Mohammad Ekram Yawar | Akdeniz University (original) (raw)
Papers by Mohammad Ekram Yawar
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2025
In every country, there are real minority groups that have existed for centuries. Afghanistan is ... more In every country, there are real minority groups that have existed for centuries. Afghanistan is also one of the countries that has religious, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities, but the discussion of the rights of minorities is not much advanced and the minority is one of the citizens of Afghanistan to enjoy all the rights of a citizen after " Bonn" session and the approval of the 2002 Constitution came into existence. In this research on the rights of minorities in Afghanistan law from the perspective of non-discrimination and legal actions, security of freedoms in security, religion, language, education and freedom in judgment.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2025
Afghanistan is an unlimited territory on the top of third world countries, which shares the geogr... more Afghanistan is an unlimited territory on the top of third world countries, which shares the
geography of poverty and deprivation. The structure of government in this country is an undefined
structure that does not fit into the political dictionary. The ethnic crisis in this country is the key
challenge to modernization. In order to understand the situation of ethnic groups in Afghanistan and the
connection of ethnic groups with political institutions and political activists, I have discussed my
theoretical model regarding the unique context of ethnicism or tribal nationalism in Afghanistan. Since
the composition of the Afghan population is not clear with the separation of minorities, and claims in
this regard cannot be accepted. On the other hand, the Pashtuns in Afghanistan, who claim to be the
majority and are persistently trying to preserve political power and the first place of political authority
for themselves, consider themselves to have the undisputed right to the top of power. Such selfprivileging is present in all the different classes that have been discussed in this essay, loyalty to the
hegemony of political power in tribal tendencies has become a taboo whose legitimacy has also been
obtained from religion and sect in the form of self-examination. The only way out of such a crisis is to
experience democracy, which by touching on minimal democracies can provide the basis for inclusive
and accountable political institutions.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2025
Religious minorities were the first minority groups to receive legal protection became internatio... more Religious minorities were the first minority groups to receive legal protection became
international and only after historical events such as the French Revolution and the independence of
America and the growth of national awareness that the support was based on secular and other minority
communities They were placed under the protection system. This is while Islam has long given respect
and a special place for religious minorities, so that it can be used as a model to support minorities,
including in terms of courts. Due to the conditions of time and place, it will be taken into consideration.
Ferraro's article is based on a descriptive-analytical method and a library method, with an examination
of the support of religious minorities in the Islamic legal system and the international system of support
for minorities. While international law, in the form of human rights commitments, has obliged the
governments to respect the religious rights of minorities, the Islamic system, based on the institution of
responsibility, has provided support to minorities and political rights their civil, economic, social and
judicial It is respected and guaranteed. It seems that, in comparison with international human rights, at
least in a religious system, the Dhamma organization can better realize the rights of religious minorities.
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews, 2024
Why people migrate abroad and its explanation in the framework of economic approaches, factors of... more Why people migrate abroad and its explanation in the framework of economic approaches, factors of attraction and repulsion and duality of poverty and migration have been the subject of migration studies. Migration among the people of Afghanistan has a long tradition, however, during the last few decades, these continuous flows of migration and return have taken an unprecedented collective and scale form. This article seeks to explain the social issue of migration from Afghanistan with emphasis on the tendencies and supporting factors. The investigated factors are on three levels: micro (individual characteristics), medium (transnational networks) and macro (a person's understanding of the economic, social and political conditions of the countries of origin and destination). The research method is quantitative and survey-based, and the data was collected through a questionnaire among 850 people aged 18 years and above, who were selected by multi-stage sampling method. The results showed that people's attitude towards Afghanistan's economic, social and political situation at the macro level and transnational migration networks at the intermediate level have a significant effect on the tendency to migrate. At the micro level and among the social characteristics, the variables of age, education and ethnicity have the most effect on the desire to migrate. From this article, it can be concluded that there is a negative attitude towards the current conditions and the future of Afghanistan, the migration culture, as well as the Afghan diaspora and transnational migration networks in the neighboring countries Iran's Mullahs have a great role in the formation of migration abroad among the mindset of Afghans.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Preservation of international peace and security, except by ensuring regional peace and security,... more Preservation of international peace and security, except by ensuring regional peace and security, which are also depends on the existence of stability and security in the internal societies, it seems impossible. The ups and downs of history show that the protection of minorities is necessary to ensure stability and peace. International security is necessary and discrimination against people belonging to these groups. Internal stability, regional and international peace and security are exposed to serious threats. The main existential philosophy of the legislation of Aqd Dhamma in Islam is to create a peaceful coexistence between religious minorities and the majority of Muslims in the Islamic society. Also, the instrumental goal of the system is to protect the rights of minorities, prevent war and conflict between people belonging to minorities and majority groups in different countries the ray of preserving the territorial integrity of the states and as a result of preserving regional peace and security; Therefore, in order to ensure regional peace and security, it is necessary to support the minorities. The authors of this article believe that supporting minorities and guaranteeing their rights in international law and establishing an Islamic approach based on the peaceful collective life of groups Social diversity, as a basic and preventive solution to ethnic conflicts, is of vital importance in achieving regional peace and security.