advocatesuicide (original) (raw)

Happy death [May. 28th, 2006|05:30 pm]advocatesuicide
I have read of monks who, after reaching the essential "nirvana" and "eternal bliss" of/in life, kill themselves because they don't need anything else in life; they have already received whatever they wanted and needed from it. I agree with this action, in that there is such a thing as a "happy death", and not just when you are old on your deathbed feeling satisfied with your life and how it was spent. I think that if you have reached the point of total satisfaction and happiness in life, as well as the understanding of it and everything in it, you can easily kill yourself with a smile (metaphorical) and not be afraid. What have you got to lose? I am happy. I have reached the point in life to where I understand it all and the meaning, as well as myself other people. So why would I want to end my life?Because, though I am happy, I live with a man who I understand but who doesn't understand himself. And though I am kind and empathetic to him, he is the opposite to me, and it is all ironic when you comprehend the situation from the outside. What he cannot see is what I can and do, and it makes me frustrated to know of what could be... if only he knew and understood himself or others. So, since i cannot escape the situation of this abusive man, and since I have enjoyed my life up to this point and couldn't ask for or want more after discovering all that comes out of it... I see no reason not to end it myself, without fear. Make sense? Agree? Anyone? Understand?
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Government pressure to stop ISPs that appear to encourage suicide [Oct. 13th, 2005|10:01 pm]advocatesuicide
[mood |angry]Internet firms face more pressure on suicide sitesSimon McGee, Political Editor, and Paul Whitehouse_INTERNET companies are coming under increasing Government pressure to stop hosting websites and chatrooms which appear to encourage suicide.The Yorkshire Post has learned that ministers have begun urging internet service providers to take specific steps to regulate themselves when it comes to suicide sites, which, although not strictly illegal in Britain, are widely believed to have played a pivotal role in people's deaths.Search engine firms are also being asked to rig their answers to internet trawls on the subject of suicide assistance so results prioritise "helpful" links, such as mental health charities, ahead of sites that can even give advice on tying the perfect noose._(fake cut to rest of article, plus a poll)
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Sleepless [Aug. 12th, 2005|03:20 am]advocatesuicide
[mood |Tired] [sound "Never Again," Richard & Linda Thompson]I want to end my life.It’s been my only ambition for years.But I seem unable.Hundreds upon hundreds of nights walking alone through the dark for an hour to get to a deserted bridge to hang myself. Or to that tree in the cemetary.And yet, here I am.I know that suspension hanging will only take two minutes. I’ve tried so many times; I’ve experienced fainting when I’ve increased the pressure on my neck enough. I know that if I step off and have a ligature/knot that I can’t release around my neck that it’s only a matter of two-to-five minutes of pain and desperate panic. That’s easier than many common pains and should be within my capabilities. It’s far easier than the ordeal of childbirth- or even less, of knocking out a un-anaestitized tooth. What is preventing me? Hope? No, I’ve had plenty of hope, plenty of “but maybe if”-thoughts. But nine times out of ten it isn’t hope that has me walking home again. It is fear.I’ve experienced years of panic disorder in the past and I’m terrified by the thought of the panic I expect in dying. My last minutes completely consumed by a screaming desperation to get out of the noose. Feeling all consciousness draining away except for a kicking clawing horror while I fight unsuccessfully to untie the knot and rope that is tearing at my neck.There’ve been countless times that I’ve put the rope around my neck with both feet planted on the ground and tried to let my legs fall out from under me. There’ve been times that I’ve lifted my feet from the ground and hung entirely by my neck. But I’ve always relented. The worst times are when I begin to faint. I get a tingling and rush in my head, a ringing in my ears as the sounds around me increase in pitch and seem to echo, the world goes grey, my legs begin to falter and weaken and I become disoriented and clumsy. And I am blasted by bolts of panic and the need to escape- stand up, release the knot, get out of there. Danger!!I have done all I can. It’s not as though I’m not willing. If I don’t die tonight, tomorrow, next week, then over the next year there will be another hundred nights where I go out with the intent of not coming back. I don’t want that. It is not as though I’m unwilling. There’s just some