Kemal Demir | Akdeniz University (original) (raw)
Papers by Kemal Demir
Frontiers in Psychology, Jan 6, 2023
In this study, postgraduate theses in the fields of pedagogy and preschool education in Austria a... more In this study, postgraduate theses in the fields of pedagogy and preschool education in Austria and Turkey are compared in terms of factors such as similarity index, research designs and quality of academic writing. To achieve this goal, a commonly-used web-based plagiarism detection service was used to determine the similarity indexes of 258 theses prepared in the two countries (124 from Austria, 134 from Turkey) by checking them against existing sources such as articles, theses, and books; and a relational screening model was used to determine the degree of correlation among variables. In addition, the research topics, research designs, and data collection tools employed in each thesis were identified and content analysis was performed on selected theses with an eye to gaining a sense of the methodological approaches used in pedagogy in Austrian and Turkish universities and making comparisons between the two countries. Our results suggest that the mean similarity index between the postgraduate theses in Austria is 8.78 (Std. Dev. 4.91), while the mean similarity index between the postgraduate theses prepared in Turkey is 25.10 (Std. Dev. 9.85). Our analysis indeed indicates that 91% (n 113) of the theses prepared at Austrian universities and only 13% (n 17) of the theses prepared at Turkish universities did not exceed the acceptable similarity index of 15%. The fact that 87% of the theses written in Turkey are dramatically similar to the available resources shows that many of the studies carry potential risks in terms of originality and plagiarism.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, May 24, 2021
Bu makale araştırma ve yayın etiğine uygun hazırlanmıştır intihal incelemesinden geçirilmiştir.
TEZ10290Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 128-129) var.xv, 130 s. ... more TEZ10290Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 128-129) var.xv, 130 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Bu çalışmada tutumun ve duyuşsallığın önce psikolojideki, nörobiyolojideki daha sonra yabancı dil öğretimindeki yeri vurgulanarak „duyuşsal tutum“ adı altında yabancı dil öğretimine yeni bütünsel bir tanım sunulmuştur. Daha sonra Akdeniz Üniversitesinde yabancı diller yüksekokulunda almanca hazırlık okuyan öğrencilerin Alman diline karşı olan duyuşsal tutumları belirlenmeye çalışılmış, bir farklılık ve/veya bir ortak nokta varsa nedeni gerekçeleri ile açıklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada farklı nitel yöntemler kullanılarak ortak bir sonuca ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak yabancı dil olarak alman dilinin öğretiminde nasıl bir duyuşsal tutum ile bir öğrenci hazırlık kursuna başlıyor ise süreç için de bu tutum negative veya positive doğru bir yaklaşımda bulunurken en önemli faktörlerden birisi öğretmenlik kurumu olduğu vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Empirik bölümde ise belli kriterler sonucu...
Dil öğretiminde geleneksel öğretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi ağırlıklı metotlardan gitgide uzaklaşı... more Dil öğretiminde geleneksel öğretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi ağırlıklı metotlardan gitgide uzaklaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada işitsel ve görsel araçlardan biri olarak tiyatronun ders dışı sosyal aktivite olarak kullanımı ve öğrenimi hızlandırıcı etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaç ile Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu tarafından Türkiye Burslusu 43 farklı ülkeden 70 öğrenciye (Tablo1) 30 Eylül 2013-27 Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında verilen Türkçe eğitimi programı kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilere 960 saat Türkçe eğitimi verilmesinin yanı sıra haftada 2 saatten az olmamak üzere sosyal aktivite adı altında ek çalışmalara (koro, dans, tiyatro vs.) yönlendirilmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, hedef dilin öğretilmesinde tiyatro tekniğinin/ çalışmalarının öğrencinin hedef dildeki performansına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda; Konuşma becerisi açısından bakıldığında Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe'nin Öğretilmes...