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members... more Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members of a certain society. Culture is a continuous set of ways of thinking, feeling and acting which is more or less specific and is learned by a large number of people and is common among them and is used in two objective and symbolic ways to make these people a special and distinct group. In the various stages of drafting, implementing and evaluating the strategy, organizations should also consider the cultural strategy in order to address the degree of external compatibility and internal coherence of their goals. Considering the characteristics of culture such as being acquired, being shared, being transferable, being a model, being symbolic, and the adaptability of culture, the top managers of the organization can identify incompatible beliefs and norms, change incompatible beliefs and stabilize them by applying organizational culture management. In this research, while examining the different dimensions of culture and explaining the main characteristics of a culture, the role of aligning the values and beliefs of the people of an organization, especially the beliefs and attitudes of top managers, middle managers and executive personnel in the position and situation of economic, production and industrial institutions of
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members... more Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members of a certain society. Culture is a continuous set of ways of thinking, feeling and acting which is more or less specific and is learned by a large number of people and is common among them and is used in two objective and symbolic ways to make these people a special and distinct group. In the various stages of drafting, implementing and evaluating the strategy, organizations should also consider the cultural strategy in order to address the degree of external compatibility and internal coherence of their goals. Considering the characteristics of culture such as being acquired, being shared, being transferable, being a model, being symbolic, and the adaptability of culture, the top managers of the organization can identify incompatible beliefs and norms, change incompatible beliefs and stabilize them by applying organizational culture management. In this research, while examining the different dimensions of culture and explaining the main characteristics of a culture, the role of aligning the values and beliefs of the people of an organization, especially the beliefs and attitudes of top managers, middle managers and executive personnel in the position and situation of economic, production and industrial institutions of
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Minority rights have always been one of the challenging topics of international law. Despite glob... more Minority rights have always been one of the challenging topics of international law. Despite global efforts, no specific institution or organization has been established to defend the rights and freedom of minorities in the international arena, and their support has often been politically motivated. In Islamic international law, minorities have a special position and respect. In the Islamic legal system, " minority" refers to those who follow the traditions of " Judaism" , " Christianity" and " Magicism." These people, who are also known as " people of the book" , can live as citizens in the territory of the Islamic government by using the " Zhamma" contract. The main philosophy behind the legislation of the " Zhamma" contract is to create a peaceful coexistence between religious minorities and Muslims in the Islamic society. The peace-seeking policy of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and Muslims in dealing with religious minorities was not only due to strictness and caution, but it is an obvious and undeniable
The Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, a... more The Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
It is obvious that traditional leadership will not survive in the third millennium and the world ... more It is obvious that traditional leadership will not survive in the third millennium and the world will need transformational leaders. Transformational leadership actions enable companies to improve their performance while competing in a turbulent and unpredictable environment. When the components of transformational leadership are used as a complement to other leadership actions, it can become a source of competitive advantage for the company, and the use of this competitive advantage can significantly contribute to strategic competition and obtain higher returns in the short and long term.. In fact, without effective transformational leadership, the probability that the company can achieve superior and even satisfactory performance when facing the challenges of the global economy will decrease. In this article, transformational leadership, the scope and development process of transformational leadership and its components are examined, and the impact of transformational leadership on organizational culture and company strategies is examined. The current article is of a descriptive type and the library method was used to collect information related to the subject literature. The results of this research can help organizations to gain more efficiency in a competitive environment.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2024
Afganistan'da Demokratikleşmenin Önündeki Sosyal Engeller Öz Şimdiye kadar toplumsal engellerin e... more Afganistan'da Demokratikleşmenin Önündeki Sosyal Engeller Öz Şimdiye kadar toplumsal engellerin etkisinde kalmış olan Afganistan'da demokrasiye doğru bir değişim vardır. Afganistan'da demokrasinin gerçekleştirilmesine yönelik yapısalcılık, aktivizm ve küreselleşmenin teorik modelleri, uygun siyasi ve sosyal platformun oluşturulmaması ve kolaylaştırılmaması nedeniyle çıkmaza girmiştir. Bu araştırmada kütüphane ve nitel veri toplama yöntemleri, bazı durumlarda nicel veri toplama yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Afganistan'da otoriterlik ve demokrasiye geçiş karmaşasına tarafsızlık üzerinden son verecek bir çözüm bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu temelde, Afganistan'ın karmaşık toplumunun katılığına yol açan demokrasiyi engelleyen bir dizi faktör olarak kabile, gelenek, eşitsizlik, ayrımcılık, yoksulluk ve az gelişmişlik gibi engeller, coğrafi faktör tartışılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak Afgan halkının acılarını dindirebilecek asgari demokrasi düzeyine ulaşmak gerektiği görülmüştür.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2024
