Çiğdem Güzle Kayır | Akdeniz University (original) (raw)


Papers by Çiğdem Güzle Kayır

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Matemati̇k Öğretmen Adaylarinin Bi̇li̇şüstü Farkindalik Düzeyleri̇ İle Problem Çözme Beceri̇leri̇ne Yöneli̇k Algilarinin İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 19, 2022

Bu çalışma ile ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalık düzeyleri ile prob... more Bu çalışma ile ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalık düzeyleri ile problem çözme becerilerine yönelik algıları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Korelasyonel modelle tasarlanan çalışma, Akdeniz Üniversitesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 170 ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adayı ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler "Bilişüstü Farkındalık Ölçeği" ve "Problem Çözme Becerisine Yönelik Algı Ölçeği" kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi SPSS programı kullanılarak yapılmış, analizlerde T-test, Anova ve Pearson korelasyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalıklarının düzeyleri ile problem çözme becerisine yönelik algılarının düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Öte yandan öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalıkları ve problem çözme becerilerine yönelik algıları arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişki saptanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of İngi̇li̇z Di̇li̇ Ve Edebi̇yati Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Di̇l Beceri̇leri̇ İhti̇yaçlarinin Beli̇rlenmesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Ni̇tel Bi̇r Çalişma

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

Üniversitelerin İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı (İDE) bölümünden mezun olan öğrenciler, İngilizce dilin... more Üniversitelerin İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı (İDE) bölümünden mezun olan öğrenciler, İngilizce dilini iyi kullanabilmenin yanında öğrenimleri boyunca farklı disiplinlerden edindikleri bilgi birikimi ile çok çeşitli alanlarda istihdam edilerek ülkenin yabancı dil bilen birey ihtiyacının karşılanmasında da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı İDE bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin bölüm derslerinde başarılı olmak için hangi dil becerilerine ne tür etkinlikler için ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve öğrenci ve öğretim üyelerinin İDE bölümü hazırlık programlarından beklentilerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla 7 öğretim üyesi ve 8 öğrenci ile görüşmeler yapılmış, yapılan görüşmeler içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular öğrencilerin tüm dil becerilerine birbirine bağlı olacak biçimde ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve konuşma becerisini kullanarak derse katılmakta hata yapma kaygısı gibi psikolojik nedenlere bağlı olarak sıkıntı yaşadıklarını ortaya koymuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students’ Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2015

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers Views on Curriculum Developed Since 2005: A Content Analysis of the Researches Between 2005 and 2011

The purpose of this study is to state a synthesized outcome though reviewing the research studies... more The purpose of this study is to state a synthesized outcome though reviewing the research studies reported teachers’ views on curricula in 2005 and later, and studies published over the years of 2005-2011. For this purpose, national and international journals were reviewed and 50 articles were selected based on the pre-determined criteria. The selected studies were subjected to content analysis using article analysis form. The analyses pointed out that teachers had positive views on the contribution of the recently developed curriculum, but they had difficulties during the implementation of the programs due to several problems (e.g. the lack of in-service training, teachers’ lack of equipment, infra-structure problems crowded classrooms, lack of understanding of the program, inconsistency between curricula and tests (OKS, SBS etc), and insufficient time dedicated to the activities)

Research paper thumbnail of Common Method-Related Problems in Selected Research Studies on Educational Sciences in Turkey

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

The purpose of this study was to reveal common method-related problems done in the selected resea... more The purpose of this study was to reveal common method-related problems done in the selected research studies on educational sciences in Turkey. 51 research studies selected based on five predetermined criteria from 40 peer-reviewed journals published in Turkey and 14 international journals were content analyzed in terms of design, sample, sampling, data collection instruments, validity and reliability assurance, and data analysis strategies. Later, method part of the selected studies was extracted and then scrutinized across 15 criteria which helped reveal errors and insufficiencies in the method part. The content analysis of the method part of the selected studies indicated four method-related problems in the selected studies as related to design, sample, instrumentation and data analysis. In many of the selected studies, adequate desciption of and rationale behind design, sampling, instrumentation and data analysis were not indicated. Most common problems encountered in the studies were that the researchers did not present validity (n=28) and reliability (n=24) assurance of the tests and the results. Descriptive statistics were mosty preferred compared to inferential statistics. Type-1 error was violated in some of the studies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Demographic Variables on Students' Responsible Environmental Behaviors

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of university students' background variables ... more The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of university students' background variables (gender, age, grade and nature experience) on their responsible environmental behaviors. A total number of 307 students (134 females, 173 males) enrolled in various departments of Akdeniz University constituted the sample of the study. University Students' Responsible Environmental Behavior Scale (USREBS) developed by the authors was used for this investigation. USREBS included 33 items on a six point Likert type scale (never to always) and consisted of seven sub-dimensions with acceptable reliability coefficient values (political behavior-α = .91, warning behavior-α = .84; legal behavior-α = .84; recycling behavior-α = .72; physical protection behavior-α = .69; saving behavior-α =.76 and persuasion-α = .86). Separate MANOVA analyses revealed that university students' responsible environmental behaviors significantly varied across gender, grade, reading nature-related publications and participation in nature-related activities. These statistically significant results suggested that female students and those who followed nature related publications (e.g. books, journals, magazines) and frequently participated in nature related-activities engaged in responsible behaviors more than those who didn't to protect the environment and prevent the environmental problems.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005 Yili Ve Sonrasinda Geli̇şti̇ri̇len Öğreti̇m Programlari İle İlgi̇li̇ Öğretmen Görüşleri; 2005-2011 Yillari Arasinda Yapilan Araştirmalarin İçeri̇k Anali̇zi̇

