Dimitrios Latsis | University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa (original) (raw)

Dimitrios Latsis


Published Articles by Dimitrios Latsis

Research paper thumbnail of CV

Research paper thumbnail of The Slanted Mirror: Silent Cinema Looks at Itself, (Pordenone Film Festival, GCM2019 catalogue)

Pordenone Film Festival, GCM catalogue, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of RIDING, SHOOTING, VIEWING Railroads, Amusement Parks, and the Experience of Place in Early Hollywood

Research paper thumbnail of "MoMA’s Wood Regionalism and the Midwest at the Heart of the Modernist “Beast”," in The American Midwest in a Scattering Time. How Modernism Met Midwestern Culture

Research paper thumbnail of The City View(ed): Muybridge's Panoramas of San Francisco and Their Afterlives in Early Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of New Opportunities for Collaboration in the Age of Digital Special Collections

This essay explores the impact of digitized and born-digital special collections on teaching, lea... more This essay explores the impact of digitized and born-digital
special collections on teaching, learning, and research, and,
through institutional case studies, considers the variety of collaborative
opportunities made possible by the digitization of special
collections. Given that there is likely to be an increasing demand for
using special collections in learning and an increasing number of
collections will be born digital, it would be advisable for academic
libraries to determine methods to make learning with digital collections
as engaging as learning with physical materials, and to create
space and staffing to accommodate the greater use of physical collections.
Both digital and physical collections offer their own particular
opportunities for users to look closely at unique, primary source materials
and engage with them in ways that support cross-disciplinary
research and collaboration in teaching.
To begin, it is helpful to query what

Research paper thumbnail of The Beginnings of Cinema as a Museum Exhibit: The Cases of the Smithsonian Institution and the Science Museum in London

Research paper thumbnail of CV

Research paper thumbnail of Landscape in Motion: Muybridge and the Origins of Chronophotography.

Research paper thumbnail of The afterlife of antiquity and modern art: Aby Warburg on Manet

Research paper thumbnail of À la Recherche de Yankee Art: Franco-American Exhibition Diplomacy between the Wars


Research paper thumbnail of “ God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose ... ” Joycean re - productions of modernity in adaptations across medi

Research paper thumbnail of Rosy-Fingered Dawn: The Natural Sublime in the work of Terrence Malick

Research paper thumbnail of Nature's Nation on the Screen: Discursive Functions of the Natural Landscape in Early American Film

Research paper thumbnail of Genealogy of the Image in Histoire(s) du Cinema: Godard, Warburg and the Iconology of the Interstice

Research paper thumbnail of Heidegger: The Origin of Art and the Destination of Thinking

Films by Dimitrios Latsis

Research paper thumbnail of Ithaca (found footage film)

Ithaca (found footage film)

Book Reviews by Dimitrios Latsis

Research paper thumbnail of American Zeus: The Life and Alexander Pantages Theater Mogul by Taso G. Lagos, and: Twentieth Century Fox: The Zanuck-Skouras Years, 1935–1965 by Peter Lev (review)

Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of John McCourt (ed), Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of Angela Dalle Vacche (ed), Film, Art, New Media: Museum without Walls?

Research paper thumbnail of CV

Research paper thumbnail of The Slanted Mirror: Silent Cinema Looks at Itself, (Pordenone Film Festival, GCM2019 catalogue)

Pordenone Film Festival, GCM catalogue, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of RIDING, SHOOTING, VIEWING Railroads, Amusement Parks, and the Experience of Place in Early Hollywood

Research paper thumbnail of "MoMA’s Wood Regionalism and the Midwest at the Heart of the Modernist “Beast”," in The American Midwest in a Scattering Time. How Modernism Met Midwestern Culture

Research paper thumbnail of The City View(ed): Muybridge's Panoramas of San Francisco and Their Afterlives in Early Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of New Opportunities for Collaboration in the Age of Digital Special Collections

This essay explores the impact of digitized and born-digital special collections on teaching, lea... more This essay explores the impact of digitized and born-digital
special collections on teaching, learning, and research, and,
through institutional case studies, considers the variety of collaborative
opportunities made possible by the digitization of special
collections. Given that there is likely to be an increasing demand for
using special collections in learning and an increasing number of
collections will be born digital, it would be advisable for academic
libraries to determine methods to make learning with digital collections
as engaging as learning with physical materials, and to create
space and staffing to accommodate the greater use of physical collections.
Both digital and physical collections offer their own particular
opportunities for users to look closely at unique, primary source materials
and engage with them in ways that support cross-disciplinary
research and collaboration in teaching.
To begin, it is helpful to query what

Research paper thumbnail of The Beginnings of Cinema as a Museum Exhibit: The Cases of the Smithsonian Institution and the Science Museum in London

Research paper thumbnail of CV

Research paper thumbnail of Landscape in Motion: Muybridge and the Origins of Chronophotography.

Research paper thumbnail of The afterlife of antiquity and modern art: Aby Warburg on Manet

Research paper thumbnail of À la Recherche de Yankee Art: Franco-American Exhibition Diplomacy between the Wars


Research paper thumbnail of “ God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose ... ” Joycean re - productions of modernity in adaptations across medi

Research paper thumbnail of Rosy-Fingered Dawn: The Natural Sublime in the work of Terrence Malick

Research paper thumbnail of Nature's Nation on the Screen: Discursive Functions of the Natural Landscape in Early American Film

Research paper thumbnail of Genealogy of the Image in Histoire(s) du Cinema: Godard, Warburg and the Iconology of the Interstice

Research paper thumbnail of Heidegger: The Origin of Art and the Destination of Thinking

Research paper thumbnail of Ithaca (found footage film)

Ithaca (found footage film)

Research paper thumbnail of American Zeus: The Life and Alexander Pantages Theater Mogul by Taso G. Lagos, and: Twentieth Century Fox: The Zanuck-Skouras Years, 1935–1965 by Peter Lev (review)

Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of John McCourt (ed), Roll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and Cinema

Research paper thumbnail of Angela Dalle Vacche (ed), Film, Art, New Media: Museum without Walls?

Research paper thumbnail of Crisis of Academic Labor Seminar Position Paper – Dimitrios Latsis

The crisis (<[Greek] κρίνω: to judge, to define>) that many academic disciplines are undergoing i... more The crisis (<[Greek] κρίνω: to judge, to define>) that many academic disciplines are undergoing in terms of professional prospects and funding levels required to support a robust, inclusive and well-trained professoriate is part of the larger neoliberalization of the university and the increasing espousal of a 'market' logic in education. As such it cannot and should not be treated separately from related issues like the arms race in non-instruction related student amenities, administrative bloat, college athletics etc. It is also clear that the humanities have been impacted as a whole to a disproportionate extent and the very concept of a liberal arts education has been under active attack for some time now in North America, with the clear possibility of higher education becoming a glorified vocational finishing school for the STEM disciplines while still ostensibly marketing itself as a steward of knowledge and research for their own sakes. Despite the need to treat the subject more holistically and to construct coalitions across disciplinary boundaries, tenure and non-tenure track status, and seniority levels, the question still remains: what can we as cinema and media studies scholars and teachers concretely do at this moment in time and from the vantage point of our field to better understand, prepare for and mitigate this crisis without waiting for someone to come and save us and without leaving the space to market forces to preemptively determine our value and reason for being. To my

Research paper thumbnail of Art in the Cinema: The Mid-Century Art Documentary (Book)

Art in the Cinema: The Mid-Century Art Documentary, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Moving Image 17.2: Digital Humanities and/in Film Archives

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