The financing contract is a very important topic that must be examined with great care, other con... more The financing contract is a very important topic that must be examined with great care, other contracts in the light of the general principles and rules governing the contract. The importance of determining the nature of the financing contract in the aforementioned way in the world is due to the effects that come upon it by specifying the nature, for example, if we consider the financing contract as the sale of receivables or if we consider it as a mortgage contract, it has different legal effects. In this way, if we consider it as a type of sales contract, the result is that the buyer of accounts receivable (the agent) becomes the owner of the accounts receivable and has ownership rights over it, and in case of bankruptcy of the seller, the agent does not bear any risk and is among the creditors of the seller. Accounts receivable are not included, while if we consider it as a type of loan agreement with the collateralization of accounts receivable, a different legal situation arises, such that, for example, with the bankruptcy of the seller, the agent must be among the seller's creditors, and according to According to the bankruptcy rules, the claimant should collect because the ownership right has not been transferred to the agent in the recent assumption. The importance of determining the nature of the financing contract in Afghanistan doubles, because in addition to the legal effects mentioned above, it affects the Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi Cilt:11 / Sayı:5 Yawar-Sharify / 3225-3245 Ekim 2024 3226 identification and legal recognition of this financing institution for its use in Afghanistan. The question is whether we can make the financing contract, which is used in most of the countries of the world and has a great role in facilitating trade, compatible with the current regulations of Afghanistan and definite or indefinite contracts that are stipulated by it.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki ... more Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki beşinci devlet oluşum sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Afganistan'ın dış güçler nezdinde ve uluslararası sistemdeki yeni olaylar ışığında şekillenen yeni devlet kurma sürecinin özelliklerini ve değişkenlerini incelemektir. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın temel sorusu 11 Eylül sonrasında Afganistan'ın devlet kurma politikalarının nasıl şekillendiğidir. Görünüşe göre son gelişmeler ve Taliban'ın düşüşü, yıllardır bastırılan temel güçleri serbest bırakmış ve onlara Kabil'deki hükümetin gücünden daha fazla pay almaları için uygun bir fırsat sağlamıştır. Bu konu, Afganistan'daki gelişmelerin komşu ülkelerin ve bölgenin çıkarları ve düşünceleriyle bağlantılı olmasını sağlamıştır. Buradan hareketle, Afganistan'da devlet-millet inşa sürecinin ilerlemesinde herhangi bir başarı ya da başarısızlık, gelecekte bölge ülkelerinin ulusal güvenliğine yönelik özel risklerle karşı karşıya kalabileceği gelişmelerin yol açtığı tehditlere dikkat edilmesini gerektirmektedir.
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews ISSN 2827-9735, 2023
With the rise of China in the 1990s and the stability of its remarkable economic growth in the ne... more With the rise of China in the 1990s and the stability of its remarkable economic growth in the new millennium, the Contemporary Silk Road, as the most important international initiative, has been placed in the geopolitical center of Asia. "Contemporary Silk Road" or "One Road, One Belt" is the most high-flying mega-project in the present time, which is the manifestation and symbol of China's power beyond its borders. Meanwhile, in the eyes of China, Central Asia is the focal point of the new cloud road, which controls its routes to Afghanistan, Iran, West Asia, South Asia, and South Russia. In addition, Afghanistan and Xinjiang also have important positions in the process of forming new land routes of the Silk Road. The pioneering research, from this perspective, explains its main question about the actors and trends influencing the land belt of the Contemporary Silk Road on the geopolitics of Central Asia. This article mentions the specific details of the Central Asian governments and their policies. Also, the scope and scope of Beijing's investments and policies in this region will be examined.
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
The aim of this research is to explain NATO's international responsibility in geopolitical crises... more The aim of this research is to explain NATO's international responsibility in geopolitical crises from the perspective of international humanitarian law. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The evidence shows that in the field of international relations NATO, on the one hand, leads to the consolidation of international relations, and on the other hand, causes problems and uncertainties in their functioning. Meanwhile, NATO's special character causes further uncertainties in international law, particularly in the area of the application of the rules of international responsibility. NATO's military nature makes the role of its members in the conduct and direction of the organisation's activities more pronounced. Accordingly, the article aims to propose changes in the structure of nations and the articles of the United Nations Charter in order to transform NATO's responsibility from a strategy of dealing with the rights of nations to a strategy of dealing with the rights of individuals.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki ... more Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki beşinci devlet oluşum sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Afganistan'ın dış güçler nezdinde ve uluslararası sistemdeki yeni olaylar ışığında şekillenen yeni devlet kurma sürecinin özelliklerini ve değişkenlerini incelemektir. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın temel sorusu 11 Eylül sonrasında Afganistan'ın devlet kurma politikalarının nasıl şekillendiğidir. Görünüşe göre son gelişmeler ve Taliban'ın düşüşü, yıllardır bastırılan temel güçleri serbest bırakmış ve onlara Kabil'deki hükümetin gücünden daha fazla pay almaları için uygun bir fırsat sağlamıştır. Bu konu, Afganistan'daki gelişmelerin komşu ülkelerin ve bölgenin çıkarları ve düşünceleriyle bağlantılı olmasını sağlamıştır. Buradan hareketle, Afganistan'da devlet-millet inşa sürecinin ilerlemesinde herhangi bir başarı ya da başarısızlık, gelecekte bölge ülkelerinin ulusal güvenliğine yönelik özel risklerle karşı karşıya kalabileceği gelişmelerin yol açtığı tehditlere dikkat edilmesini gerektirmektedir.
