shelob... to name a few. lol.7. Favorite battle/action/creepy scene: I think my favourite creep scene would have to been the hobbit's encounter with the Barrow-wights. Hearing the consistant "Help! Help!" and being separated from my friends would scare the crap out of me. My favourite battle scene would have to be the Battle of the Pellanor Fields. Let's just face it, it was an epic battle. As for my favourite action scene... I'd have to say Frodo trying to escape Shelob. 8. If you lived in Middle Earth, what would you like to be (Hobbit, Elf, etc.)? I'd probably be a Numenorean.9. Which place in Middle Earth would you most like to live in? I would love to live in either Lothlorien and Gondor.10. How did you hear about this community? I was searching LJ and came across it.
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July 5th, 2010

. Who was your favorite character throughouth the whole journey? I cannot put only one name down. Its just not possible for me to do so. I believe my favorite characters were Boromir. Aragon,Legolas and last but not least Pippin :) It really made me upset that Boromir had to die considering he is one of my favorite actors in this whole darn world!
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July 1st, 2010

Security:Time:03:57 pmCurrent Mood:happyhappy
1. Name: Chrissy2. Age: 203. Are you a fan of BOTH the books and the movies? (If only one, tell us why): BOTH. First read FOTR when I was 13, didn't like it all that much, then saw the movie and was hooked, went back and read TTT and ROTK, found them much easier to get through, and then saw the next two movies when they came out. Have re-read and re-watched many times.4. Favorite LotR Character, and why: Aragorn, although I much prefer him as Strider, and not when he becomes king--he is hot, and he is a great leader, and an awesome fighter, and I love his and Arwen's story (needless to say, Arwen is also one of my favorite characters, I think it's so cool that she was willing to wait for Aragorn all these and even give up her immortality for him), also Sam, for his loyalty to Frodo, and Faramir--very good looking, and kind, I just want to give him a hug every time Denethor is a jerk to him5. Least favorite LotR character, and why: definitely Denethor for how he treats Faramir, also Tom Bombadil and Treebeard for being super-annoying, and Legolas (at least in the movies, I don't really have a problem with him in the books) because he's such a pretty-boy and always stating the obvious6. Favorite scene(s) from either the books or the movies, or both: Oh man, so hard to choose--books: the scenes with Faramir and Eowyn in the Houses of Healing, the Rangers coming to Dunharrow (I really wish that had been put in the movies, instead of Elrond showing up), also, the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen from the Appendices; movies: the scenes between Aragorn and Arwen, the flashback scenes with Boromir and Faramir in TTT, Merry and Pippin singing and dancing in FOTR and ROTK, Eowyn's slaying of the Witch-King, Pippin asking about "second-breakfast," the Elves arriving at Helm's Deep, Aragorn's speech at the Black Gates, Sam saying "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!", Denethor in flames jumping off of the cliff and many more7. Favorite battle/action/creepy scene: Eowyn's slaying of the Witch-King, Aragorn's slaying of the Mouth of Sauron, the charge of the Rohirrim at the Pelennor Fields, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimil jumping off the ships with the Army of the Dead, the destruction of the Ring and Barad-dur, and the fight at the Black Gates8. If you lived in Middle Earth, what would you like to be (Hobbit, Elf, etc.)? a human (especially a Dunedain), or perhaps an Elf9. Which place in Middle Earth would you most like to live in? Rivendell, Arnor, Gondor, or Rohan 10. How did you hear about this community? by searching on lj
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June 27th, 2010

Howdy. Love the books, love the films. My favorite character is probably Faramir but my fave actor is Sean Bean (aka Boromir). My question is, I'm new here so would anybody happen to have Boromir icons or would know how I'd go about finding them in this comm.?Muchas Smoochas!1. Name: Arden/Loki2. Age: 203. Are you a fan of BOTH the books and the movies? (If only one, tell us why): Both!4. Favorite LotR Character, and why: Faramir because he represents desperation for atonement with the father and I really relate to that.5. Least favorite LotR character, and why: Frodo. WHINY. Or Tom Bombadil.6. Favorite scene(s) from either the books or the movies, or both: I like in the films how Boromir/Boz and Faramir interact. 7. Favorite battle/action/creepy scene: Lothlorien for the first time. Scary but beautiful.8. If you lived in Middle Earth, what would you like to be (Hobbit, Elf, etc.)? A man or Elf.9. Which place in Middle Earth would you most like to live in? Lothlorien or Gondor.10. How did you hear about this community? I searched :P
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July 28th, 2008

Subject: Lord of the Rings ~ ElvesBatch: Batch #2 (69 icons)Completed: 100/100Themes: 11-23, 25-50 & 71-100 (dark, death, door, dream, embrace, evil, faraway, fight, free, friends, good, hero, home, hot, journey, laugh, light, lost, love, loyalty, magic, mercy, mirror, mystery, pain, pretend, run, sadness, sidekick, stars, surprise, sweet, temptation, the end, trapped, truth, victory, wish, wonder & artists choice)Additonal Notes: comment and credit please! Teasers:Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket( find them here )
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April 3rd, 2008

I'm passing this on to all Tolkien fans, esp. those who attend Dragoncon in Atlanta and know Melissa. But even if you don't, won't you please consider signing the petition? It would mean a lot to her and her husband Chris.*************************************************************************Greetings, it's Chris Kern (aka Bill the Pony)As most of you know, Melissa "Fiver" Kern has been diagnosed with ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. In September, she marched with fellow Lord of the Rings fans in the annual DragonCon parade, but six months later, she needs help walking, dressing and using stairs. I wanted to do something for Melissa, to show her the impact that she's had on people, in the Lord of the Rings communities and beyond. To that end, I have put together a petition online. I call it "Project FIVER" (after her name on the community websites), and it is a petition to have New Line cast her as a Hobbit extra in THE HOBBIT. We don't know the course her disease will take, so she worries that she won't be around to see the movies in theaters, so this was the next best thing.If you wouldn't mind, please sign the petition. Feel free to share the link with others. for being a good friend to her. -Chris
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December 6th, 2007

Subject: Lord of the Rings ~ Pippin TookBatch: Batch #3 (17 icons)Themes: 15, 16, 18-20, 26, 28-34, 36-38 & 40 (laughter, misery, all that i am, soul food, love, blue, forgotten, snarky, mmm yum, hush, reminisce, why, time, joy, kiss, beautiful and desire)Additonal Notes: comment and credit please! Teasers:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket( find them here )
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November 30th, 2007

December 9th, 2006

[icon] The Ultimate Lord of the Rings Community!