a good soldier - a Jason Todd community (original) (raw)

September 2nd, 2013

Poverty of Time by **Airawyn**Chapters: 6 Word Count: 30,129Fandom: DC Comics/Hunger Games FusionRating: MatureWarnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character DeathRelationships: Jason Todd/Roy HarperCharacters: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Talia al Ghul, othersJason Todd needs to win the Hunger Games to get his sick mother to a Capitol doctor. He convinces a previous victor, Talia al Ghul, to train him to win. But no amount of training can prepare him for the hardships ahead. Or for what happens when allies become friends and there can only be one victor."Everyone but you is dead the minute they step into the arena," Talia told me. "All you do is make it official."
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June 9th, 2013

Title: Ink and MetalFandom: DCUPairing: Dick Grayson/Jason ToddRating: NC-17Word Count: 946Prompt: For PB 14: blood wings, injury; For DCU FFA: Wrestling/GrindingSummary: Dick and Jason discover surprising things about each other.Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.Author's Notes: Originally posted here on the PB.Title: SinsFandom: DCUPairing: Bruce Wayne/Jason ToddRating: NC-17Word Count: 596Prompt: For PB 14: sweat, temptation, adrenaline, secret, forgiveness; For DCU FFA: TemptationSummary: Once upon a time, Bruce thought he knew the strength of temptation.Disclaimer: DC and WB still own it all, the bastards.Author's Notes: Originally posted here on the PB. Mild warning for references to teenage Jason and dirty-old-man Bruce.Title: Forging a ConnectionFandom: DCUPairing: Jason Todd/Tim DrakeRating: NC-17Word Count: 393Prompt: For PB 14: uniform, anger, resentment, family, home, motorcycleSummary: Jay's pretty sure Tim has a death wish.Disclaimer: DC and WB are ass holes.Author's Notes: Originally posted here on the PB.Title: AntidoteFandom: DCUPairing: Jason Todd/Rose WilsonRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,069Prompt: For PB 14: fight, alley, knife, trapped, eyes, maskSummary: Rose is hopped up serum again, and there seems to be only one way to snap her out of it.Disclaimer: Damn you, DC.Author's Notes: Originally posted here at the PB.All 4 fics are HERE.
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May 7th, 2013

Title: Do Over 2Author: AiyokuSamaCharacters: Jason, Tim, Alfred, Jason BloodContinuity: AUWarnings: Foul LanguageRating: PG-13Word Count: 4249Summery: Just when he thinks he's getting a handle on things, Jason is thrown for another loop.A/N: Part One can be found HERE. Thank you to the lovely for her Beta skillls :)Gelato is divine, Jason's mind declares, as his body melts into the naugahyde-covered bench seat. His eyes are closed as he focuses on savouring the fabulous substance in his mouth. It's not giving him brain freeze, but he's totally forgotten about that particular plan for dealing with all the stupidity currently hurting his head. Instead, it's all about rolling up his eyes behind his closed eyelids and just existing in the moment—which is all about tasting cold, sweet heaven on his tongue.Ficcie This Way....
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March 1st, 2013

February 20th, 2013

February 6th, 2013

Hey guys I created my livejournal account just for this community. Just wanted to know what the community guidelines are for posting a story. I'm currently writing my version of the Jason Todd story, but adapted The Killing Joke as a prologue to the main story. Any tips or advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
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November 28th, 2012

Title: The Do-Over (Part 1)Fandom: Batman (AU)Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick GraysonGenre: AU/GenWarnings: Jason likes to swearWord Count: 6004Summary: Jason wakes up thinking he is 15. According to the date, he should be 19. Oh and Magic sucks!A/N: Thank you to the fabulous dragonbat2006 for her wonderful beta!Jason isn't a morning person; he never has been, except when he’s had to be. And right now, he has to be, because things feel very wrong. The boy sits bolt upright in bed, blinking furiously, trying to get his eyes to focus... A baby blue room? Other then the colour it's pretty generic, just a bedroom like any other. But not like his. He's not in the Manor. Where the fuck is he?He looks down and does a double take. What the fuck is he WEARING?Fic Thing This Way.......
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November 12th, 2012

Title: (Un)PreparedFandom: DCUCharacters: Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, past Jason/TimRating: PGWord Count: 935Prompt: For dcu_freeforall: SilverSummary: A commotion in the hallway interrupts preparations for the charity gala.Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything, the schmucks.Author's Notes: Twenty-sixth in the (Un)Familiar-verse; follows (Un)Connected. It only took me six months to get back to this, but I'm gonna be rolling these out a lot faster now!
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November 10th, 2012

Title: Little Wing and Big Bird (AO3)Author name: airawynBeta name: MiscellaCharacters/Pairing: Jason Todd (as Robin), Dick Grayson (as Disco-Nightwing), Starfire, Barbara Gordon, Nightwing/StarfireFandom/Universe: Post-crisis, pre-reboot DCURating: PGWord count: 16,356Warnings: Swearing, some blood, gunsSummary: When Bruce attempts to murder Jason in his sleep, the young Robin goes to his predecessor for help. Nightwing and Robin must work together to find out what happened to the real Bruce Wayne.Author’s Notes: This was written for the DCU Big Bang 2012 and I was lucky enough to work with TWO fantastic artists. miki_moo created some great digital manips, which are embedded in the story at AO3 and also visible here. c2ii drew two manga pages of a scene from chapter two, which are posted on C2ii’s DeviantArt page.Read story on AO3.
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HiI'm hoping someone will tell me if this still exists out there in some form.It was a Jason Todd video to 59 Sound by The Gaslight Anthem. It is my absolute favourite Jason Todd video in the world and it seems to have totally vanished. So if anyone knows where I can find it, please let me knowThanks
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