In the latter half of the 14th century, Afghanistan faced a profound crisis. Balancing the impera... more In the latter half of the 14th century, Afghanistan faced a profound crisis. Balancing the imperative
to safeguard neighbors' interests and the unwarranted compromise of ethnic groups in the guise of
Afghan national unity emerged as a pivotal factor contributing to its instability.
It is crucial to acknowledge the influence that legal and political dynamics exert on the course of a
nation's development. Evidently, neighboring countries have capitalized on the prevailing conditions,
finding a semblance of security in Afghanistan's instability. The primary inquiry centers on the role
neighbors will play in shaping Afghanistan's future political stability.
This research aims to elucidate the impact that neighboring nations may have on the destiny of our
country. To substantiate this claim, the study adopts an analytical-descriptive methodology
employing library resources and reliable academic sources.
The findings unequivocally demonstrate that the neighbors of any country wield a considerable
influence on its stability and instability. The achievement of political stability in Afghanistan,
facilitated by its neighbors, holds the promise of establishing a robust internal system that can
safeguard the interests of all stakeholders
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2023
In the new studies of international relations, culture; Application and importance have been foun... more In the new studies of international relations, culture; Application and importance have been found. This issue has made the clash of cultures unavoidable, especially in the era of globalization, when national borders are collapsing and the government's rule is under the influence of the technological revolution. Therefore, culture, values and industrial products, all of them have found political use today. The foreign policy apparatus of the governments are trying to create a positive, acceptable and attractive face for the world community by using cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy helps countries to implement their international and domestic programs; Because in this way, the behavior and policies of the governments are justified and acceptable. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the extent of cultural diplomacy in Afghanistan's foreign policy. The main question is where is the position of cultural diplomacy in Afghanistan's foreign policy? The findings of his research, using the descriptive-analytical method, show that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country did not pay much attention to cultural diplomatic tools and did not use the media, civil society, and scholarships. Also, the country's tourism potential has been neglected.
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
International agreements to regulate relations between countries and international organizations ... more International agreements to regulate relations between countries and international organizations is a common thing, one of the agreements that is used more in relations between countries today is strategic agreements and contracts. After the incident of September 11, 2001 and the formation of a new government in this country, Afghanistan has signed many agreements with regional and extra
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
Despite the fact that America had spent a lot of money since 2001 and after the collapse of the T... more Despite the fact that America had spent a lot of money since 2001 and after the collapse of the Taliban to advance the project of nation-building in Afghanistan; but this militant group was able to take over Kabul again on August 15, 2021.The action of the Taliban in Afghanistan was accepted at a time when Joe Biden had determined his new policy towards Afghanistan based on the withdrawal of America from this country; for this reason, many experts should know that the control of the Taliban is the result of the government's policy, which was followed by Trump before. However, another question and concern that was raised at this time was whether the steps should be taken in relation to the withdrawal of the United States from a predetermined regional plan with specific goals and foundations, or whether it was just at the top to reduce America's foreign spending and on the basis of partisanship. Did the democratic government accept this incident? The authors of this research have tried to compare these two views based on the method of case study. The result of this study shows that despite the existence of two main views on foreign policy, different components and variables should be
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2025
In every country, there are real minority groups that have existed for centuries. Afghanistan is ... more In every country, there are real minority groups that have existed for centuries. Afghanistan is also one of the countries that has religious, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities, but the discussion of the rights of minorities is not much advanced and the minority is one of the citizens of Afghanistan to enjoy all the rights of a citizen after " Bonn" session and the approval of the 2002 Constitution came into existence. In this research on the rights of minorities in Afghanistan law from the perspective of non-discrimination and legal actions, security of freedoms in security, religion, language, education and freedom in judgment.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2025
Afghanistan is an unlimited territory on the top of third world countries, which shares the geogr... more Afghanistan is an unlimited territory on the top of third world countries, which shares the
geography of poverty and deprivation. The structure of government in this country is an undefined
structure that does not fit into the political dictionary. The ethnic crisis in this country is the key
challenge to modernization. In order to understand the situation of ethnic groups in Afghanistan and the
connection of ethnic groups with political institutions and political activists, I have discussed my
theoretical model regarding the unique context of ethnicism or tribal nationalism in Afghanistan. Since
the composition of the Afghan population is not clear with the separation of minorities, and claims in
this regard cannot be accepted. On the other hand, the Pashtuns in Afghanistan, who claim to be the
majority and are persistently trying to preserve political power and the first place of political authority
for themselves, consider themselves to have the undisputed right to the top of power. Such selfprivileging is present in all the different classes that have been discussed in this essay, loyalty to the
hegemony of political power in tribal tendencies has become a taboo whose legitimacy has also been
obtained from religion and sect in the form of self-examination. The only way out of such a crisis is to
experience democracy, which by touching on minimal democracies can provide the basis for inclusive
and accountable political institutions.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2025
Religious minorities were the first minority groups to receive legal protection became internatio... more Religious minorities were the first minority groups to receive legal protection became
international and only after historical events such as the French Revolution and the independence of
America and the growth of national awareness that the support was based on secular and other minority
communities They were placed under the protection system. This is while Islam has long given respect
and a special place for religious minorities, so that it can be used as a model to support minorities,
including in terms of courts. Due to the conditions of time and place, it will be taken into consideration.