Bu calismanin amaci, ogretmenlerin 2005 yili ve sonrasi gelistirilen ilkogretim ve ortaogretim pr... more Bu calismanin amaci, ogretmenlerin 2005 yili ve sonrasi gelistirilen ilkogretim ve ortaogretim programlari ile ilgili goruslerini ortaya koyan ve 2005-2011 yillari arasinda gerceklestirilmis olan arastirmalari icerik analizi yaparak senteze dayali bir sonuca ulasmaktir. Bu amacla, ulusal ve uluslararasi dergiler taranmis ve belirlenen olcutlere gore toplam 50 arastirmaya ulasilmistir. Ulasilan calismalar makale analiz formu yardimi ile icerik analiz teknigi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Yapilan analizler, ogretmenlerin 2005 ve sonrasi gelistirilen programlarin katkilarina iliskin olumlu gorus bildirdiklerini, ancak karsilastiklari bazi aksakliklardan dolayi (orn. Hizmet ici egitim eksikligi, ogretmenlerin kendi donanimlarinin eksikligi, alt yapi sorunlari, siniflarin kalabalikligi, programlarin net olarak analsilamamasi, sinav sistemi ile olan uyumsuzluk, etkinliklere ayrilan sure) uygulamaya yonelik sorunlar yasadiklarini gostermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students’ Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2015

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students' Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors A R TIC LE I N F O A BS T RA C T

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.

Research paper thumbnail of İlköğreti̇m Matemati̇k Öğretmen Adaylarinin Bi̇li̇şüstü Farkindalik Düzeyleri̇ İle Problem Çözme Beceri̇leri̇ne Yöneli̇k Algilarinin İncelenmesi̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 19, 2022

Bu çalışma ile ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalık düzeyleri ile prob... more Bu çalışma ile ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalık düzeyleri ile problem çözme becerilerine yönelik algıları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Korelasyonel modelle tasarlanan çalışma, Akdeniz Üniversitesinde öğrenim görmekte olan 170 ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adayı ile yürütülmüştür. Veriler "Bilişüstü Farkındalık Ölçeği" ve "Problem Çözme Becerisine Yönelik Algı Ölçeği" kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi SPSS programı kullanılarak yapılmış, analizlerde T-test, Anova ve Pearson korelasyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalıklarının düzeyleri ile problem çözme becerisine yönelik algılarının düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Öte yandan öğretmen adaylarının bilişüstü farkındalıkları ve problem çözme becerilerine yönelik algıları arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişki saptanmıştır.

Research paper thumbnail of İngi̇li̇z Di̇li̇ Ve Edebi̇yati Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Di̇l Beceri̇leri̇ İhti̇yaçlarinin Beli̇rlenmesi̇ Üzeri̇ne Ni̇tel Bi̇r Çalişma

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

Üniversitelerin İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı (İDE) bölümünden mezun olan öğrenciler, İngilizce dilin... more Üniversitelerin İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı (İDE) bölümünden mezun olan öğrenciler, İngilizce dilini iyi kullanabilmenin yanında öğrenimleri boyunca farklı disiplinlerden edindikleri bilgi birikimi ile çok çeşitli alanlarda istihdam edilerek ülkenin yabancı dil bilen birey ihtiyacının karşılanmasında da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı İDE bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin bölüm derslerinde başarılı olmak için hangi dil becerilerine ne tür etkinlikler için ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve öğrenci ve öğretim üyelerinin İDE bölümü hazırlık programlarından beklentilerini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla 7 öğretim üyesi ve 8 öğrenci ile görüşmeler yapılmış, yapılan görüşmeler içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular öğrencilerin tüm dil becerilerine birbirine bağlı olacak biçimde ihtiyaç duyduklarını ve konuşma becerisini kullanarak derse katılmakta hata yapma kaygısı gibi psikolojik nedenlere bağlı olarak sıkıntı yaşadıklarını ortaya koymuştur.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students’ Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2015

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.