This article attempts a brief introduction on the topic of cognitive sciences. By emphasizing cog... more This article attempts a brief introduction on the topic of cognitive sciences. By emphasizing cognitive linguistics, which separates in two positions will be part of the cognitive Sciences expressed with their linguistic function and is the heart matter, stands for a criticism about their lack of diagnostics. These positions of cognitive linguistics, whose paper are the neuro-linguistics and the cognitive linguistics, are presented in detail and both cognitively linguistic point of views are questioned for their scientific validity. Cognitive Linguistics is a field of cognitive science understood. Cognitive science tries with their research on Imitate human brain, which has arisen from this area, and also Artificial Intelligent researches in which the brain researchers with their colleagues from the field of computer technology try to develop artificialintelligence as an objective. The contribution of the linguistic component directs the Cognitive Linguistics in their research
Turkce ogrenmeye artan ilgi, Turkce ogretiminin yayginlastirilmasinin gerekliligini ve bu alanda ... more Turkce ogrenmeye artan ilgi, Turkce ogretiminin yayginlastirilmasinin gerekliligini ve bu alanda yetismis insan kaynaklarina olan ihtiyaci nitelik ve nicelik bakimindan artirmistir. Bu calismanin amaci, akademisyen/egitmenlerin yenilikci, uygulanabilir ve teknoloji destekli yaklasimlara karsi farkindaligini artirmak, yaraticiliklarini kesfetmelerini saglamak, akademik/mesleki gelisimlerine katkida bulunmak ve tum bunlar icin bir yontem onermektir. Yontem yabanci dil olarak Turkce ogreticilerinin bir araya gelmesini saglayarak ogretimde uygulanabilecek yeni yontemlerin paylasilmasi ve uygulanmasi icin yapilacak akademik bir calismanin uygulanisidir. Onerdigimiz yontem sayesinde, bu yaklasimlar paylasilarak, egitmenler birbirlerinden ilham alacak, kurulmasi planlanan paylasim platformuyla bilgi alisverisi halkasi genisleyecek, yeni yorumlar ve farkli bakis acilariyla zenginlestirilerek bircok ogreticiye yardimci olacaktir. Hedefimiz bu yontem ile yabanci dil olarak Turkce ogretimini ...
Dil ogretiminde geleneksel ogretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi agirlikli metotlardan gitgide uzaklasi... more Dil ogretiminde geleneksel ogretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi agirlikli metotlardan gitgide uzaklasilmaktadir. Bu calismada isitsel ve gorsel araclardan biri olarak tiyatronun ders disi sosyal aktivite olarak kullanimi ve ogrenimi hizlandirici etkisi incelenmistir. Bu amac ile Akdeniz Universitesi Yabanci Diller Yuksekokulu tarafindan Turkiye Burslusu 43 farkli ulkeden 70 ogrenciye (Tablo1) 30 Eylul 2013-27 Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasinda verilen Turkce egitimi programi kullanilmistir. Ogrencilere 960 saat Turkce egit imi verilmesinin yani sira haftada 2 saatten az olmamak uzere sosyal aktivite adi altinda ek calismalara (koro, dans, tiyatro vs.) yonlendirilmislerdir. Bu calismada, hedef dilin ogretilmesinde tiyatro tekniginin/ calismalarinin ogrencinin hedef dildeki performansina etkisini belirlemek amaciyla on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel arastirma deseni kullanilmistir. Calisma sonunda; Konusma becerisi acisindan bakildiginda Yabanci Dil Olarak Turkce’nin Ogretilmes...
Bu calismanin amaci, hem bilissel dil bilimin arastirma yontemi olan metafor analizinin kullanim ... more Bu calismanin amaci, hem bilissel dil bilimin arastirma yontemi olan metafor analizinin kullanim alanlarini ortaya koymak, hem de farkli iki kulturun dil uzerinden ortakliklarini ve farkliliklarini, cagdas metafor teorisini temel alarak inceleyip orneklerle aciklamaya calismak olacaktir. Bu baglamda metafor, guzel soz soyleme veya hitap etme sanatinin bir parcasi olmadigi, yasamin tum anlam dunyasini resimledigi, davranis ve dusuncelerin hem bilissel hem de duygusal ve bedensel yogrulup bireyde ifade ettigi anlamsal butunluktur. Lakoff ve Johnson’un (1998) bu tanimina dayanarak bu calisma Alman ve Turk dilindeki agiz ile ilgili deyimleri irdeleyerek ayni konu hakkinda iki farkli kulturun algilama farkindaligini ortaya koymaya calismak olacaktir. Metafor analiz yontemi ile agiz ile ilgili hem Almancada hem de Turkcede anlam bakimindan bir birine yakin, ayni ve cok farkli olmak uzere uc kategori olusturulup kulturel baglamda farkliliklari olabilecegini ortaya koymaya calisilacaktir.
