Dragonlance (original) (raw)

Tue, Jun. 17th, 2008, 05:28 pm

noctuabunda: Ten minutes of your time for my thesis?

Dear fanfic authors,

first of all I’m sorry if OT posting isn’t allowed in this community, but there’s no other way for me to do this; just delete this if it isn’t appropriate.

I’m a fanfic reader and occasional fanfic writer myself, so what did I pick for my thesis in communication sciences? Fan Fiction, of course. I designed a survey to find out more about our writing habits and media use; it takes about 10 minutes to complete.

If you could go here and fill it out, I’d be forever grateful. Of course I’ll publish some of the results at my journal in about a month or two, so you’ll know what happened with your answers.
The survey is completely anonymous; I have no way of finding out who gave which answers.

Please, please help a fellow fan out. It’s only ten minutes for you; it’s a very important part of my work for me.

This has been cross-posted like crazy, and I'm sorry for spamming you guys, I'm just a little desperate, too.

Thu, Mar. 6th, 2008, 11:48 am

golden_purple18: Hello All!

Hi, I'm new here. I was introduced to the Chronicles Trilogy by a friend and fell in love with Tas and Raist. It's really cool to see other people who love Krynn.

I run a Tasslehoff Community,

littlelocksmith, so come check it out! (Yes, I know I'm shameless, but it's the only one around, so bear with me.)

Hope to see you there!


Wed, Mar. 5th, 2008, 05:24 pm

pala_dine: The day the dice stopped rolling!

The world of Dungeons & Dragons mourns the passing of a true Hero through out the realms! Gary Gygax the first Dungeon Master has rolled his final D20. Gary at the age of 69 died in his Lake Geneva home early tuesday morning March 4th, 2008.

Gary was the co-creator of the RPG (roll playing game) Dungeons & Dragons. Gygax and Dave Arneson developed Dungeons & Dragons in 1974. The game is known for its 7 oddly shaped dice known as the D20 system. It became a hit in among 'geeks' around the world. As the game gained popularity it spawned countless books, movies and video games. The game help define fantasies for millions of gamers and paved the road for such games as Heroclix, Magic the Gathering, and Warhammer. It also laid the foundation in basic format for many other Roll Playing Games like Robotech, Shadowrun, and Vampire the Masquerade.

I never had the opportunity to meet Gary but he has Inspired me and fans for four decades with his novels, source books, and appearance's at such Convention's as Gen-Con. According to Gary's wife Gail Gygax; Gary loved to hear how he inspired his fans. He also loved the world he helped create. He still hosted and played Dungeons & Dragons up until just a couple of months back before his passing.

No news on when and where the funeral will be held or if it will be open to the public. I myself live in Chicago and plan on bringing my favorite set of dice with me as I drive to Lake Geneva, WI to leave them as a homage for in my opinion one of the greatest game creators and story tellers of all time.

I host a gaming session on Friday nights and the next time we assemble for our weekly fix of Dungeons & Dragons. It will be one of the most heartbreaking times among my friends and myself as we cast our dice and bow are heads in silence for a God among geeks! Rest In Peace Gary; you will be missed by family, friends and fans around the world.

Wed, Jan. 17th, 2007, 11:10 pm

lil_mstigress1: Hello Dragonlance fans.

I have read a few of the Dragonlance books that a friend of mine let me borrow. Great books!!! I love books like these that are series books. I want to read more when I get my hands on more of them. I love dragons of any and all kinds. Great community.

Sun, Jul. 2nd, 2006, 11:22 pm

kf_midget: //DL Books

This is the site I use for DL. Anyone else have anymore, or have anything better?