powerful disconnect- I truly seem unable to overcome these devious survival mechanisms that disguise themselves as exhaustion, or apathy, or panic, etc…Living systems (for example the human body and its mind) have evolved to stay alive. And they are deceitful. I know that this contemplation, the effort I’ve put into writing this plea seems directed towards finding a way to die, but it’s really just avoidance of dying. It’s a trick to keep me breathing for a few more hours, days, etc…Around 40,000 people kill themselves each and every year. Suicide has been happening through all time. Can I really be the most cowardly among all these ghosts? Of all the millions and millions of successful suicides how can I be a failure?I know I will probably just have to do the thing I can’t do. Somehow find a way to overcome my resistance. Perhaps I’ll unexpectedly find the strength, or maybe I’ll merely luck into it some night when accidentally my blood pressure plummets beyond recovery, or I accidentally knock away the stepladder before I’m “ready.” Maybe my life will end clumsily. Just as long as it ends. Problem is, that’s exactly the sort of thing I’ve been counting on for yearsI really want out of here. I'm sure of it. I would forgo a good life, I would pass up every joy just to have it all over- everything. my problem isn't that I want to live. It’s a severe case of “I’m not afraid of dying; I just DON'T WANT TO BE THERE when it happens.”I need some drug that will switch off my fight/flight response, but not sedate me- a drug that will keep me alert and active but switch off the danger signals.I need other voices on this. Could you please make suggestions? Inform me of the needed drug and how to get it. Or not drug-related suggestions. Anything to get me out of here. Please “help” if you can. Thank you.
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Useful information for friends/family of the suicidal. [May. 14th, 2005|04:12 pm]advocatesuicide
[mood |hopeful] [sound TV]Don't people have a right to kill themselves, if they want to?"A part of me always knew he was dying, even though his body remained alive despite eight suicide attempts. The agony he experienced had caused a kind of death inside, already, and however much he struggled to believe that life could win through, ultimately it could not and he made his choice accordingly."Some people make repeated suicide attempts and appear to express a strong, unwavering wish for death. One carter’s reaction on being told of her son’s death was, "Thank goodness for that". Family and friends may come to accept that death is the inevitable outcome of so much emotional anguish. They may feel relieved that the person will not have to face further suffering.Those who have attempted suicide before have a higher chance of eventually dying by suicide, although many people have suicidal feelings without acting on them. Suicidal feelings may come and go according to the stresses and strains in day-to-day life.Even when someone appears to be absolutely determined to take their own life, the importance of talking and examining every possible option and source of support can't be overestimated. Encourage the person not to view suicide as the only solution, and to see there is another way of resolving problems.Copied/Pasted from the MIND Website
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(no subject) [Sep. 23rd, 2004|11:05 pm]advocatesuicide
Wow, I didn't know such a community existed. I think this is VERY cool. I was definitely shocked to find this, but I'm relieved I have.For the past year or so, my entire outlook on life has changed incredibly (because of my philosophy on life and human nature and all, which I decided to believe in before that). I realized how great life can be, and how natural and healthy death is. It really is too stigmatized, feared and outright ignored in this society. Death doesn't seem to matter until it happens, after which it's nice to mourn about because it makes everyone just such a decent human being. But I don't get it. Death is the close of life, which means it's either the end of sufferring or the conclusion to a great story. Even the best stories have an end.I also saw the inherent hypocrisy in the values of our society. Nothing is as inalienable as the power of free will, but death is far too dismal do ever allow someone to choose to commit to. Starve yourself on low carbs, stuff your face with this great-tasting junkfood, wsit behind the desk 10 hours for money, watch TV six hours a day, but don't you dare pursue death! It's better to live death than it is to die.We can't help it that we were born, at least let us control our life and when it will end.So, yeah, that's my reasoning. I'm personally not depressed, or suicidal, or any of that. But I really think people are too paranoid of emotion and change. I advocate self-injury and suicide. Rock on.
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