International Journal of Language Academy, 2018
Since the 90's of the last century, a multidisciplinary research direction has been observed in w... more Since the 90's of the last century, a multidisciplinary research direction has been observed in which an attempt is made to highlight a holistic description of human existence without the recognition of Cartesian duality. On the contrary, cognitive science, with its sub-disciplines of psychology, neurology, computer sciences and linguistics (cognitive linguistics), represents a holistic view that interacts with physical experiences, general cognitive mechanisms and emotions, and attempts to portray the human being as a whole. Especially in the more recent cognitive linguistics of a sub-discipline of the cognitive sciences, a theory of language is observed, which takes its relation to language from the development of the meaning of language, deductive. According to Lakoff and Johnson (2000), the language consists of metaphors, in this context not to be interpreted as a poetic or rhetorical stylistic device of language, but as a conceptual system that permeates our everyday lives, thinking, acting and perception. Within this framework, the methods of cognitive linguistics are used to analyze the "inviolable" paragraphs of the Turkish and German basic law.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2018
Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure... more Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure a certain learning success through a textbook specially designed for him or her. However, whether one can produce a foreign-language textbook that at least takes into account the teaching and learning experiences of a single culture is a question that is still awaiting its answer in some countries? For this reason, the question arises whether it is not possible to solve this problem by the learners of a foreign language, the framework of this foreign language (what is that?-please define!) Develop yourself and then try their learning experiences again and again new to learning this foreign language. For an approximate answer to this question, this paper presents the structure and results of a survey conducted annually among Turkish DaF students. The survey was conducted after completing a one-semester preparatory course with the aim of developing a curriculum based on the learning experiences of the course participants. There are 60 students in the preparatory course and 60 students with 6 hours of German lessons per week for a total of 6 weeks. The aim of this paper is to examine whether it makes sense to give a foreign language in a preparatory course with 25 hours a week seminars with textbooks in a foreign language college whose contents and topics do not level out the learning experiences of the learners' culture or perhaps provide a curriculum develop that is not based on a textbook.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2018
Students who cannot be exempted from the language examination in the Department of German Languag... more Students who cannot be exempted from the language examination in the Department of German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters at Akdeniz University receive a minimum of 720 hours of German preparation for 30 weeks. The program starts at level A1 and ends at level B1. The effective use of German by the students of the German Language and Literature Department is essential for German literature and culture. Therefore, foreign language learning should be continuous in order to prevent students from losing language. Otherwise, they forget very quickly. The 3.5-month holiday period for the summer holiday after foreign language preparatory education may cause wasted time and effort for preparatory education. In order to prevent this problem, our research suggests a program that can be used to eliminate the negative effects of the summer holiday process on language skills acquired during the preparatory education.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem bilişsel dil bilimin araştırma yöntemi olan metafor analizinin kulla... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem bilişsel dil bilimin araştırma yöntemi olan metafor analizinin kullanım alanlarını ortaya koymak, hem de farklı iki kültürün dil üzerinden ortaklıklarını ve farklılıklarını, çağdaş metafor teorisini temel alarak inceleyip örneklerle açıklamaya çalışmak olacaktır. Bu bağlamda metafor, güzel söz söyleme veya hitap etme sanatının bir parçası olmadığı, yaşamın tüm anlam dünyasını resimlediği, davranış ve düşüncelerin hem bilişsel hem de duygusal ve bedensel yoğrulup bireyde ifade ettiği anlamsal bütünlüktür. Lakoff ve Johnson'un (1998) bu tanımına dayanarak bu çalışma Alman ve Türk dilindeki ağız ile ilgili deyimleri irdeleyerek aynı konu hakkında iki farklı kültürün algılama farkındalığını ortaya koymaya çalışmak olacaktır. Metafor analiz yöntemi ile ağız ile ilgili hem Almancada hem de Türkçede anlam bakımından bir birine yakın, aynı ve çok farklı olmak üzere üç kategori oluşturulup kültürel bağlamda farklılıkları olabileceğini ortaya koymaya çalışılacaktır. Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the differences and similarities of two different cultures on the basis of contemporary metaphor theory and try to explain them with examples. In this context, metaphor is not a part of the art of saying or speaking, life is the meaning of the whole world of meaning, behavior and thoughts of both cognitive and emotional and bodily kneaded expresses the meaning of the individual in the semantic integrity. Based on this definition of Lakoff and Johnson (1998), this study will explore the German and Turkish idioms and try to reveal the awareness of two different cultures on the same subject. As can be seen, the method to be used will be tried to be revealed by using metaphor analysis in terms of mouth, in both German and Turkish, in terms of meaning, which can be close to each other, same and very different, and to have differences in cultural context.
Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure... more Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure a certain learning success through a textbook specially designed for him or her. However, whether one can produce a foreign-language textbook that at least takes into account the teaching and learning experiences of a single culture is a question that is still awaiting its answer in some countries? For this reason, the question arises whether it is not possible to solve this problem by the learners of a foreign language, the framework of this foreign language (what is that?-please define!) Develop yourself and then try their learning experiences again and again new to learning this foreign language. For an approximate answer to this question, this paper presents the structure and results of a survey conducted annually among Turkish DaF students. The survey was conducted after completing a one-semester preparatory course with the aim of developing a curriculum based on the learning experiences of the course participants. There are 60 students in the preparatory course and 60 students with 6 hours of German lessons per week for a total of 6 weeks. The aim of this paper is to examine whether it makes sense to give a foreign language in a preparatory course with 25 hours a week seminars with textbooks in a foreign language college whose contents and topics do not level out the learning experiences of the learners' culture or perhaps provide a curriculum develop that is not based on a textbook. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Erfahrungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht zeigen, dass jeder Lerner einer Fremdsprache durch ein eigens für ihn konzipiertes Lehrwerk einen gewissen Lernerfolg sichern kann. Ob man aber überhaupt ein fremdsprachliches Lehrwerk herausbringen kann, das wenigstens die Lehr-und Lernerfahrungen einer einzigen Kultur berücksichtigt, ist eine Frage, die in einigen Ländern immer noch auf ihre Antwort wartet. Aus diesem Grunde stellt sich die Frage, ob es nicht möglich ist, dieses Problem dadurch zu lösen, dass die Lerner einer Fremdsprache sich das Gerüst dieser Fremdsprache selber erarbeiten und danach versuchen, ihre Lernerfahrungen immer wieder neu auf das Erlernen dieser Fremdsprache anzuwenden. Zwecks annähernder Beantwortung dieser Frage stellt dieser Beitrag den Aufbau und die Ergebnisse einer Befragung dar, die unter türkischen DaF-Studierenden durchgeführt wurde. Die Befragung erfolgte nach Abschluss eines einsemestrigen Vorbereitungskurses mit dem Ziel, ein auf den Lernerfahrungen der Kursteilnehmer aufbauendes Curriculum zu erarbeiten. Es werden 60 Studenten im Vorbereitungskurs und 60 Studenten mit 6 Std Deutschunterricht pro Woche insgesamt 6 Wochen befragt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zu hinterfragen, ob es sinnvoll ist eine Fremdsprache in einem Vorbereitungskurs mit 25 Stunden die Woche Seminare mit Lehrbüchern in einer Hochschule für Fremdsprachen zu geben, deren Inhalte und Themen nicht den Lernerfahrungen der Kultur der Lerner ebnen oder vielleicht einen Lehrplan zu entwickeln, der nicht auf einen Lehrwerk basiert.