Fri, Mar. 31st, 2006, 10:20 am

rosalinda_71386: books and gaming materails

*Timeline: 351 AC to 383 AC.*
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Annotated Dragonlance Chronicles, The
Time of the Twins
War of the Twins
Test of the Twins
Annotated Legends
Lost Chronicles
Dragons of the Dwarven Depths
Second Generation, The
Dragons of Summer Flame

*Timeline: ~250 AC to 383 AC.*
Adventures in Krynn
Tales of Uncle Trapspringer
Chaos War
Last Thane, The
Tears of the Night Sky
Puppet King, The
Reavers of the Blood Sea
Siege of Mt. Nevermind, The
Murder in Tarsis
Dalamar the Dark
Citadel, The
Inheritance, The
Defenders of Magic
Night of the Eye
Medusa Plague, The
Seventh Sentinel, The
Meetings Sextet
Kindred Spirits
Dark Heart
Oath and the Measure, The
Steel and Stone
Companions, The
Darkness and Light
Brothers Majere
Riverwind, The Plainsman
Flint, The King
Tanis, The Shadow Years
Raistlin Chronicles
Soulforge, The
Brothers in Arms
Reader's Companion
Odyssey of Gilthanas, The
Magic of Krynn, The
Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes
Love And War
Reign of Istar, The
Cataclysm, The
War of the Lance, The
Best of Tales, Volume One, The
Best of Tales, Volume Two, The
Before the Mask
Black Wing, The
Emperor of Ansalon
Hederick the Theocrat
Lord Toede
Dark Queen, The
Dragons of Krynn
Dragons at War
Dragons of Chaos
Players of Gilean: Tales from the World of Krynn, The
Dragons in the Archives: The Best of Weis & Hickman
Terror of Lord Soth, The
Knight of the Black Rose
Spectre of the Black Rose

*Timeline: 421 AC to Present.*
-War of Souls-
Dragons of a Fallen Sun
Dragons of a Lost Star
Dragons of a Vanished Moon
War of Souls Gift Set
Dark Disciple, The
Amber and Ashes
Amber and Iron

*Timeline: 421 AC to Present.*
-Age of Mortals-
Lioness, The
Dark Thane
Prisoner of Haven
Wizards' Conclave
Lake of Death, The
Bertrem's Guides
Bertrem's Guide to the Age of Mortals
Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Volume 1
Bertrem's Guide to the War of Souls, Volume 2
Elven Exiles
Linsha Trilogy, The
City of the Lost
Flight of the Fallen
Return of the Exile
Minotaur Wars, The
Night of Blood
Tides of Blood
Empire of Blood
Rise of Solamnia
Lord of the Rose
Crown and the Sword, The
Taladas Chronicles, The
Blades of the Tiger
Trail of the Black Wyrm
War of Souls Anthologies
Search for Magic: Tales from the War of Souls, The
Search For Power: The Dragons From the War of the Souls, The
Champions, The
Saving Solace

*Timeline: 384 AC to 418 AC.*
-Fifth Age Core Novels-
Dragons of a New Age
Dawning of a New Age, The
Day of the Tempest, The
Eve of the Maelstrom, The
Dhamon Saga

*Timeline: 384 AC to 421 AC.*
Bridges of Time
Spirit of the Wind
Legacy of Steel
Silver Stair, The
Rose and the Skull, The
Dezra's Quest
Clandestine Circle, The
Thieves' Guild, The
Dragon's Bluff
Dragon Isles, The
Middle of Nowhere, The
Kang's Regiment
Doom Brigade, The
Doom Brigade, The
Draconian Measures
Tales of the Fifth Age
Relics and Omens: Tales of the Fifth Age
Heroes and Fools: Tales of the Fifth Age
Rebels and Tyrants: Tales of the Fifth Age

*Timeline: 1,020 PC to ~350 AC.*
Legend of Huma, The
Weasel's Luck
Kaz the Minotaur
Gates of Thorbardin, The
Galen Beknighted
Kingpriest Trilogy
Chosen of the Gods
Divine Hammer
Sacred Fire