Ferraro's article is based on a descriptive-analytical method and a library method, with an examination
of the support of religious minorities in the Islamic legal system and the international system of support
for minorities. While international law, in the form of human rights commitments, has obliged the
governments to respect the religious rights of minorities, the Islamic system, based on the institution of
responsibility, has provided support to minorities and political rights their civil, economic, social and
judicial It is respected and guaranteed. It seems that, in comparison with international human rights, at
least in a religious system, the Dhamma organization can better realize the rights of religious minorities.
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews, 2024
Why people migrate abroad and its explanation in the framework of economic approaches, factors of... more Why people migrate abroad and its explanation in the framework of economic approaches, factors of attraction and repulsion and duality of poverty and migration have been the subject of migration studies. Migration among the people of Afghanistan has a long tradition, however, during the last few decades, these continuous flows of migration and return have taken an unprecedented collective and scale form. This article seeks to explain the social issue of migration from Afghanistan with emphasis on the tendencies and supporting factors. The investigated factors are on three levels: micro (individual characteristics), medium (transnational networks) and macro (a person's understanding of the economic, social and political conditions of the countries of origin and destination). The research method is quantitative and survey-based, and the data was collected through a questionnaire among 850 people aged 18 years and above, who were selected by multi-stage sampling method. The results showed that people's attitude towards Afghanistan's economic, social and political situation at the macro level and transnational migration networks at the intermediate level have a significant effect on the tendency to migrate. At the micro level and among the social characteristics, the variables of age, education and ethnicity have the most effect on the desire to migrate. From this article, it can be concluded that there is a negative attitude towards the current conditions and the future of Afghanistan, the migration culture, as well as the Afghan diaspora and transnational migration networks in the neighboring countries Iran's Mullahs have a great role in the formation of migration abroad among the mindset of Afghans.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Preservation of international peace and security, except by ensuring regional peace and security,... more Preservation of international peace and security, except by ensuring regional peace and security, which are also depends on the existence of stability and security in the internal societies, it seems impossible. The ups and downs of history show that the protection of minorities is necessary to ensure stability and peace. International security is necessary and discrimination against people belonging to these groups. Internal stability, regional and international peace and security are exposed to serious threats. The main existential philosophy of the legislation of Aqd Dhamma in Islam is to create a peaceful coexistence between religious minorities and the majority of Muslims in the Islamic society. Also, the instrumental goal of the system is to protect the rights of minorities, prevent war and conflict between people belonging to minorities and majority groups in different countries the ray of preserving the territorial integrity of the states and as a result of preserving regional peace and security; Therefore, in order to ensure regional peace and security, it is necessary to support the minorities. The authors of this article believe that supporting minorities and guaranteeing their rights in international law and establishing an Islamic approach based on the peaceful collective life of groups Social diversity, as a basic and preventive solution to ethnic conflicts, is of vital importance in achieving regional peace and security.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members... more Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members of a certain society. Culture is a continuous set of ways of thinking, feeling and acting which is more or less specific and is learned by a large number of people and is common among them and is used in two objective and symbolic ways to make these people a special and distinct group. In the various stages of drafting, implementing and evaluating the strategy, organizations should also consider the cultural strategy in order to address the degree of external compatibility and internal coherence of their goals. Considering the characteristics of culture such as being acquired, being shared, being transferable, being a model, being symbolic, and the adaptability of culture, the top managers of the organization can identify incompatible beliefs and norms, change incompatible beliefs and stabilize them by applying organizational culture management. In this research, while examining the different dimensions of culture and explaining the main characteristics of a culture, the role of aligning the values and beliefs of the people of an organization, especially the beliefs and attitudes of top managers, middle managers and executive personnel in the position and situation of economic, production and industrial institutions of
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members... more Culture can be defined as the sum of acquired behaviors and belief characteristics of the members of a certain society. Culture is a continuous set of ways of thinking, feeling and acting which is more or less specific and is learned by a large number of people and is common among them and is used in two objective and symbolic ways to make these people a special and distinct group. In the various stages of drafting, implementing and evaluating the strategy, organizations should also consider the cultural strategy in order to address the degree of external compatibility and internal coherence of their goals. Considering the characteristics of culture such as being acquired, being shared, being transferable, being a model, being symbolic, and the adaptability of culture, the top managers of the organization can identify incompatible beliefs and norms, change incompatible beliefs and stabilize them by applying organizational culture management. In this research, while examining the different dimensions of culture and explaining the main characteristics of a culture, the role of aligning the values and beliefs of the people of an organization, especially the beliefs and attitudes of top managers, middle managers and executive personnel in the position and situation of economic, production and industrial institutions of
