we kinda hate you! (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Nov. 25th, 2004|12:05 pm]THE BITCHES OF ALBION STRIKE BACK!
["tell it true, sista!"** |accomplishedaccomplished] ["watchoo listening to, gurllll?"** Girls and Boys-Blur]hey everyone,as you may well be aware, our carlos will be undergoing surgery at the end of the year and will be out of action for some time.so, some of us at the libertines.org forum have bandied together and formulated "PLAN A""Plan A" is basically sending your well wishes and thoughts to carlos. and rest assured that carl will receive each and every one of them The Forum Moderators, Kirsty & Kirsty will be delivering everything to him personally.you can check out all the other threads realated to Plan A Here they're mostly all the stickied threads at the top of the page. any questions PM CoCoPuff, Venusbird, Perenelle or **myself (kaz)**Deadlines for plan A are coming up soon, so check the threads and stuff.<3 kaz
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this is on a whole new level of bitccching [Nov. 23rd, 2004|07:08 pm]THE BITCHES OF ALBION STRIKE BACK!
["watchoo listening to, gurllll?" |orange juice - l.o.v.e. love]http://www.livejournal.com/community/the_libertines/170469.htmlUMM ANYONE WHO LEFT A NASTY COMMENT ON THIS ENTRY BEST BE PREPARED FOR A BITCHIN'!because like, wow you are SOOOOOOO cool if you act totally serious on the internet!!and pt 1 text is awesome LOLS
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i spilled my heart out on the forum...... [Nov. 16th, 2004|11:32 am]THE BITCHES OF ALBION STRIKE BACK!
["tell it true, sista!"** |gloomygloomy] ["watchoo listening to, gurllll?"** Happy-Client]OH MY GOD!THE CARLOS BARAT FRINKINESS THREAD IS GONE FOREVER!!!!( Feel The Ultimate SadnessCollapse )
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baby i got yo' number (p.s. this isn't very bitchy sorry :\ :\ :\) [Nov. 10th, 2004|02:35 am]THE BITCHES OF ALBION STRIKE BACK!
["tell it true, sista!"** |tiredtired] ["watchoo listening to, gurllll?"** Nu Orduh - World in Motion (srsly)]K so, I tried to post this earlier today like 3.5 seconds before I had to leave for work and OF COURSE I ended up fucking over the html. I'm gay ok w/e f u.Also, this is hella old, and I wanted to post it here pretty much before jesus christ walked upon this earth, but now's as good a time as any, yeah?Ever wonder where that dumb pet name comes from?( well?Collapse )The answer? A series of illustrated short stories, including such wholesome titles as "Biggles Gets His Men," "Biggles and the Dark Intruder," and my personal favorite, "Biggles Takes It Rough"....(lol)( P.S.Collapse )
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(no subject) [Nov. 6th, 2004|10:22 am]THE BITCHES OF ALBION STRIKE BACK!
dude u guys wtf is up with that fansign contest in albion_fic how gay kan u get
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