Zork: Grand Inquisitor (1997) - Game details | Adventure Gamers (original) (raw)
Magic has been banned from the Great Underground Empire of Zork. By edict of the Grand Inquisitor, the Empire has been sealed off and the practice of magic declared punishable by totemization (a very bad thing). Can you save the Underground? Adventurer Wanted. Expert puzzle-solver and treasure hunter sought for recovery of three sacred treasures. Experience using a map and inventory helpful but not required. Must collect spells and learn intricacies of magic to save the Underground. Inquire within.
NO DEMO AVAILABLE FORZork: Grand Inquisitor
Mac, PC
- Worldwide October 31, 1997 by Activision
Average based on 16 ratings
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Walkthrough for Zork: Grand Inquisitor
Stuck in Zork: Grand Inquisitor, or looking for the best way to proceed? Click below to view our walkthrough for Zork: Grand Inquisitor and wonder no more!
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Screenshots and Trailers for Zork: Grand Inquisitor
What our readers think of Zork: Grand Inquisitor
Posted by Antrax on May 6, 2013
A delightful game, marred by some weird choices
Zork: Grand Inquisitor is a remarkably stylish game. That's its strongest point - almost nothing in the game feels humdrum. It's difficult to convey in writing (and the easy examples are mentioned in the AG review itself), but it's one of those rare games...