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Minority rights have always been one of the challenging topics of international law. Despite glob... more Minority rights have always been one of the challenging topics of international law. Despite global efforts, no specific institution or organization has been established to defend the rights and freedom of minorities in the international arena, and their support has often been politically motivated. In Islamic international law, minorities have a special position and respect. In the Islamic legal system, " minority" refers to those who follow the traditions of " Judaism" , " Christianity" and " Magicism." These people, who are also known as " people of the book" , can live as citizens in the territory of the Islamic government by using the " Zhamma" contract. The main philosophy behind the legislation of the " Zhamma" contract is to create a peaceful coexistence between religious minorities and Muslims in the Islamic society. The peace-seeking policy of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and Muslims in dealing with religious minorities was not only due to strictness and caution, but it is an obvious and undeniable
The Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, a... more The Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
It is obvious that traditional leadership will not survive in the third millennium and the world ... more It is obvious that traditional leadership will not survive in the third millennium and the world will need transformational leaders. Transformational leadership actions enable companies to improve their performance while competing in a turbulent and unpredictable environment. When the components of transformational leadership are used as a complement to other leadership actions, it can become a source of competitive advantage for the company, and the use of this competitive advantage can significantly contribute to strategic competition and obtain higher returns in the short and long term.. In fact, without effective transformational leadership, the probability that the company can achieve superior and even satisfactory performance when facing the challenges of the global economy will decrease. In this article, transformational leadership, the scope and development process of transformational leadership and its components are examined, and the impact of transformational leadership on organizational culture and company strategies is examined. The current article is of a descriptive type and the library method was used to collect information related to the subject literature. The results of this research can help organizations to gain more efficiency in a competitive environment.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2024
Afganistan'da Demokratikleşmenin Önündeki Sosyal Engeller Öz Şimdiye kadar toplumsal engellerin e... more Afganistan'da Demokratikleşmenin Önündeki Sosyal Engeller Öz Şimdiye kadar toplumsal engellerin etkisinde kalmış olan Afganistan'da demokrasiye doğru bir değişim vardır. Afganistan'da demokrasinin gerçekleştirilmesine yönelik yapısalcılık, aktivizm ve küreselleşmenin teorik modelleri, uygun siyasi ve sosyal platformun oluşturulmaması ve kolaylaştırılmaması nedeniyle çıkmaza girmiştir. Bu araştırmada kütüphane ve nitel veri toplama yöntemleri, bazı durumlarda nicel veri toplama yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Afganistan'da otoriterlik ve demokrasiye geçiş karmaşasına tarafsızlık üzerinden son verecek bir çözüm bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu temelde, Afganistan'ın karmaşık toplumunun katılığına yol açan demokrasiyi engelleyen bir dizi faktör olarak kabile, gelenek, eşitsizlik, ayrımcılık, yoksulluk ve az gelişmişlik gibi engeller, coğrafi faktör tartışılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak Afgan halkının acılarını dindirebilecek asgari demokrasi düzeyine ulaşmak gerektiği görülmüştür.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2024
The financing contract is a very important topic that must be examined with great care, other con... more The financing contract is a very important topic that must be examined with great care, other contracts in the light of the general principles and rules governing the contract. The importance of determining the nature of the financing contract in the aforementioned way in the world is due to the effects that come upon it by specifying the nature, for example, if we consider the financing contract as the sale of receivables or if we consider it as a mortgage contract, it has different legal effects. In this way, if we consider it as a type of sales contract, the result is that the buyer of accounts receivable (the agent) becomes the owner of the accounts receivable and has ownership rights over it, and in case of bankruptcy of the seller, the agent does not bear any risk and is among the creditors of the seller. Accounts receivable are not included, while if we consider it as a type of loan agreement with the collateralization of accounts receivable, a different legal situation arises, such that, for example, with the bankruptcy of the seller, the agent must be among the seller's creditors, and according to According to the bankruptcy rules, the claimant should collect because the ownership right has not been transferred to the agent in the recent assumption. The importance of determining the nature of the financing contract in Afghanistan doubles, because in addition to the legal effects mentioned above, it affects the Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi Cilt:11 / Sayı:5 Yawar-Sharify / 3225-3245 Ekim 2024 3226 identification and legal recognition of this financing institution for its use in Afghanistan. The question is whether we can make the financing contract, which is used in most of the countries of the world and has a great role in facilitating trade, compatible with the current regulations of Afghanistan and definite or indefinite contracts that are stipulated by it.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki ... more Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki beşinci devlet oluşum sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Afganistan'ın dış güçler nezdinde ve uluslararası sistemdeki yeni olaylar ışığında şekillenen yeni devlet kurma sürecinin özelliklerini ve değişkenlerini incelemektir. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın temel sorusu 11 Eylül sonrasında Afganistan'ın devlet kurma politikalarının nasıl şekillendiğidir. Görünüşe göre son gelişmeler ve Taliban'ın düşüşü, yıllardır bastırılan temel güçleri serbest bırakmış ve onlara Kabil'deki hükümetin gücünden daha fazla pay almaları için uygun bir fırsat sağlamıştır. Bu konu, Afganistan'daki gelişmelerin komşu ülkelerin ve bölgenin çıkarları ve düşünceleriyle bağlantılı olmasını sağlamıştır. Buradan hareketle, Afganistan'da devlet-millet inşa sürecinin ilerlemesinde herhangi bir başarı ya da başarısızlık, gelecekte bölge ülkelerinin ulusal güvenliğine yönelik özel risklerle karşı karşıya kalabileceği gelişmelerin yol açtığı tehditlere dikkat edilmesini gerektirmektedir.