Frontiers in Psychology, Jan 6, 2023
In this study, postgraduate theses in the fields of pedagogy and preschool education in Austria a... more In this study, postgraduate theses in the fields of pedagogy and preschool education in Austria and Turkey are compared in terms of factors such as similarity index, research designs and quality of academic writing. To achieve this goal, a commonly-used web-based plagiarism detection service was used to determine the similarity indexes of 258 theses prepared in the two countries (124 from Austria, 134 from Turkey) by checking them against existing sources such as articles, theses, and books; and a relational screening model was used to determine the degree of correlation among variables. In addition, the research topics, research designs, and data collection tools employed in each thesis were identified and content analysis was performed on selected theses with an eye to gaining a sense of the methodological approaches used in pedagogy in Austrian and Turkish universities and making comparisons between the two countries. Our results suggest that the mean similarity index between the postgraduate theses in Austria is 8.78 (Std. Dev. 4.91), while the mean similarity index between the postgraduate theses prepared in Turkey is 25.10 (Std. Dev. 9.85). Our analysis indeed indicates that 91% (n 113) of the theses prepared at Austrian universities and only 13% (n 17) of the theses prepared at Turkish universities did not exceed the acceptable similarity index of 15%. The fact that 87% of the theses written in Turkey are dramatically similar to the available resources shows that many of the studies carry potential risks in terms of originality and plagiarism.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, May 24, 2021
Bu makale araştırma ve yayın etiğine uygun hazırlanmıştır intihal incelemesinden geçirilmiştir.
TEZ10290Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 128-129) var.xv, 130 s. ... more TEZ10290Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 128-129) var.xv, 130 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Bu çalışmada tutumun ve duyuşsallığın önce psikolojideki, nörobiyolojideki daha sonra yabancı dil öğretimindeki yeri vurgulanarak „duyuşsal tutum“ adı altında yabancı dil öğretimine yeni bütünsel bir tanım sunulmuştur. Daha sonra Akdeniz Üniversitesinde yabancı diller yüksekokulunda almanca hazırlık okuyan öğrencilerin Alman diline karşı olan duyuşsal tutumları belirlenmeye çalışılmış, bir farklılık ve/veya bir ortak nokta varsa nedeni gerekçeleri ile açıklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada farklı nitel yöntemler kullanılarak ortak bir sonuca ulaşılmıştır. Sonuç olarak yabancı dil olarak alman dilinin öğretiminde nasıl bir duyuşsal tutum ile bir öğrenci hazırlık kursuna başlıyor ise süreç için de bu tutum negative veya positive doğru bir yaklaşımda bulunurken en önemli faktörlerden birisi öğretmenlik kurumu olduğu vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Empirik bölümde ise belli kriterler sonucu...
Dil öğretiminde geleneksel öğretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi ağırlıklı metotlardan gitgide uzaklaşı... more Dil öğretiminde geleneksel öğretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi ağırlıklı metotlardan gitgide uzaklaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada işitsel ve görsel araçlardan biri olarak tiyatronun ders dışı sosyal aktivite olarak kullanımı ve öğrenimi hızlandırıcı etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaç ile Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu tarafından Türkiye Burslusu 43 farklı ülkeden 70 öğrenciye (Tablo1) 30 Eylül 2013-27 Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasında verilen Türkçe eğitimi programı kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilere 960 saat Türkçe eğitimi verilmesinin yanı sıra haftada 2 saatten az olmamak üzere sosyal aktivite adı altında ek çalışmalara (koro, dans, tiyatro vs.) yönlendirilmişlerdir. Bu çalışmada, hedef dilin öğretilmesinde tiyatro tekniğinin/ çalışmalarının öğrencinin hedef dildeki performansına etkisini belirlemek amacıyla ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda; Konuşma becerisi açısından bakıldığında Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe'nin Öğretilmes...
