apperception Objective Rankings of LJ "Philosophers" "Most analytic, Anglo-American, positivist, analytic philosophers believe that I have AIDS." Clearheads: Incompetent in anything other than analytic philosophy. Anything older than 60 years is "too difficult to read." Common tactics: Either run from attack or argue from authority. Everything is an S or a P. Ways to defeat them: Keep the heat on for one or two responses, and they won't reply again. If you're lucky, you can force them to leave the community that way. Examples: cabrutus, philosophyjeff1, drsmax "Grasping something through the intellect is a strange concept for me."2 Meatheads: Thick-skulled, knuckle-dragging oafs, can't understand simple points, unread in philosophy but like to talk a lot anyway. Common tactics: Insist terms mean what they don't, stare blankly, have no clear methodology, use red herring arguments (but not systematically), "durrrr!" Ways to defeat them: If you have the patience, cracks under persistent pressure. Examples: i_am_lane, xiota, thisisnotsteve, bvihvhkjbkfdmek, yeasty_baggins, dangerzooey Bad command or file name.C:\> Cylons: Can't learn, repeat themselves, can't argue rationally, can't be defeated. Robots. Common tactics: Stare straight ahead, defend nothing, always attack. Ways to defeat them: None known. Only solution is to toss them out the airlock. Examples: nanikore, alienus1, zdover "Darkness fallsacross the landThe midnight houris close at hand" Forces of Darkness: Evil obscurantists, exist to harm, thrive on pain. Common tactics: Obfuscation, trolling, taunting, indecency, mudslinging, sadism. Ways to defeat them: Prayer and good works, exorcism, recitation. Examples: apperception, mendaciloquent, zentiger, dialogic "Father, the Sleeper has Awakened!" Space Cadets: Astral beings, lost in reverie for Cosmic Consciousness, communicate from the Ether. Common tactics: Appeal to mysticism and Theosophy, divination and channeling, voodoo, human sacrifice, "If that is the case, then how do you explain the insights of the Vedas?" Ways to defeat them: Garlic, world peace. Examples: jeffrock, mostconducive, vulpina 1. Defeated by the Forces of Darkness 2. Actual i_am_lane quote |