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews ISSN 2827-9735, 2023
With the rise of China in the 1990s and the stability of its remarkable economic growth in the ne... more With the rise of China in the 1990s and the stability of its remarkable economic growth in the new millennium, the Contemporary Silk Road, as the most important international initiative, has been placed in the geopolitical center of Asia. "Contemporary Silk Road" or "One Road, One Belt" is the most high-flying mega-project in the present time, which is the manifestation and symbol of China's power beyond its borders. Meanwhile, in the eyes of China, Central Asia is the focal point of the new cloud road, which controls its routes to Afghanistan, Iran, West Asia, South Asia, and South Russia. In addition, Afghanistan and Xinjiang also have important positions in the process of forming new land routes of the Silk Road. The pioneering research, from this perspective, explains its main question about the actors and trends influencing the land belt of the Contemporary Silk Road on the geopolitics of Central Asia. This article mentions the specific details of the Central Asian governments and their policies. Also, the scope and scope of Beijing's investments and policies in this region will be examined.
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
The aim of this research is to explain NATO's international responsibility in geopolitical crises... more The aim of this research is to explain NATO's international responsibility in geopolitical crises from the perspective of international humanitarian law. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The evidence shows that in the field of international relations NATO, on the one hand, leads to the consolidation of international relations, and on the other hand, causes problems and uncertainties in their functioning. Meanwhile, NATO's special character causes further uncertainties in international law, particularly in the area of the application of the rules of international responsibility. NATO's military nature makes the role of its members in the conduct and direction of the organisation's activities more pronounced. Accordingly, the article aims to propose changes in the structure of nations and the articles of the United Nations Charter in order to transform NATO's responsibility from a strategy of dealing with the rights of nations to a strategy of dealing with the rights of individuals.
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2024
Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki ... more Afganistan'ın Amerikan işgali sonrasındaki yeni devlet oluşumu, Afganistan'ın siyasi tarihindeki beşinci devlet oluşum sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Afganistan'ın dış güçler nezdinde ve uluslararası sistemdeki yeni olaylar ışığında şekillenen yeni devlet kurma sürecinin özelliklerini ve değişkenlerini incelemektir. Dolayısıyla çalışmanın temel sorusu 11 Eylül sonrasında Afganistan'ın devlet kurma politikalarının nasıl şekillendiğidir. Görünüşe göre son gelişmeler ve Taliban'ın düşüşü, yıllardır bastırılan temel güçleri serbest bırakmış ve onlara Kabil'deki hükümetin gücünden daha fazla pay almaları için uygun bir fırsat sağlamıştır. Bu konu, Afganistan'daki gelişmelerin komşu ülkelerin ve bölgenin çıkarları ve düşünceleriyle bağlantılı olmasını sağlamıştır. Buradan hareketle, Afganistan'da devlet-millet inşa sürecinin ilerlemesinde herhangi bir başarı ya da başarısızlık, gelecekte bölge ülkelerinin ulusal güvenliğine yönelik özel risklerle karşı karşıya kalabileceği gelişmelerin yol açtığı tehditlere dikkat edilmesini gerektirmektedir.
In the latter half of the 14th century, Afghanistan faced a profound crisis. Balancing the impera... more In the latter half of the 14th century, Afghanistan faced a profound crisis. Balancing the imperative
to safeguard neighbors' interests and the unwarranted compromise of ethnic groups in the guise of
Afghan national unity emerged as a pivotal factor contributing to its instability.
It is crucial to acknowledge the influence that legal and political dynamics exert on the course of a
nation's development. Evidently, neighboring countries have capitalized on the prevailing conditions,
finding a semblance of security in Afghanistan's instability. The primary inquiry centers on the role
neighbors will play in shaping Afghanistan's future political stability.
This research aims to elucidate the impact that neighboring nations may have on the destiny of our
country. To substantiate this claim, the study adopts an analytical-descriptive methodology
employing library resources and reliable academic sources.
