Accio_Insanity (original) (raw)
20 Remaining!
at December 7th, 2005 (12:02 pm)
21 Remaining!
at December 5th, 2005 (12:43 pm)
22 Remaining!
at December 3rd, 2005 (09:08 pm)
23 Remaining!
at December 2nd, 2005 (10:17 pm)
24 Remaining!
at December 1st, 2005 (10:36 pm)
at November 28th, 2005 (02:27 pm)
Beginning on December first...
Spread the word and get excited...
Told you I'd be back. Eventually.
at November 27th, 2005 (11:50 am)
Finally, my first post in...forever. Hurray! Thought I'd do something ...winterish.
at October 4th, 2005 (09:18 pm)
I'm still here. Fear not, my HP-Fandom friends. Expect more soon...
at August 30th, 2005 (08:32 pm)
Title: Oho. Spaghetti... [Part two of previous comic.]
Characters: Draco & Harry
Rating: PG/PG-13? Hm.
Media: Digital Art
Notes: I got this joke from a piece of FF LONG ago. If you wrote the FF or invented the joke, please let me know.
at August 26th, 2005 (09:05 pm)
Title: And the World Smashes into 34 Pieces.
Characters: Harry, Draco, Pansy
Rating: PG
Media: Digital Art
Notes: Poor ickle Harry...