Research paper thumbnail of Teachers Views on Curriculum Developed Since 2005: A Content Analysis of the Researches Between 2005 and 2011

The purpose of this study is to state a synthesized outcome though reviewing the research studies... more The purpose of this study is to state a synthesized outcome though reviewing the research studies reported teachers’ views on curricula in 2005 and later, and studies published over the years of 2005-2011. For this purpose, national and international journals were reviewed and 50 articles were selected based on the pre-determined criteria. The selected studies were subjected to content analysis using article analysis form. The analyses pointed out that teachers had positive views on the contribution of the recently developed curriculum, but they had difficulties during the implementation of the programs due to several problems (e.g. the lack of in-service training, teachers’ lack of equipment, infra-structure problems crowded classrooms, lack of understanding of the program, inconsistency between curricula and tests (OKS, SBS etc), and insufficient time dedicated to the activities)

Research paper thumbnail of Common Method-Related Problems in Selected Research Studies on Educational Sciences in Turkey

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

The purpose of this study was to reveal common method-related problems done in the selected resea... more The purpose of this study was to reveal common method-related problems done in the selected research studies on educational sciences in Turkey. 51 research studies selected based on five predetermined criteria from 40 peer-reviewed journals published in Turkey and 14 international journals were content analyzed in terms of design, sample, sampling, data collection instruments, validity and reliability assurance, and data analysis strategies. Later, method part of the selected studies was extracted and then scrutinized across 15 criteria which helped reveal errors and insufficiencies in the method part. The content analysis of the method part of the selected studies indicated four method-related problems in the selected studies as related to design, sample, instrumentation and data analysis. In many of the selected studies, adequate desciption of and rationale behind design, sampling, instrumentation and data analysis were not indicated. Most common problems encountered in the studies were that the researchers did not present validity (n=28) and reliability (n=24) assurance of the tests and the results. Descriptive statistics were mosty preferred compared to inferential statistics. Type-1 error was violated in some of the studies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Effects of Demographic Variables on Students' Responsible Environmental Behaviors

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of university students' background variables ... more The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of university students' background variables (gender, age, grade and nature experience) on their responsible environmental behaviors. A total number of 307 students (134 females, 173 males) enrolled in various departments of Akdeniz University constituted the sample of the study. University Students' Responsible Environmental Behavior Scale (USREBS) developed by the authors was used for this investigation. USREBS included 33 items on a six point Likert type scale (never to always) and consisted of seven sub-dimensions with acceptable reliability coefficient values (political behavior-α = .91, warning behavior-α = .84; legal behavior-α = .84; recycling behavior-α = .72; physical protection behavior-α = .69; saving behavior-α =.76 and persuasion-α = .86). Separate MANOVA analyses revealed that university students' responsible environmental behaviors significantly varied across gender, grade, reading nature-related publications and participation in nature-related activities. These statistically significant results suggested that female students and those who followed nature related publications (e.g. books, journals, magazines) and frequently participated in nature related-activities engaged in responsible behaviors more than those who didn't to protect the environment and prevent the environmental problems.

Research paper thumbnail of 2005 Yili Ve Sonrasinda Geli̇şti̇ri̇len Öğreti̇m Programlari İle İlgi̇li̇ Öğretmen Görüşleri; 2005-2011 Yillari Arasinda Yapilan Araştirmalarin İçeri̇k Anali̇zi̇

Bu calismanin amaci, ogretmenlerin 2005 yili ve sonrasi gelistirilen ilkogretim ve ortaogretim pr... more Bu calismanin amaci, ogretmenlerin 2005 yili ve sonrasi gelistirilen ilkogretim ve ortaogretim programlari ile ilgili goruslerini ortaya koyan ve 2005-2011 yillari arasinda gerceklestirilmis olan arastirmalari icerik analizi yaparak senteze dayali bir sonuca ulasmaktir. Bu amacla, ulusal ve uluslararasi dergiler taranmis ve belirlenen olcutlere gore toplam 50 arastirmaya ulasilmistir. Ulasilan calismalar makale analiz formu yardimi ile icerik analiz teknigi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Yapilan analizler, ogretmenlerin 2005 ve sonrasi gelistirilen programlarin katkilarina iliskin olumlu gorus bildirdiklerini, ancak karsilastiklari bazi aksakliklardan dolayi (orn. Hizmet ici egitim eksikligi, ogretmenlerin kendi donanimlarinin eksikligi, alt yapi sorunlari, siniflarin kalabalikligi, programlarin net olarak analsilamamasi, sinav sistemi ile olan uyumsuzluk, etkinliklere ayrilan sure) uygulamaya yonelik sorunlar yasadiklarini gostermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students’ Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2015

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.

Research paper thumbnail of The Variation in Turkish Students' Reading Skills based on PISA 2009: The Effects of Socio-Economic and Classroom-Related Factors A R TIC LE I N F O A BS T RA C T

The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schoo... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between low-and high-performing schools with regard to socioeconomic factors and classroom activities in reading using Turkish PISA 2009 data set. 2302 students (961 females, 1341 males) selected among 2009 PISA administration in Turkey are considered for this study. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to reveal the effects of socioeconomic factors and selected school related factors on students' success in PISA 2009 reading test. Regression analysis indicated that high socioeconomic status, disciplined classes, and the use of student-centered instructional strategy and elaboration strategy had positive effects on student's reading skills. On the other hand, student-centered measurement and evaluation strategies, memorization strategy and control strategy had negative effects on students' reading skills.