The findings unequivocally demonstrate that the neighbors of any country wield a considerable
influence on its stability and instability. The achievement of political stability in Afghanistan,
facilitated by its neighbors, holds the promise of establishing a robust internal system that can
safeguard the interests of all stakeholders
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2023
In the new studies of international relations, culture; Application and importance have been foun... more In the new studies of international relations, culture; Application and importance have been found. This issue has made the clash of cultures unavoidable, especially in the era of globalization, when national borders are collapsing and the government's rule is under the influence of the technological revolution. Therefore, culture, values and industrial products, all of them have found political use today. The foreign policy apparatus of the governments are trying to create a positive, acceptable and attractive face for the world community by using cultural diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy helps countries to implement their international and domestic programs; Because in this way, the behavior and policies of the governments are justified and acceptable. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the extent of cultural diplomacy in Afghanistan's foreign policy. The main question is where is the position of cultural diplomacy in Afghanistan's foreign policy? The findings of his research, using the descriptive-analytical method, show that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country did not pay much attention to cultural diplomatic tools and did not use the media, civil society, and scholarships. Also, the country's tourism potential has been neglected.
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
International agreements to regulate relations between countries and international organizations ... more International agreements to regulate relations between countries and international organizations is a common thing, one of the agreements that is used more in relations between countries today is strategic agreements and contracts. After the incident of September 11, 2001 and the formation of a new government in this country, Afghanistan has signed many agreements with regional and extra
Academic Journal of History and Idea, 2024
Despite the fact that America had spent a lot of money since 2001 and after the collapse of the T... more Despite the fact that America had spent a lot of money since 2001 and after the collapse of the Taliban to advance the project of nation-building in Afghanistan; but this militant group was able to take over Kabul again on August 15, 2021.The action of the Taliban in Afghanistan was accepted at a time when Joe Biden had determined his new policy towards Afghanistan based on the withdrawal of America from this country; for this reason, many experts should know that the control of the Taliban is the result of the government's policy, which was followed by Trump before. However, another question and concern that was raised at this time was whether the steps should be taken in relation to the withdrawal of the United States from a predetermined regional plan with specific goals and foundations, or whether it was just at the top to reduce America's foreign spending and on the basis of partisanship. Did the democratic government accept this incident? The authors of this research have tried to compare these two views based on the method of case study. The result of this study shows that despite the existence of two main views on foreign policy, different components and variables should be
Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi , 2023
The road that is known as silk today has been the longest and one of the most used trade routes t... more The road that is known as silk today has been the longest and one of the most used trade routes throughout the history of East. A large part of this road, which connected the westernmost regions of China to the easternmost shores of the Mediterranean, passed through Great Khorasan (from Qoms to Jayhun).In the 19th century, in European studies, the name " Silk Road" was used for this road and soon it became popular. Even today, everyone, from the east and the west, knows and calls this historical road by the same name. This naming is due to the fact that according to these researchers, silk was the main and most important commodity that was exchanged along the road.In this research, the question of correctness or incorrectness of this naming has been investigated. Based on the findings of this research, this naming cannot be based on historical and objective facts for two main reasons.The first is that until before the 19th century, none of the Islamic, Afghan and Iranian geographical sources mentioned the name of silk, and most of it was called " Khorasan Road". It has been mentioned and the second is that the study of economic geography and traded goods was carried out. Look, it shows that silk is only one of the hundreds of traded goods and has no special advantage over other goods.
The Asian Institute of Research Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews, 2024
Nearly a century after Afghanistan gained independence in 1919, the question of autonomy and orig... more Nearly a century after Afghanistan gained independence in 1919, the question of autonomy and originality in the
nation's 20th-century foreign policy remains a topic of contention within the country. Following its
independence, Afghanistan found itself in a unique situation shaped by the influence of major global powers'
competition. Over the past century, geopolitical shifts have significantly influenced both the internal and external
circumstances of Afghanistan. This article seeks to address the query: How did regional geopolitical
developments impact Afghanistan's foreign policy from the time of its independence to the events of September
11, 2001? This article is descriptive-analytical in which the relationship between the geopolitics of the region
and Afghanistan's foreign policy is examined. The geopolitical situation of Afghanistan in the geopolitical theory
of the world order of Saul Cohen has shaped the theoretical discussion of the author, Afghanistan as a quasiindependent state in the geopolitics of the region, not just in the post-Cold War period. The special feature of
Afghanistan in the region has been prominent since the independence of this country until now. The findings of
this paper show that the foreign policy of Afghanistan after independence in the phases of geopolitical stability
and transformations in the security structure of the region is more towards a neutral and balanced strategy. The
country has had relations with the great powers of every period and has always distanced itself from such a
strategy. It is and the independent or what was once a semi-independent position in the regional geopolitics has
evolved into a pivotal and crucial region with the accompanying strategy with great power, coup, revolution and
even military occupation has also occurred in this country.
Nobel Akademik Yayincilik (January 1, 2020), 2020