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No Giant Towers for Colliers Wood!

892 people have signed this petition so far

Colliers Wood Residents Association is askingMerton Council Planning Department

To Merton Council,

We the people of Colliers Wood demand that the proposed planning permission for the two new towers at Colliers Wood is refused.


Criterion Capital have submitted a planning application for two new towers in Colliers Wood ( including one at 26 Storeys! )

You can see the full planning application here.

We are asking all concerned local residents to

1. Sign this petition showing your objection to the towers. Please opt in to email updates to we can keep you posted on developments.

2. Ensure you email Merton Council directly regarding the planning permission so that your personal view is heard. Email [email protected] - Quoting application number is "21/P0082" giving you name and full address and your reasons why it should be refused ( you can see 9 good reasons here - )


This petition has been set up by the Colliers Wood Residents Association - We will be adding more information online as it becomes available.

We have already formally asked the Council for an extension to the planning timeframe to allow the public to respond.

We are also taking as much advice as possible on the planning application to help guide the community's objections to this.

Thanks for all your support.

About Colliers Wood Residents Association

The residents association for the people of Colliers Wood, South London.

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