*Timeline: 9,000 PC to ~350 AC.*
Children of the Plains
Brother of the Dragon
Sister of the Sword
Dwarven Nations
Covenant of the Forge
Hammer and Axe
Swordsheath Scroll, The
Elven Nations
Kinslayer Wars, The
Qualinesti, The
Elven Nations Trilogy Gift Set, The
Ergoth Trilogy, The
A Warrior's Journey
Wizard's Fate, The
A Hero's Justice
Messenger, The
Golden Orb, The
Lost Histories
Kagonesti, The
Irda, The
Dargonesti, The
Land of the Minotaurs
Gully Dwarves, The
Dragons, The
Lost Legends
Vinas Solamnus
Fistandantilus Reborn
Knights of the Crown
Maquesta Kar-Thon
Knights of the Sword
Theros Ironfield
Knights of the Rose
Lord Soth
Wayward Knights, The

*Young Reader Core Novels*
A Rumor of Dragons
Night of the Dragons
Nightmare Lands, The
To the Gates of Palanthas
Hope's Flame
A Dawn of Dragons
Wizard's Curse
Wizard's Betrayal
New Adventures, The
Temple of the Dragonslayer
Dying Kingdom, The
Dragon Well, The
Return of the Sorceress
Dragon Sword
Dragon Day
Dragon Knight
Dragon Spell
Elidor Trilogy
Crown of Thieves
Crystal Chalice, The

*Core Gaming Materials*
-3rd Edition Dragonlance Sourcebooks-
Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Dragonlance® Dungeon Master's Screen
Bestiary of Krynn
Bestiary of Krynn: Revised
Dragonlance Setting Sourcebooks
Age of Mortals
War of the Lance
Legends of the Twins
Dragonlance Topic Sourcebooks
Towers of High Sorcery
Holy Orders of the Stars
Knightly Orders of Ansalon
Races of Ansalon
Tasslehoff's Map Pouches
Tasslehoff's Map Pouch: The Age of Mortals
Tasslehoff's Map Pouch: The War of the Lance
Age of Mortals Campaign
Key of Destiny
Spectre of Sorrows
Price of Courage
War of the Lance Chronicles
Dragons of Autumn
D&D 3.5 Core Books
Player's Handbook: Core Rulebook I
Dungeon Master's Guide: Core Rulebook II
Monster Manual: Core Rulebook III
Monster Manual II
Monster Manual III
Dungeons & Dragons Dice
Dungeon Master's Guide II
Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies
D&D Class Supplements
Complete Adventurer
Complete Arcane
Complete Divine
Complete Warrior
Tome and Blood
Masters of the Wild
Song and Silence
D&D Expansions
Book of Challenges
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations
Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screens
Enemies and Allies
Epic Level Handbook
Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead
Planar Handbook
Heroes of Battle
Heroes of Horror
D&D Map Folios
D&D Map Folio I
D&D Map Folio II
Map Folio 3-D
D&D Miniatures
Miniatures Handbook
D&D Miniatures Entry Pack
Harbinger Expansion Pack
Dragoneye Expansion Pack
Archfiends Expansion Pack
Giants of Legend Huge Pack
Aberrations Booster Pack
D&D Miniatures Starter Set
Deathknell Expansion Pack
Angelfire Booster Pack
Underdark Booster Pack
D&D Race Supplements
Races of Destiny
Races of Eberron
Races of Stone
Races of the Wild
D&D Supplements
Arms and Equipment Guide
Deities and Demigods
Fiend Folio
Savage Species
Unearthed Arcana
Weapons of Legacy
Magic of Incarnum
Spell Compendium

