Academic Decathlon (original) (raw)

Jan. 18th, 2009 | 11:25 pm

posted by: we_are_coming in acadec

This place has no soul.

No problem.

That's news for you.

Oh, right.

( Since I have to LJ cut...Collapse )


Mar. 3rd, 2008 | 09:10 pm

posted by: kenske in acadec

2008-2009 Super Quiz: Evolutionary Biology, particularly in Latin America.

Social Studies/Art/Music/Economics: Oh Mexico!


Bless Me, Ultima

On another note, a bunch of us alumni were thinking of making a team (we'd be grabbing from three or four different high schools) for the state competition. We'd be the first in the essay/interview/speech events, and we wouldn't be able to compete for any awards, but it sounds like tons of fun. Has anyone else tried to do this before?

So... My Fellow Decathletes...

Jan. 12th, 2008 | 06:19 pm

listening to:: "Obstacle 1" - Interpol
posted by: a_wmn in acadec

First off, hello!

I'm from So-Cal, and my school district pays for this guy to come do Saturday workshops on the various subjects to help us study.
Today we worked on written/impromptu speeches and interviews, because we'll be doing all that good stuff for real in two weeks.
Some of the speeches were showcased (including mine, coughcough), and they were incredibly interesting. However, what I found even more interesting were the challenges some of these students had to face writing them.

For example, one girl, who is dyslexic, had to write, revise and memorize her entire speech in her head because she just can't write well enough. One of my teammates has a very heavy accent, so she has a lot of trouble with pronunciation. Today, she asked the workshop guy if he could help her pronounce "clitoris". Oh, the look on his face! (Her speech was on female genital cutting.) My topic, conflict diamonds, was heavily researched. So much so that my first reading was almost six minutes! This is my favorite topic, so it was very tough trying to kill off parts of my baby. But now, it's at a perfect time.

So, my fellow decathletes, what are your speeches about? And what types of difficulties did you face? Even if they were minor ones, like being too long.



Dec. 28th, 2007 | 07:08 pm

feeling:: curiouscurious
posted by: rin_333 in acadec

Wanna join my California community?


I cliquish.

Graphing Calculators on Math

Sep. 10th, 2007 | 05:59 pm

posted by: chwheeler in acadec

My coach just told us today that we're now going to be allowed to use graphing calculators on the math test. He said it was the people from Arizona's idea and that at the national meeting, they adopted it. Anyone else hear about this? Is anyone as relieved as I am about the fact? I'm great at math, but terrible at simple math. It takes me an embarrassingly long time to figure out things like 112 plus 114.

Jul. 24th, 2007 | 03:19 am

feeling:: frustratedfrustrated
posted by: chwheeler in acadec

Hello! I'm CHWheeler, an Arizona Decathlete. For some reason it has never occured to me to look for an AcaDec comm before. The upcoming school year is my senior year and will be my 4th year of competing. (I've been to every district and regional competition since freshman year.)

I do pretty good up until the Interview portion. I can't seem to make the judges happy! If I try not to be stiff, I fidget. When I try not to fidget, they complain that I'm too stiff! Anyone have advice? (Impromtus are a bit tricky also, but atleast I'm moving around instead of sitting.)


Mozart + Sopranos = Awesome

Jun. 11th, 2007 | 08:50 pm

posted by: erture in acadec

I'm sure some of you must remember the musical sensation featured here. I saw this on TV the other day and was tickled.

Hope everyone's summer is going well!


Attention: Arizona Decathletes.

Mar. 5th, 2007 | 07:48 pm

posted by: doctor_roffles in acadec

Hello! State is, as you all know, less than a week away. I'm pretty excited, as I'm sure all you Arizonans are. I'm planning on wearing my trademark lab coat to state. I'm a guy with long hair, a lab coat, a totally awesome green tie, and probably (on Saturday) a top hat. To celebrate next year's curriculum, I'll probably be handing out quick sketches of Abraham Lincoln saying wise things to whoever comes up to me, says hi, and asks for a quick sketch. It'll surely be quite the time if you decide to say hi!

Now, an AcaDec question I'd like to ask: what do teams usually do between the end of testing and the beginning of the banquet? Nobody at my school has been to state (new coach and last state-going team was 3 years ago), and we'd like to know what we should expect to be doing for that time period. Wandering around Tempe? Chilling at a local Starbucks? Making bucks by selling chilled stars?

Answer appreciated. See you all at state!

Aaron McGuire


Next Years Topic

Mar. 3rd, 2007 | 11:09 am

location: Work
feeling:: cheerfulcheerful
posted by: verovladamir in acadec

According to Dan from Demi-Dec, next years topic is:

The Civil War
Science: Infectious Diseases
with 19th Century Art

That's about all we know for now, but it looks awesome!


LAUSD Score Results from

Feb. 6th, 2007 | 10:43 pm

location: home
feeling:: restlessrestless
listening to:: Europe- The Final Countdown
posted by: ecar6 in acadec

Live Broadcast by Dean (Schaffer) and Dan (Berdichevsky) from Demidec's

Overall Teams:
15. Los Angeles
14. Venice
13. Van Nuys
12. San Pedro
11. Grant

And drum roll please.... announcing the TOP TEN TEAMS:

10. Lincoln
9. Canoga Park
8. Narbonne
7. Taft
6. Palisades
5. Garfield
4. Marshall
3. North Hollywood High School
2. El Camino Real
1. Granada Hills! 49,775 points! Coach Nick Weber

Wildcard Slots:
2. ECR
3. NoHo
4. Marshall
5. Garfield
6. Pali
7. Taft
8. Narbonne

Top-scoring individual

Jasmine Florentine- 8,929 (so apparently Dan still reigns supreme)
Juhyung (DemiDec music power guide writer) scored- 8963.6

( Conference scoresCollapse )

LA County award ceremony this Thursday! Only 2 wild card spots remaining because...Wild card spots are awarded to the top-scoring teams (10 this year) that don't win their regions. Oxnard had something around 44k and University/Fresno had about 42k.
Oxnard will most likely get one and university of fresno has already accepted a wild card spot.

Happy waiting... and let's all wait tensely as the intense results become broadcasted live at the Demidec Forums!