This article attempts a brief introduction on the topic of cognitive sciences. By emphasizing cog... more This article attempts a brief introduction on the topic of cognitive sciences. By emphasizing cognitive linguistics, which separates in two positions will be part of the cognitive Sciences expressed with their linguistic function and is the heart matter, stands for a criticism about their lack of diagnostics. These positions of cognitive linguistics, whose paper are the neuro-linguistics and the cognitive linguistics, are presented in detail and both cognitively linguistic point of views are questioned for their scientific validity. Cognitive Linguistics is a field of cognitive science understood. Cognitive science tries with their research on Imitate human brain, which has arisen from this area, and also Artificial Intelligent researches in which the brain researchers with their colleagues from the field of computer technology try to develop artificialintelligence as an objective. The contribution of the linguistic component directs the Cognitive Linguistics in their research
Turkce ogrenmeye artan ilgi, Turkce ogretiminin yayginlastirilmasinin gerekliligini ve bu alanda ... more Turkce ogrenmeye artan ilgi, Turkce ogretiminin yayginlastirilmasinin gerekliligini ve bu alanda yetismis insan kaynaklarina olan ihtiyaci nitelik ve nicelik bakimindan artirmistir. Bu calismanin amaci, akademisyen/egitmenlerin yenilikci, uygulanabilir ve teknoloji destekli yaklasimlara karsi farkindaligini artirmak, yaraticiliklarini kesfetmelerini saglamak, akademik/mesleki gelisimlerine katkida bulunmak ve tum bunlar icin bir yontem onermektir. Yontem yabanci dil olarak Turkce ogreticilerinin bir araya gelmesini saglayarak ogretimde uygulanabilecek yeni yontemlerin paylasilmasi ve uygulanmasi icin yapilacak akademik bir calismanin uygulanisidir. Onerdigimiz yontem sayesinde, bu yaklasimlar paylasilarak, egitmenler birbirlerinden ilham alacak, kurulmasi planlanan paylasim platformuyla bilgi alisverisi halkasi genisleyecek, yeni yorumlar ve farkli bakis acilariyla zenginlestirilerek bircok ogreticiye yardimci olacaktir. Hedefimiz bu yontem ile yabanci dil olarak Turkce ogretimini ...
Dil ogretiminde geleneksel ogretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi agirlikli metotlardan gitgide uzaklasi... more Dil ogretiminde geleneksel ogretmen merkezli ve dilbilgisi agirlikli metotlardan gitgide uzaklasilmaktadir. Bu calismada isitsel ve gorsel araclardan biri olarak tiyatronun ders disi sosyal aktivite olarak kullanimi ve ogrenimi hizlandirici etkisi incelenmistir. Bu amac ile Akdeniz Universitesi Yabanci Diller Yuksekokulu tarafindan Turkiye Burslusu 43 farkli ulkeden 70 ogrenciye (Tablo1) 30 Eylul 2013-27 Haziran 2014 tarihleri arasinda verilen Turkce egitimi programi kullanilmistir. Ogrencilere 960 saat Turkce egit imi verilmesinin yani sira haftada 2 saatten az olmamak uzere sosyal aktivite adi altinda ek calismalara (koro, dans, tiyatro vs.) yonlendirilmislerdir. Bu calismada, hedef dilin ogretilmesinde tiyatro tekniginin/ calismalarinin ogrencinin hedef dildeki performansina etkisini belirlemek amaciyla on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel arastirma deseni kullanilmistir. Calisma sonunda; Konusma becerisi acisindan bakildiginda Yabanci Dil Olarak Turkce’nin Ogretilmes...
Bu calismanin amaci, hem bilissel dil bilimin arastirma yontemi olan metafor analizinin kullanim ... more Bu calismanin amaci, hem bilissel dil bilimin arastirma yontemi olan metafor analizinin kullanim alanlarini ortaya koymak, hem de farkli iki kulturun dil uzerinden ortakliklarini ve farkliliklarini, cagdas metafor teorisini temel alarak inceleyip orneklerle aciklamaya calismak olacaktir. Bu baglamda metafor, guzel soz soyleme veya hitap etme sanatinin bir parcasi olmadigi, yasamin tum anlam dunyasini resimledigi, davranis ve dusuncelerin hem bilissel hem de duygusal ve bedensel yogrulup bireyde ifade ettigi anlamsal butunluktur. Lakoff ve Johnson’un (1998) bu tanimina dayanarak bu calisma Alman ve Turk dilindeki agiz ile ilgili deyimleri irdeleyerek ayni konu hakkinda iki farkli kulturun algilama farkindaligini ortaya koymaya calismak olacaktir. Metafor analiz yontemi ile agiz ile ilgili hem Almancada hem de Turkcede anlam bakimindan bir birine yakin, ayni ve cok farkli olmak uzere uc kategori olusturulup kulturel baglamda farkliliklari olabilecegini ortaya koymaya calisilacaktir.