*Supplemental Gaming Mat'ls*
-AD&D Adventure Gamebooks-
Prisoners of Pax Tharkas
Soulforge, The
Lords of Doom
Shadow Over Nordmaar
Art Books
Art of the Dragonlance Saga
Masters of Dragonlance Art
Worlds of TSR, The
Battle Lines
Sylvan Veil, The
Rise of the Titans
Chaos War Adventures
Seeds of Chaos
Chaos Spawn
DL - Dragonlance Modules
DL1: Dragons of Despair
DL2: Dragons of Flame
DL3: Dragons of Hope
DL4: Dragons of Desolation
DL5: Dragons of Mystery
DL6: Dragons of Ice
DL7: Dragons of Light
DL8: Dragons of War
DL9: Dragons of Deceit
DL10: Dragons of Dreams
DL11: Dragons of Glory
DL12: Dragons of Faith
DL13: Dragons of Truth
DL14: Dragons of Triumph
DL15: Mists of Krynn
DL16: World of Krynn
DLA - Dragonlance Adventures
DLA1: Dragon Dawn
DLA2: Dragon Knight
DLA3: Dragon's Rest
DLC - Dragonlance Classics
DLC1: Classics Volume I
DLC2: Classics Volume II
DLC3: Classics Volume III
Dragonlance Classics 15th Anniversary Edition
DLE - Dragonlance Expansions
DLE1: In Search of Dragons
DLE2: Dragon Magic
DLE3: Dragon Keep
DLQ - Dragonlance Quests
DLQ1: Knight's Sword
DLQ2: Flint's Axe
DLR - Dragonlance Resources
Taladas: The Minotaurs
Unsung Heroes
DLS - Dragonlance Supplements
DLS1: New Beginnings
DLS2: Tree Lords
DLS3: Oak Lords
DLS4: Wild Elves
DLT - Dragonlance Tales
DLT1: New Tales: The Land Reborn
Book of Lairs
Fifth Age
Fifth Age Dramatic Adventure Game
A Saga Companion
Saga Fate Deck
Bestiary, The
Heroes of Steel
Heroes of Defiance
Heroes of Sorcery
Heroes of Hope
Wings of Fury
Last Tower - The Legacy of Raistlin, The
Citadel of Light
Source Books
Dragonlance Adventures
History of Dragonlance, The
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home
More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home
Tales of the Lance
Player's Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign
Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix II
Time of the Dragon
Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn
World of Krynn Trail Map, The
Atlas of the Dragonlance World, The
Gnomes - 100, Dragons - 0
Board Games and Other Games
Dragonlance Board Game, The
Forgotten Realms
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Races of Faerûn
Unapproachable East
Ral-Partha Miniatures
Huma's Silver Dragon
Red Dragon of Krynn
Lord Soth's Charge

Fri, Feb. 10th, 2006, 02:50 pm

dhamonsgirl: The Linsha Trilogy

Has any one else read The Linsha Trilogy? I am on book three, Return of the Exile. I thought the first book was a little hard to get through (not any where near the level of the first book in The War of Souls..lol) but the second book was excellent!!!

Sat, Aug. 20th, 2005, 11:22 pm

krimlim90: Hey all!

Hello! I'm Krimlim90, I've been reading Dragonlance for quite a while now. My first book read was Dragons of Autumn Twilight, I find that somewhat ironic. I have: The Annontated Chronicles, The Annontated Legends, Dragons of a Lost Star, War of the Twins, Time of the Twins, The Dawning of a New Age, Dragons of a Vanished Moon, Prisoner of Haven, The Soulforge, The Second Generation, The Irda, Darkness & Light, The Kagonesti, Dragons of a Fallen Sun, The Gully Dwarves, Test of the Twins, The Dargonesti, and Land of the Minotaurs. Oh, and I also have Amber and Ashes, I think that's what it's called.

I have yet still to read Prisoner of Haven, The Dawning of a New Age, and the Kagonesti. Plus, I actually have two copies of Dragons of a Fallen Sun.
^^' I know I have quite a bit books to DragonLance, I enjoy reading them. >_> They're mine.. *Clings tightly to stack of Dragonlance books*
Anywho, Dragonlance is a great series! ^_^

Wed, Jul. 20th, 2005, 03:47 pm

rebel53: (no subject)

i'm new to the community, but i'm a HUGE fan of dragonlance...rather fond of Sturm myself. I have read more books than I can recall, and own 3 different prints of my fav series (and most of you people agree, i'm sure)which is the Chronicles trilogy....