International Journal of Language Academy, 2018
Since the 90's of the last century, a multidisciplinary research direction has been observed in w... more Since the 90's of the last century, a multidisciplinary research direction has been observed in which an attempt is made to highlight a holistic description of human existence without the recognition of Cartesian duality. On the contrary, cognitive science, with its sub-disciplines of psychology, neurology, computer sciences and linguistics (cognitive linguistics), represents a holistic view that interacts with physical experiences, general cognitive mechanisms and emotions, and attempts to portray the human being as a whole. Especially in the more recent cognitive linguistics of a sub-discipline of the cognitive sciences, a theory of language is observed, which takes its relation to language from the development of the meaning of language, deductive. According to Lakoff and Johnson (2000), the language consists of metaphors, in this context not to be interpreted as a poetic or rhetorical stylistic device of language, but as a conceptual system that permeates our everyday lives, thinking, acting and perception. Within this framework, the methods of cognitive linguistics are used to analyze the "inviolable" paragraphs of the Turkish and German basic law.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2018
Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure... more Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure a certain learning success through a textbook specially designed for him or her. However, whether one can produce a foreign-language textbook that at least takes into account the teaching and learning experiences of a single culture is a question that is still awaiting its answer in some countries? For this reason, the question arises whether it is not possible to solve this problem by the learners of a foreign language, the framework of this foreign language (what is that?-please define!) Develop yourself and then try their learning experiences again and again new to learning this foreign language. For an approximate answer to this question, this paper presents the structure and results of a survey conducted annually among Turkish DaF students. The survey was conducted after completing a one-semester preparatory course with the aim of developing a curriculum based on the learning experiences of the course participants. There are 60 students in the preparatory course and 60 students with 6 hours of German lessons per week for a total of 6 weeks. The aim of this paper is to examine whether it makes sense to give a foreign language in a preparatory course with 25 hours a week seminars with textbooks in a foreign language college whose contents and topics do not level out the learning experiences of the learners' culture or perhaps provide a curriculum develop that is not based on a textbook.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2018
Students who cannot be exempted from the language examination in the Department of German Languag... more Students who cannot be exempted from the language examination in the Department of German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters at Akdeniz University receive a minimum of 720 hours of German preparation for 30 weeks. The program starts at level A1 and ends at level B1. The effective use of German by the students of the German Language and Literature Department is essential for German literature and culture. Therefore, foreign language learning should be continuous in order to prevent students from losing language. Otherwise, they forget very quickly. The 3.5-month holiday period for the summer holiday after foreign language preparatory education may cause wasted time and effort for preparatory education. In order to prevent this problem, our research suggests a program that can be used to eliminate the negative effects of the summer holiday process on language skills acquired during the preparatory education.
International Journal of Languages' Education, 2017
Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem bilişsel dil bilimin araştırma yöntemi olan metafor analizinin kulla... more Öz: Bu çalışmanın amacı, hem bilişsel dil bilimin araştırma yöntemi olan metafor analizinin kullanım alanlarını ortaya koymak, hem de farklı iki kültürün dil üzerinden ortaklıklarını ve farklılıklarını, çağdaş metafor teorisini temel alarak inceleyip örneklerle açıklamaya çalışmak olacaktır. Bu bağlamda metafor, güzel söz söyleme veya hitap etme sanatının bir parçası olmadığı, yaşamın tüm anlam dünyasını resimlediği, davranış ve düşüncelerin hem bilişsel hem de duygusal ve bedensel yoğrulup bireyde ifade ettiği anlamsal bütünlüktür. Lakoff ve Johnson'un (1998) bu tanımına dayanarak bu çalışma Alman ve Türk dilindeki ağız ile ilgili deyimleri irdeleyerek aynı konu hakkında iki farklı kültürün algılama farkındalığını ortaya koymaya çalışmak olacaktır. Metafor analiz yöntemi ile ağız ile ilgili hem Almancada hem de Türkçede anlam bakımından bir birine yakın, aynı ve çok farklı olmak üzere üç kategori oluşturulup kültürel bağlamda farklılıkları olabileceğini ortaya koymaya çalışılacaktır. Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the differences and similarities of two different cultures on the basis of contemporary metaphor theory and try to explain them with examples. In this context, metaphor is not a part of the art of saying or speaking, life is the meaning of the whole world of meaning, behavior and thoughts of both cognitive and emotional and bodily kneaded expresses the meaning of the individual in the semantic integrity. Based on this definition of Lakoff and Johnson (1998), this study will explore the German and Turkish idioms and try to reveal the awareness of two different cultures on the same subject. As can be seen, the method to be used will be tried to be revealed by using metaphor analysis in terms of mouth, in both German and Turkish, in terms of meaning, which can be close to each other, same and very different, and to have differences in cultural context.
Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure... more Experience in foreign language teaching shows that every learner in a foreign language can secure a certain learning success through a textbook specially designed for him or her. However, whether one can produce a foreign-language textbook that at least takes into account the teaching and learning experiences of a single culture is a question that is still awaiting its answer in some countries? For this reason, the question arises whether it is not possible to solve this problem by the learners of a foreign language, the framework of this foreign language (what is that?-please define!) Develop yourself and then try their learning experiences again and again new to learning this foreign language. For an approximate answer to this question, this paper presents the structure and results of a survey conducted annually among Turkish DaF students. The survey was conducted after completing a one-semester preparatory course with the aim of developing a curriculum based on the learning experiences of the course participants. There are 60 students in the preparatory course and 60 students with 6 hours of German lessons per week for a total of 6 weeks. The aim of this paper is to examine whether it makes sense to give a foreign language in a preparatory course with 25 hours a week seminars with textbooks in a foreign language college whose contents and topics do not level out the learning experiences of the learners' culture or perhaps provide a curriculum develop that is not based on a textbook. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Erfahrungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht zeigen, dass jeder Lerner einer Fremdsprache durch ein eigens für ihn konzipiertes Lehrwerk einen gewissen Lernerfolg sichern kann. Ob man aber überhaupt ein fremdsprachliches Lehrwerk herausbringen kann, das wenigstens die Lehr-und Lernerfahrungen einer einzigen Kultur berücksichtigt, ist eine Frage, die in einigen Ländern immer noch auf ihre Antwort wartet. Aus diesem Grunde stellt sich die Frage, ob es nicht möglich ist, dieses Problem dadurch zu lösen, dass die Lerner einer Fremdsprache sich das Gerüst dieser Fremdsprache selber erarbeiten und danach versuchen, ihre Lernerfahrungen immer wieder neu auf das Erlernen dieser Fremdsprache anzuwenden. Zwecks annähernder Beantwortung dieser Frage stellt dieser Beitrag den Aufbau und die Ergebnisse einer Befragung dar, die unter türkischen DaF-Studierenden durchgeführt wurde. Die Befragung erfolgte nach Abschluss eines einsemestrigen Vorbereitungskurses mit dem Ziel, ein auf den Lernerfahrungen der Kursteilnehmer aufbauendes Curriculum zu erarbeiten. Es werden 60 Studenten im Vorbereitungskurs und 60 Studenten mit 6 Std Deutschunterricht pro Woche insgesamt 6 Wochen befragt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zu hinterfragen, ob es sinnvoll ist eine Fremdsprache in einem Vorbereitungskurs mit 25 Stunden die Woche Seminare mit Lehrbüchern in einer Hochschule für Fremdsprachen zu geben, deren Inhalte und Themen nicht den Lernerfahrungen der Kultur der Lerner ebnen oder vielleicht einen Lehrplan zu entwickeln, der nicht auf einen Lehrwerk basiert.
Konzeptualisierung im Sprachunterricht, 2023
Der Abschnitt gibt einen Überblick über das Thema Konzeptualisierung im Sprachunter-richt. Er unt... more Der Abschnitt gibt einen Überblick über das Thema Konzeptualisierung im Sprachunter-richt. Er untersucht die Bedeutung der Konzeptualisierung für die Erleichterung des Spra-chenlernens und -erwerbs. Außerdem wird der theoretische Rahmen umrissen, der dem Kon-zept der Konzeptualisierung zugrunde liegt, sowie seine Bedeutung für den Sprachunterricht. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Abschnitt die praktische Anwendung der Konzeptualisierung in der Unterrichtsplanung und bei den Unterrichtsstrategien hervorgehoben. Abschließend wird auf die Herausforderungen und zukünftigen Richtungen bei der Umsetzung der Kon-zeptualisierung im Sprachunterricht eingegangen und es werden Bereiche für weitere For-schung und Erkundung aufgezeigt.